Collapsing Athletes: The Injection Connection with Drs Makis and Trozzi
What happened? What’s going on in their bodies? What do we do now?
Parents and athletes need to know why and how "vaccinated" athletes of all ages are collapsing and dying, and what we can do to save them.
Here Dr William Makis and I discuss tragic stories, extensive demographics, pathophysiologic mechanisms, and realistic solutions for covid-19 genetic “vaccine” victims of all ages, who are collapsing and dying in sports.
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About the video above
Our conversation constitutes the first ½ hour of this most recent episode of the World Council For Health’s Better Way Today show, which also includes: a two minute brief about autopsies revealing covid-19 “vaccines” as the cause of myocarditis and death; Christof Plothe’s global Better News report, and Emma Sron’s report from “The Greater Reset 5” event in Morelia Mexico.
I guess you notice the lack of death in the corrupt political field we know whats up there. and MCG gives the patient incredibly detailed information about heart function compared to regular ekg or echo.
I had 4 weeks of chest pain, breathlessness, fatigue after 1st Moderna beginning day 1-2. My cardiologist found nothing a year later. MCG showed alarming results in myocardial injury, remodeling, heart function that helped me make an informed game plan. Sports teams, airlines and regular people should seek this technology out for baseline knowledge and recovery.