H5N1 Avian Flu: What You Need to Know
Why we should neither kill the flocks, nor take the shots.
Over the last four years the medical-financial-military complex has demonstrated its ruthlessness. The COVID-19 operation, revealed viral bio-weapons labs and research a.k.a. “gain of function”. It also revealed nefarious tactics including suppressed treatments, destructive mandates, misleading PCR test programs, scaremongering, propaganda, and dangerous genetic injections coerced into the worlds’ population under false pretenses of “safe and effective vaccines” for COVID-19.

Despite how blatantly criminal that is, and how hard we continue working to bring the perpetrators to justice; many of them are still holding high offices, and emboldened with more money and power ill-gotten through the COVID-19-crimes-against-humanity. We would be foolish not to watch the WHO and its accomplices’ actions now with very critical and defensive thinking.
There are two current major sequels to COVID-19. They are both active operations being executed against us now by the same medical-financial-military complex. These are H5N1 avian flu, and monkey-pox. Here I will tackle H5N1 avian flu in detail.
I hope that this article will provide important knowledge and wisdom; to help minimize the destructive impact of the current H5N1 avian flu operation.
H5N1 Avian Flu: individual actions to prevent and treat if needed
Influenza viruses are RNA viruses. Like many other RNA viruses including corona viruses, influenza viruses are susceptible to ivermectin; as well as high intracellular levels of zinc, as can be produced with zinc tablets and an ionophormes molecule like hyrdroxychloroquin (or quercitin which is less effective).

As with many diseases including cancers and a full spectrum of infections, high vitamin D levels are highly protective against all influenzas. Sunshine and supplementing vitamin D and vitamin K2, while targeting vitamin D levels in your blood of 125-200 nmol/L (50-80 ng/mL), are recommended actions to take. Other elements of preventing and treating infectious diseases including corona viruses and influenza viruses should be studied and practised. This includes the NEWSTART mnemonic for immune system health: Nutrition, Exercise, Water, Sunshine (plus vitamin D), Temperance, Air (fresh), Rest, and Trust (spiritual health).
Dangers posed by Gain of Function research and threats of new vaccines
Both viral bio-weapon or “gain-of-function” research; and mass vaccination of poultry, cattle or humans, pose the risk of rendering an airborne human-to-human-transmissible H5N1 variant. Vaccinating humans will not work against any respiratory pathogen including a “souped-up” H5N1 version of influenza A.

The US government has stockpiles of half ready antigen based vaccines ready for fast track approval of their updated versions for injecting into the populace in the case of an H5N1 “pandemic”. Recent history has demonstrated how changing definitions of words, abusing PCR technology, miss-categorising death statistics and other tricks can be used to create a high-profit but toxic “vaccination” campaign. There is abundant recent history which supports the practice of extreme caution with the vaccine industry; and mass action demanding justice for what has already transpired.
All the currently US stock-piled H5N1 vaccines are antigen based but also contain concerning adjuvants including mercury in the form of thimerosal. They will all fail as vaccines because they will not block infection or transmission. They are more likely to enhance the disease, than help the person; and they carry various other negative health impacts and risks.
H5N1 money is already flowing from investors and governments to Moderna and other modified mRNA manufacturers; so we should brace for a new toxic collection of genetic injections, similar to the C-19 jabs that killed and injured millions of people. The genetic H5N1 “vaccines” being developed will hack human cells into producing foreign toxic H5N1 Influenza A proteins. We can anticipate that this will trigger a variety of mechanisms of injury, as observed with the C-19 injections. This could create the next black swan event in death, disease, and disability.
The recent WHO/WHA International Health Regulations amendments, and the continued negotiations of the Pandemic Preparedness Treaty, along with the construction of modified mRNA “vaccine” factories around the world, business deals, and government contracts; all highlight that the same global conspirators that launched the full spectrum COVID-19 operation against mankind, are paving the way to maintain this as the new norm: viral bio-weapons research and coerced genetic “vaccines” to match.
Influenza and H5N1 Science
There are four types of Influenza viruses: A, B, C, and D. Influenza A viruses are further characterized by the subtype of their surface glycoproteins: hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA), with multiple subtypes (HA 1-16, NA 1-9) found in circulating viruses.

