From the Vault | The True “Efficacy” of COVID-19 “Vaccines”
International Covid Summit - Presentation to the Parliament of Romania - Recorded November 18, 2023
About this presentation
In this November 2023 presentation given in the Romanian Parliament, I provided evidence regarding the true efficacy of Covid-19 “vaccines”.
Other International Crisis Summit experts there revealed many details regarding the unprecedented deaths and injuries that follow these injections.
For my presentation, I set aside the monumental side effects, to evaluate the supposed purpose of the injections: to stop or reduce covid-19 infections. Here is the video of that presentation, as well as the same material in written format.
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The True “Efficacy” of COVID-19 “Vaccines”- by Dr Mark Trozzi
Covid-19 experimental genetic injections have been referred to as "safe and effective vaccines" though they do not satisfy that definition or those claims. They are physically not like any vaccine ever administered before.

Not safe, not effective
They do not block infection. They do not block transmission. They were predictably a failure and should not have been administered at all. The manufacturers’ clinical trials were inadequate, flawed, and in my opinion fraudulent. Efficacy claims to the public were deceptive.

Predictable failure and persecution of whistle blowers
Why, as early as 2020, before the covid injection campaigns started, did many doctors and scientists around the world, including myself, endure great professional and financial persecution, in the process of warning you against these injections? It’s because they were predictably harmful! Prior to the global experiment, the predicted efficacy of these injections was very poor.
There are many mechanisms of injury and death from the injections which my colleagues will describe to you, and I will gladly discuss during our interactions. These include general immune system dysfunctions that worsen all infectious diseases and cancers.
However, the subject of this article is specifically these injections’ impact on frequency or severity of covid-19 infections. Though as we note they fail to meet the definition of vaccines, we will describe their efficacy in terms of how effective are they at reducing coronavirus infections.
There efficacy was predictably bad. Here are a few of the reasons:
Antibody Dependent Enhancement
Coronavirus vaccines caused death and illness in prior animal trials
First, prior coronavirus vaccine research had revealed that antibodies induced through experiments can actually worsen outcomes rather than helping. When exposed to the actual disease, vaccinated laboratory animals often suffered worse illness and higher death rates than the unvaccinated control animals.
Second, these injections though labeled as "vaccines" were indeed genetic injections. Pfizer and Moderna covid-19 "vaccines" used messenger RNA technology. There have only ever been 385 human subjects in mRNA technology experiments prior to covid-19. These experiments demonstrated poor performance and high levels of adverse events with this technology.
Antibody Mediated Selection
Third, vaccinating a population during a pandemic violates a fundamental principle of vaccinology, which is that one should never try to vaccinate the way out of a pandemic. The reason for this is that doing so places evolutionary pressure on the virus, and drives the evolution of one variant after another. This obstructs the natural path to herd immunity which normally would have ended the pandemic in a matter of a few months.
A fourth reason we predicted negative impact from these injections is the importance of the innate immune system and its development, especially for children. This is threatened by these injections.
So those are some of the reasons that many of us strongly predicted that these injections would have negative "efficacy", that is, that they would make matters worse.
It is beyond naive to think that with big Pharma’s multi-billion dollar budget, their scientists who created these injections, could not foresee these same problems.
What evidence do we have of efficacy from the "vaccine" manufacturers' own documents?
Pfizer’s initial two months of clinical trial data, which they used to apply to medical regulators for emergency use authorization; and the partial continuation of that clinical trial, to create their six month clinical trial report, had many flaws.
For instance: Two months for Emergency Use Authorization, and 6 months for the published trial, was far too little time to legitimately assess safety or efficacy. 10 years would be a usual minimum for a normal vaccine, never mind these genetic experimental “vaccines”.
The trial was not designed to assess transmission, or clinically relevant endpoints like hospitalization or transmission.
Large numbers of "vaccinated" subjects were just eliminated from the study, so their results were absent, with no explanation.
There was a failure to actively track and record the health status and adverse events of all trial participants.
The study was prematurely unblinded and many of the “unvaccinated” control groups were injected with the “vaccine”.
Unreliable and manipulatable PCR tests were used to diagnose "covid cases" without even reporting the cycle threshold used. This meant that "unvaccinated" subjects were diagnosed as having covid infections on very sketchy grounds; and “vaccinated” subjects similarly were diagnosed as not having covid, though they clearly had worse outcomes and more death. Considering the unreliability of the PCR as an endpoint measurement, they should have turned to all cause outcomes.
The “vaccinated” had much higher unsolicited adverse events (more sickness and disability), but the “vaccines” were still assigned as reducing symptomatic and severe cases of covid, while ignoring the reality that the “vaccinated” group suffered much worse disease and disability than the control group.

