Dr Sucharit Bhakdi | Intense New Material
Dr Bhakdi speaks on lawful action we can take against the perpetrators of COVID crimes.
This looks premeditated
In a concise new video, Dr Bhakdi explains that the so-called “vaccines” are:
“agents that have no benefit whatsoever… but have the capacity over a million pathways to kill you… This looks premeditated.”
Dr Sucharit Bhakdi is Live at WCH General Assembly
You are invited to join Dr Bhakdi live today, March 14th at 2 PM EST (Toronto), with us in the World Council for Health General Assembly.
Extensive and free resources at the World Council for Health
Please take advantage of the extensive collections of free resources at the World Council for Health These include: proper safe and effective treatment for COVID; guidance for surviving and recovering from the forced and coerced injections (One, Two); optimizing your immune system health; understanding spike protein shedding; red alerts; important tools to help us restore human rights and freedom; and so much more.
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Beyond the Evidence
In this ten minute presentation Dr Bhakdi goes beyond the evidence of the crime, and helps lead in the necessary lawful hunt and prosecution of the global predators running the COVID crimes.