Each of the four types of influenza viruses has distinct characteristics and affects humans and animals differently.
Type A
Type A is the most common type and is responsible for seasonal flu epidemics and the rare legitimate pandemic. Different subtypes of influenza A can infect humans, or other animals including birds, pigs, and horses. Some influenza A subtypes can cause severe illness in high-risk groups of people, with pneumonia and death being possible outcomes; however, the vast majority of people recover naturally from influenza A. Influenza A typically occurs with a sudden onset of symptoms, including some or all of these: coughing, runny or stuffy nose. sneezing, sore throat, fever, headache, fatigue, chills, and body aches.
Type B
Type B influenza is less common than type A, but can cause seasonal flu epidemics. These viruses evolve and mutate slower than Type A. Type B influenza viruses do not cause pandemics. They primarily affect humans with only occasional animal infections. Influenza B symptoms are similar to influenza A but are generally milder. Influenza B viruses do not easily transmit between species.
Type C
Type C influenza viruses cause mild illnesses, primarily in children and young adults. They do not cause human epidemics or pandemics. Influenza Type C viruses primarily infect humans, with rare animal infections reported. Symptoms include mild respiratory illness, such as cough and sore throat.
Type D
Type D influenza viruses primarily infect cattle and other animals, with rare spillover to humans. They are not known to cause significant human illness or epidemics. Type D are the most distinct of the four types of influenza viruses in terms of their genetic and physical characteristics.
The seasonal flu that has been happening annually for many years involves only types A and B influenza viruses. Pandemics have only ever been associated with Influenza type A’s. Avian type A influenza has been studied for more than one hundred years and have never caused a human pandemic.

Please note that within the sphere is the genetic material RNP (ribonucleoprotein) there is negative-strand RNA and a replicase enzyme which serves to create a positive strand RNA, from the negative one. The positive strand RNA then engages with the infected cells’ ribosomes (protein manufacturing cellular machinery). The infected cells’ protein manufacturing machinery is used to manufacture more copies of the virus. This is how the virus uses our cells to replicate.
On the surface of all type A influenza viruses you can note three predominant proteins. These are the hemagglutinin (H protein) the neuraminidase (N protein), and the less prominent M2 ion channel.
Type A influenza viruses are sub-typed based on which versions of the H or N protein that they bear. There are 18 different subtypes of H proteins and 11 different subtypes of N proteins; so one can see that there are a large variety of possible subtypes of influenza A viruses; depending on the viruses specific combination of one of the 18 different H’s and one of the 11 different N’s. One can calculate that there are 198 theoretical different subtypes of influenza A viruses; that is 18 different possible H’s multiplied by 11 different possible N’s.
The 2009 unjustifiably declared “pandemic” declared by the WHO involved an H1N1 influenza A virus. Seasonal influenza’s among humans since 2009 have all involved variants of H1N1 stemming from the 2009 H1N1 virus. The current avian flu that is circulating and being promoted is an H5N1 influenza virus, not a H1N1 human influenza virus.
H5N1 is one subtype of Influenza A viruses. The hemagglutinin H protein of H5N1 viruses, is a completely different hemagglutinin H protein that that of H1N1 Influenza A viruses which cause most seasonal influenza epidemics. Avian H5N1 viruses have never caused a pandemic, nor have they ever been known to transmit between humans. There have been rare infections transmitted directly from poultry or other livestock, to persons in direct contact with sick animals. Over the past twenty seven years since 1997, there have been very few cases of this reported: 889 cases to be exact, but with a reported mortality rate near 50%: 463 deaths. This reported high mortality rate may be due to a genuine high mortality rate, or more likely the existence of many unreported mild cases that recovered. Either way, 463 deaths over twenty seven years means that H5N1 is an extremely minor source of death among humans. For comparison, average global influenza deaths from influenza Type A subtype H1N1 and Influenza B viruses, are estimated at 290,000 to 650,000 deaths every single year. That’s the regular old flu, that has been going on for many decades without much panic at all.
We must stop all gain of function research including H5N1
Despite the recent very mild and rare infection of humans with the currently circulating HPA1 H5N1 clade, we must not delay in all action to end gain of function research. This need with regard to Influenza H5N1 viruses was clearly exposed in this recent statement by former CDC director Robert Redfield, who said:
“In the laboratory, I could make it (H5N1) more infectious to humans in months… it’s been published the four amino acids that I would need to change...That’s the real biosecurity threat, that these University labs are doing these experiments… Bird Flu, I think, is gonna be the cause of the great pandemic, where they are teaching these viruses how to be more infectious for humans.” - Source
The Current H5N1 Virus, and Operation (HPA1 H5N1 clade
The currently circulating avian flu virus is specifically the “HPAI H5N1 clade”. HPAI stands for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza. In this context “Highly Pathogenic” refers to severe disease in birds, not in humans or other mammals that may get infected. This variant may be the product of gain-of-function research carried out in the USDA’s South-east Poultry Research Lab (SEPRL) in Athens Georgia which began performing serial passage experiments with H5Nx viruses on mallard ducks in the spring of 2021; and the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
The current H5N1 virus circulating may be the product of gain-of-function (viral bio-weapon) research; but like other H5N1 avian flu viruses, this one is also maintained in wild bird flocks; so culling of infected live-stock can not eradicate the virus.
We should work on all fronts to shut down viral bio-weapons laboratories and end viral gain-of-function research everywhere. However, any viruses that have already released or leaked, including SARS C0V2 and H5N1 avian flu viruses, can only be intelligently dealt with by developing immunity among the affected species: humans, poultry, cattle or other livestock. Currently circulating gain-of-function viruses are evil genies that are already out of the bottle. They can not be put back in the bottle. Supporting the natural development of herd immunity for all species involved is the only sane path forward.