Pfizer wasn't alone in performing unacceptable research…
Moderna's study showed increased "covid like symptoms" in the "vaccinated" group, but combined with a negative PCR (which is totally manipulatable, and the cycle threshold was not reported) they shuttled these patients to be counted as "not covid", but instead something they labeled as "reactogenicity". So despite the injected people having more and worse covid symptoms in the week after the injections, they were counted as not having covid, and like Pfizer, Moderna ultimately reported that the “vaccines” reduced covid infections.
With all these tricks in play, the manufacturers created a relative risk reduction claim of 95%, when the reality was likely much lower or even negative.
Notice here we are discussing "relative risk reduction". This is not normal.
Reporting relative risk reduction is deceptive and unethical.
To make sound decisions about our health, we must be quoted absolute risk reduction. When Pfizer claimed their injections reduced the risk of covid disease by 95.1%, this actually meant it reduced the risk of covid disease by 0.7%.
The risk of covid disease was already very low without the "vaccine", so a 95% RRR is a very small actual reduction in risk, or ARR. Moderna similarly claimed to reduce the risk of covid infection by 94.1% in their studies, but that was really just an absolute risk reduction of 1.1%.
Considering the many flaws, omissions, and deceptive practices in the studies, like the ones we just discussed, the true absolute risk reduction for covid disease was possibly even less than the reported 0.7% and 1.1% ARR.
It may have been negative. We will find out more with the real world data to follow.
These trials were not designed to assess transmission, or clinically relevant endpoints like hospitalization or death. The absolute harms clearly outweighed the absolute benefits for Pfizer's 6 month data. People were coerced into experimental and dangerous injections that at most offered a sliver of benefit for reducing covid-19 disease, while increasing their total risk of harm.
How did these so-called "vaccines" perform once they were imposed on the public?
In short: poorly, and it was actively covered up by governments and medical regulators.
Governments reported some evidence that supported “vaccine” effectiveness, but these claims were doubtful because of a range of serious inconsistencies and anomalies, including counting people as "unvaccinated" until two or three weeks after their injections, so for instance an infection up to two weeks after injection was counted as an infection in an unvaccinated person.
People were considered “injected but not vaccinated” which is farcical.
When government covid data showed infection rates highest in the most “vaccinated”, and lowest in the “unvaccinated”; rather than halt the injections and raise alarms, Canada’s governments stopped reporting “vaccination” status with the data. People were then blindfolded from seeing that it was predominantly “vaccinated” people suffering with covid-19 disease.
For example, by May 2022, Canadian data showed dramatically higher covid infection rates among the “vaccinated” than the unvaccinated, and even higher for triply injected person. Rather than responding in the best interest of the people, the government stopped reporting “vaccination” status with the covid statistics; then the public could no longer see what was happening.
Here’s one example of provinces doing the same thing. This is from British Columbia. Negative efficacy became obvious by the summer of 2022. The BC government responded by ending the reasonable practice of reporting “vaccination” status with covid data.
Other provinces did the same.

