Canada’s Euthanasia Agenda
BC government insisted a private hospice participate in Euthanasia; then de-funded them and expropriated their facility and assets for declining to kill.
Background on Euthanasia in Canada
‘Legal’ euthanasia was introduced in Canada in 2016 with the passing of the MAiD (Medically Assistance in Dying) Act. This legislation was expanded to include persons with disabilities and chronic diseases with the passing of Bill C-7 in 2021.
Far from being a passive option for both health care facilities and patients, MAiD has been imposed by the Federal and Provincial governments with force on health care operations and has, in turn, been increasingly presented to patients as the preferred alternative to traditional health care, surgery and palliative care.
The result has been a massive increase in institutionalized euthanasia.
According to official government data, Canada euthanized over 10,000 people in 2021. That’s more than the entire US did in the same year, despite the fact that Canada’s population is 1/10 the size. Some insist that the numbers are even worse.
Shocking True Story
Enter the Delta Hospice Society. A grassroots community-funded operation dating back to 1992, Delta created a fully-accredited 10 bed hospice center and a 7500 sq ft supportive care center to compassionately serve and assist sick, disabled and dying Canadians.
Two years ago, the BC Government approached Delta and insisted they provide MAiD. When Delta respectfully declined, the BC Government literally stole Delta’s community-financed facilities and equipment and expelled Delta’s staff from their own buildings.
Watch this compelling Iron Will interview of Angelina Ireland, a Delta Hospice Society board member to hear what Delta Hospice Society has endured at the hands of the BC government and its many lackeys in local government. Listen to what Delta has had to do to survive and to continue providing this much-needed service to their community. Find out what you can do to help them and learn about Delta’s free DNE (Do Not Euthanize) legal forms that you can download and have ready should they be needed.
A compelling story of Canadian compassion, integrity, determination and courage in the face of government tyranny and criminality.
Iron Will | Dealing Death: The Culling of Canadians
Information and Links for Newsletter – Delta Hospice
Delta Hospice Society Website: (Click here)
Delta Hospice Membership Page (Cost is just $10/yr): (Click here)
Link to DNEs (Do Not Euthanize) forms (Specify province/territory): (Click here)
Link to Donations: (Click here)
Here is the Ontario version of the Delta Societies "Do Not Euthanize" form: (Click here)