H5N1 infections affecting humans in the past two years have been very scant and very mild, requiring no treatment. There is no reason to think that the recently circulating H5N1 avian flu virus is significantly dangerous to humans, or that it can be transmitted between humans.
Eating cooked eggs or meat from H5N1 infected poultry presents no danger to people. No one has contracted avian flu from consuming cooked eggs or poultry. Cooking destroys the virus.
Regardless of what variants of H5N1 currently exist, PCR testing and mass culling of chickens makes no sense and is counter-productive. Cooked eggs and poultry, as well as pasteurized milk present no risk for people who consume them. The chickens do not need to be killed; rather, they need to encounter the current viruses and develop natural immunity. That is what has been happening with viruses and animals for thousands of years.
Please beware of propaganda stating these three things: first, that there are many cases of avian H5N1 infections in livestock; second, that many poultry and cattle are dying from or with it; and third that avian flu is decimating the livestock industry. In reality, mass PCR testing of flocks may be creating a fake pandemic among chickens; the culling of livestock is what is killing them and they are being counted as having died “with H5N1”; and this H5N1 operation and mass culling is what is decimating the livestock industry and our food supply.
Regarding H5N1 and Cows
Cattle often stand and drink in natural waters where migrating waterfowl swim. As a result cattle teats can harbor H5N1 viruses. The H5N1 virus may be present in milk, but is rendered completely harmless by pasteurization. Once again, there is no justification to destroy our livestock and food supply. H5N1 infections in cattle are rare, very mild, and self limiting. The cows easily develop immunity. Milk from a cow while it is overcoming an H5N1 infection, is completely safe once pasteurized. The current H5N1 avian flu operation may be cause for raw milk drinkers to consider pasteurization temporarily.

H5N1 and “Climate Change”
The WHO and their co-conspirators are claiming that climate change is affecting wild birds’ migratory paths, and that this is causing their H5N1 avian flu “pandemic”. In this way, the H5N1 operation is also being used to support the WHO climate change agenda, and the general corralling of mankind for the “good of our health”.