In Canada, only physicians could report adverse events, patients could not.
The process was laborious, and doctors who tried to report adverse events, had their reports rejected, and they were investigated, disciplined, and often stripped of their licenses to practice medicine.
For example consider Dr Patrick Phillips of Ontario Canada, who maintained ethical and scientific integrity throughout the pandemic, and was unlawfully persecuted by the medical licensing body, the CPSO, and stripped of his career and income. Every adverse event he reported was rejected, and the CPSO responded to each of his attempted reports by launching another complaint against him, despite there being no patient complaints.
This is highly irregular.
In the UK, by week 11 of the injection campaign in March 2022, government data showed overall increased covid-19 infections and deaths among the "vaccinated" compared to the "unvaccinated." Scientists and doctors who showed negative effects of the “vaccines” were banned from publication and ousted from professional positions. Despite that, many studies contained data that did demonstrate negative efficacy.
A UK study of covid “vaccine” and disease statistics in June 2022, involving more than 9 million participants and comparing data for differing Body Mass Indexes, found (I quote) "Surprisingly, we observed a higher risk of test positivity after vaccination with one or two doses across all BMI groups, which is contrary to evidence reported by the UK Office of National Statistics.
Here are some results from Sweden, December 2022, from a study titled: Effectiveness of COVID-19 “Vaccines” over 13 Months Covering the Period of the Emergence of the Omicron Variant in the Swedish Population.
This involved data from 9,153,456 Swedes. The researchers reported conflict of interest and conclusion that differed from the data, but regarding “vaccine” efficacy, they found "limited protection against Omicron infection (dropped to 43% by week four and no protection by week 14)" and by week 50 post injection “vaccine” efficacy dropped to nearly negative 100%, meaning it doubled the persons’ risk of covid infection.
Our data showed negative “vaccine” efficacy against Omicron infection from week 14, indicating that “vaccinated” individuals experienced a higher risk of infection than those unvaccinated."

The USA FDA knew on September 17, 2021 that people injected with the Pfizer covid “vaccine” had double the risk of covid infection than the “unvaccinated”. This is from the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting September 17, 2021 FDA Briefing Document.
This document reported a covid-19 infection rate in the “vaccine" group of 70.3 cases per 1000 people, but only 51.6 cases per 1000 people who were originally in the control group and later "crossed over" and injected. It is safe to assume that they would have experienced an even lower infection rate had they not been injected at all.
It is scientifically deceptive and unethical to inject control subjects when they were clearly better off in terms of covid disease, adverse events, and death; but it did serve to reduce the magnitude of the negative efficacy that was demonstrated.

The Amish:
Here’s another real world indication of the negative effects of the coerced and misrepresented covid-19 genetic injection “vaccines”, and the rest of the unscientific and unethical covid agenda.
The Amish did not participate in any of the covid agenda. They did not mask, social distance, close their schools, churches or businesses. They did not invite nor submit to the injection campaigns.

