Help Free Dr Reiner Fuelmich
Our Covid Era Hero and the World’s Greatest Class Action Lawyer is illegally imprisoned and being tortured by Germany’s current war criminals.
Friends thanks for taking some time to check in on this travesty in Germany. One of the greatest leaders in the movement to end the crimes of the medical-military-industrial complex, and restore justice to our world is Dr Reiner Fuelmich. This excellent man leads the fight against the covid-crimes-against-humanity in Germany and around the world. He is literally shackled, unlawfully imprisoned, and tortured by the very criminals whom he has been exposing and leading to justice.
Dr Reiner Fuelmich - 2020 Analysis
Dr Reiner Fuelmich in 2020 explaining the covid fraud scandal, crimes against humanity, and the path forward for executing the greatest criminal and civil prosecutions in our history.
Dr Trozzi & Reiner Fuellmich | Covid Investigative Committee. May 2022. The World's most successful class action litigator interviews Canada's whistle blowing ER Doctor. (click here)
Dr Reiner Fuelmich / International Crimes Investigative Committee (click here)
Here is another link for Reiner's 2020 video. Sorry about the glitch that removed sound from it above.
Thanks ! been restacking everything I see about Dr Fuellmilch, including that terrible message of his mom passing and he was not allowed to visit but in chackles. Germany has sunk to worse than third world status.