May the reader please recall the abuse of PCR technology on humans throughout the COVID operation, which was used to create a false “pandemic” of COVID cases that were not real. Millions of healthy people were falsely informed that they had COVID-19. PCR driven fear was used by malfeasant individuals in governments to mandate facial barriers (“masks”), social isolation, business and school closures, and other violations of basic freedoms that created genuine suffering and death. Safe and effective ways to prevent or treat COVID-19 infections were suppressed. Doctors and nurses were stripped of their provincial and state licenses for practicing good medicine. Scaremongering, violations of human rights, and suppression of treatments were combined to coral mankind into dangerous genetic injections which were misrepresented as “safe and effective vaccines”. These genetic injections continue to cause unprecedented deaths, disease and disability. The COVID-19 “vaccinated” population suffer with the highest COVID-19 infection and mortality rates, as well as many other adverse effects of these injections which have set new records for death and injuries resulting from any medical procedure in human history.
Keeping this recent history in mind; we should be suspicious of current programs whereby livestock, predominantly poultry, are being “diagnosed” with H5N1 based on PCR tests, and entire flocks are being killed. Over one hundred million chickens have been killed in this way in the past two years. Farmers ordered to kill their livestock are usually compensated for them generously by governments participating in this program. This translates into people being taxed; and those funds being used to destroy their food supply, which will inevitably cause food scarcity and increased cost of food.
People can not contract H5N1 infections by eating cooked chicken, eggs, or pasteurized milk, even from infected livestock.
Flocks of poultry must become immune to the evolving viruses in their world, whether they are natural or man-made. Culling of flocks whenever a virus potentially appears in their ranks, will prevent the poultry from keeping up with the evolution of microbes in their environment. This alone could have a devastating long term effect which could indeed lead to mass die off of domestic birds due to evolving and new H5N1 variants.
Mass vaccination or gene-therapy of poultry, cattle, or humans is likely to have similar negative and possibly devastating effects.
The plan in brief
The only sane way forward involves three elements:
First we must absolutely end gain-or-function viral bio-weapon research. This must include the prosecution of the perpetrators of these crimes regardless of the offices they hold; and putting checks in place to prevent any resurgence of this nefarious industry.
Second, we must support immune systems health across all involved species. This will include making lifestyle choices that optimize our immune system health, and keeping poultry flocks alive. We do not need to destroy our food supply; birds that survive infection will have developed immunity. This will ensure a stable future of healthy birds capable of surviving the ongoing evolution of microbes in their environment, including H5N1 influenza A viruses.
Thirdly, the vaccine industry’s long destructive and deceptive history, and our recent tragic experiences with modified mRNA genetic “vaccines” for COVID, should leave us unwilling to have any of their products injected into ourselves, our children, our pets, or our livestock.
Final Conclusions
In conclusion, the current PCR probing and destruction of poultry, while continuing H5N1 gain-of-function research and the development of H5N1 genetic “vaccines”, is a disingenuous campaign of the pharmaco-military-industrial complex.
References and recommended material for further study
Proximal Origin of Epidemic Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Clade and Spread by Migratory Waterfowl. Hulscher, Nicolas, Leake, John ; McCullough, Peter (2024). Preprints 2024, 2024060060. Source
Dr Meryl Nass exceptional extended presentation regarding H5N1 Bird Flu with Bruce Torres. Source
World Council for Health Responds to Latest Bird Flu Developments Instead of being caught unaware, let us learn from the COVID-19 experience. Source
H5N1 Viral bioweapon research. This one from China. H5N1 hybrid viruses bearing 2009/H1N1 virus genes transmit in guinea pigs by respiratory droplet. By Ying Zhang 1, Qianyi Zhang, Huihui Kong, Yongping Jiang, Yuwei Gao, Guohua Deng, Jianzhong Shi, Guobin Tian, Liling Liu, Jinxiong Liu, Yuntao Guan, Zhigao Bu, Hualan Chen. Source
Is Bird Flu Being Weaponized? January 4, 2023 article by Alexis Baden-Mayer of the Organic Consumers Association. Source
Canada alert: Government mass attack on our food sovereignty. Taking over the Canadian food supply. Source
Thank you Dr. Trozzi for your commitment to our health and helping us to understand the latest scare tactics. ❤️