The failure of the experimental genetic injections to perform as “vaccines” was predictable before they were launched. The manufacturers own studies were flawed, inadequate and riddled with efforts to obfuscate safety and dramatize benefit.
Relative risk reduction numbers presented to the public were deceptive. Real world evidence shows that in addition to the dramatic adverse events and deaths caused by these injections, they are complete failures with negative efficacy.
Covid-19 so-called "Vaccines" prolonged the pandemic, and increase individuals’ risk of covid-19 disease.
What should be done?
Halt the injections.
Treat the injured.
Restore ostracized scientists, doctors and nurses.
Investigate covid crimes.
Restore the rule of law and human rights.
ADE References:
Immunization with SARS Coronavirus Vaccines Leads to Pulmonary Immunopathology on Challenge with the SARS Virus. “Conclusions: These SARS-CoV vaccines all induced antibody and protection against infection with SARS-CoV. However, challenge of mice given any of the vaccines led to occurrence of Th2-type immunopathology suggesting hypersensitivity to SARS-CoV components was induced. Caution in proceeding to application of a SARS-CoV vaccine in humans is indicated."
A Review: Understanding Molecular Mechanisms of Antibody-Dependent Enhancement in Viral Infections
Antibody-dependent enhancement and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and therapies
Antibody-Dependent Enhancement of Feline Infectious Peritonitis Virus Infection in Feline Alveolar Macrophages and Human Monocyte Cell Line U937 by Serum of Cats Experimentally or Naturally Infected with Feline Coronavirus
Antibody-dependent enhancement of coronavirus. " it is clear that the effects of both have negative consequences for the human body and are probably an obstacle to the development of viral vaccines"
Recent Advances in the Vaccine Development Against Middle East Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus
"Vaccine candidates against SARSCoV were initially developed based on the full-length S protein. However, these vaccines were later demonstrated to induce non-neutralizing antibodies which did not prevent MERS-CoV infection, and the immunized animals were not protected from the viral challenge instead they experienced adverse effects like enhanced hepatitis, increased morbidity, and stronger inflammatory responses"
Weingartl, H., Czub, M., Czub, S., Neufeld, J., Marszal, P., Gren, J., et al. (2004). Immunization with modified vaccinia virus ankara-based recombinant vaccine against severe acute respiratory syndrome is associated with enhanced hepatitis in ferrets. J. Virol. 78:12672. doi: 10.1128/JVI.78.22.12672-12676. 2004
The Novelty of mRNA Viral Vaccines and Potential Harms: A Scoping Review. Matthew T.J. Halma, Jessica Rose and Theresa Lawrie
Mass vaccination during pandemic historical blunder: Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier.
Children Should be Freed and Never Covid Injected P Alexander PhD and M Trozzi MD
Pfizer. Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for an Unapproved Product Review Memorandum
Moderna. Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for an Unapproved Product. Review Memorandum
Pfizer. Six Month Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine.
Canadian Covid Care Alliance The-COVID-19 Inoculations More Harm Than Good REV Dec-16-2021 [Video]
Flawed endpoints. Will covid-19 vaccines save lives? Current trials aren’t designed to tell us. BMJ 2020; 371 doi: (Published 21 October 2020)
P Alexander and M Trozzi.The reported 95% RRR (relative risk reduction) was really less than 20% when we recalculated and imputed the over 3,000 subjects they removed to get the >50% threshold for EUA. What Pfizer did in their FDA submission was fraudulent. Also, the ARR (absolute risk reduction) is 0.7% to 0.8%.
CDC Finally Released Its VAERS Safety Monitoring Analyses for COVID Vaccines via FOIA And now it's clear why they tried to hide them. JOSH GUETZKOW January 4 2023
Sources of bias in observational studies of covid-19 vaccine effectiveness
Dr Jessica Rose on both the two weeks injected but "not vaccinated" scandal, and worse covid in the injected:
Associations of BMI with COVID-19 vaccine uptake, vaccine effectiveness, and risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes after vaccination in England: a population-based cohort study.
Effectiveness of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Bivalent Disease. Effectiveness of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Bivalent Vaccine. Nabin K Shrestha 1, Patrick C Burke 2, Amy S Nowacki 3, James F Simon 4, Amanda Hagen 5, Steven M Gordon 1
Risk of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) among Those Up-to-Date and Not Up-to-Date on COVID-19 Vaccination. Nabin K. Shrestha,1 Patrick C. Burke,2 Amy S. Nowacki,3 Steven M. Gordon1 June 9, 2023
How the Covid “Vaccines” Cripple the Immune System | Part 3 of 5
How Covid “Vaccines” Cripple the Immune System | Part 4 of 5
Steve Kirsch. The unvaccinated Amish were the control group. Their infection fatality rate from COVID was 90X lower than the surrounding community.
Steve Kirsch at Pennsylvania Senate
Thank you for all your fine work, Mark! You are an asset to Canada, unlike the the lying, mass-murderers that run this country and removed your licence.
This article should tell anybody with a brain that the vaxes were, and still are dangerous murder weapons. Still, we have to remember that the COV/Vax weapons have removed parts of their brains, so there are many that can no longer understand the reality we speak.
I hope you win your case in October! I defended a guy like you and helped him get his MD licence back. I also convinced the judge to make the AMA lying criminals pay the $50M fine out of their own pockets, instead of them using AMA funds. All I did was prove the AMA criminals were lying with my own evidence.
You and I have amassed a lot of COV/Vax evidence proving you were also right, especially with the recent court case forcing the US gov to erase every lie they told about Ivermectin.
Let me know if you need a scholar of the issues you bring up to help defend you. I am a former prof of several Univs., that has saved 1000's of scientific articles over the last 4 years as you did, that all may be helpful to your case coming independently from a guy like me. I have never lost a court case in my 71 year life!
Excellent presentation, Dr. Trozzi; and so much valuable info on this page! I'm going to send this to a person (and his family) who were friends of mine for decades; yet they all fell for the covid con - hook, line and sinker. I've been sending him valuable information for years and he has ignored most of it. I'm only the messenger. I can't force anyone to embrace the truth and reject the lies and deception. The onus is on them.