Great News | Resolving and Preventing Cancer
There is a paradigm shift. Cancer is not simply a genetic disease; it is a metabolic disease.
How Diet can Eliminate Cancer
Our understanding of cancer has evolved. It is not simply a result of genetic mutations causing relentless cell growth. It is a metabolic disease involving dysfunction of mitochondria. Mitochondrial health is key to the prevention and resolution of cancer. This involves maintaining a low ratio of glucose to ketones in our blood (the GK Index). Cancer can not survive in an environment of low glucose, high ketones, and low glutamine. Very specific diet and lifestyle changes, along with nutrients and repurposed medications are the new tools for eliminating cancer.
People are resolving their cancer with dietary changes, natural supplements and repurposed drugs. It requires knowledge and discipline. The great news is that it works, and people feel great in the process. That’s a big change from traditional surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, which have many side-effects, leave patients feeling weak and suffering, and are often fatal themselves.
Exploring the Specifics
There are details. Here are two great experts on this subject: Dr Thomas Seyfried professor of biology, genetics and biochemistry at Boston College; and Dr Paul Marik, chief scientific officer of the FLCCC. This is from the July 10th, 2023 General Assembly meeting of the World Council For Health.
Please share this material especially with people suffering from cancer; so they may benefit from our modern understanding of cancer, and an empowered path for them to regain their health and lifespan.
Dr Thomas Seyfried: The Truth About Cancer
Dr Thomas Seyfried speaks with the World Council for Health about his groundbreaking views on cancer being a metabolic disease rather than a genetic one. Dr Seyfried is a professor of biology, genetics and biochemistry at Boston College. He has been published in over 150 peer-reviewed publications.
Cancer Treatment: The Role of Diet & Repurposed Drugs
Dr Paul Marik speaks live with the World Council for Health about his recently published review on cancer treatment using repurposed drugs. Dr Marik is the chief scientific officer of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) and has written over 400 peer-reviewed journal articles.
Cancer Care. The Role of Repurposed Drugs and Metabolic Interventions in Treating Cancer. By Dr Paul E Marik MD FCCN FCCP
Related Material and Resources
The World Council For Health. Resources to support your health and freedom.
More expert presentations from The World Council For Health General Assembly Meetings
How to Starve Cancer & Heal the Body | Dr. Thomas Seyfried on The Ultimate Health Podcast
The Metabollic Approach To Cancer. Book by Dr Natasha Winters