Hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19
HCQ allows more zinc into cells, which suppresses replicase enzyme, and interferes with the virus’s ability to replicate.
How does Hydroxychloroquine help Zinc suppress coronaviruses?
Coronavirus replication within our cells involves a critical step of replicating its genetic code. This requires an enzyme called “replicase”. It is also called “RNA-dependent RNA polymerase”. The replicase enzyme is inhibited by zinc; this explains the commonly known antiviral properties of zinc. However, regardless of how much zinc one ingests, zinc levels within our cells are limited. What is required to increase these intra-cellular zinc levels is an ionophore molecule, that admits more zinc into the cells. Ionophore molecules for zinc include hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine, and quinine.
So, hydroxychloroquine allows more zinc to enter our cells, which suppresses there replicase enzyme, and interferes with the virus’s replication of its RNA, and thus interferes with the virus ability to use our cellular machinery to reproduce itself.
How else does hydroxychloroquine combat coronaviruses?
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine also interfere with the virus attaching to cells and gaining access to cells. This is achieved by two actions. One is blocking scialic acid on the cell membrane. Scialic acid is important for the virus’s binding to the ACE-2 receptors of the cell. The other involves alkalizing the content of endosomes (the cell membrane bubbles, inside which the virus gets into our cells); and alkalinizing the content of lysosomes that are involved in processing the virus containing endosomes.
So, hydroxychloroquine interferes with the virus entering our cells by two mechanisms and supresses the replication of the virus’s genetic material.
Most Hydroxychloroquine protocols for COVID-19 include hydroxychloroquine, zinc, plus azithromycin. Azithromycin is an antibiotic; it works against bacteria, not against viruses directly. However, with viral infections and resulting inflammation, bacteria often grow in the mucous and debris of the viral infection. This further complicates the illness. This is a common phenomenon called secondary bacterial infection. Azithromycin’s utility in hydroxychloroquine and zinc therapy, is likely in this regard.
Here is a protocol that has been used safely in many countries:
A. Inclusion (i.e. who takes it?):
Patients sick with coronavirus, who also have pre-existing diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, COPD (“smoker’s lung”).
Patients older than 65 years.
Patients who are short of breath while sick with COVID, regardless of their ageor other conditions. Note: 80 to 99 % of people with COVID will not need it, its just a cold for them.
B. Five day dosing regiment:
Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg twice daily
Zinc 100 mg twice daily
and Azithromycin 500 mg once on the first day
then 250mg on each of next four days.
What About the Lancet Published Study Against Hydroxychloroquine?
A generally very respected medical journal, the Lancet, published on May 28, 2020, a study claiming to prove Hydroxychloroquine was not effective treating COVID-19. This resulted in serious clinical trials around the world being halted. But the study was not credible and was later retracted. Unfortunately, the damage was already done, before the retraction. This affordable therapeutic medication can help those rare people who actually get very sick with COVID; but it was suppressed. This maintained the path for much more expensive new drug patents and experimental injections. Meanwhile, patients around the world were denied this safe therapeutic, and preventative medicine. Here is the retracted Lancet published study: Click here
Here is text from NBC news regarding this:
The study itself was huge, including, it claimed, data from 96,000 COVID-19 patients from 671 hospitals on six continents. The findings suggested hydroxychloroquine did not benefit patients and was actually associated with an increased risk of dying in the hospital. The large number of patients raised important questions among outside experts. The amount of patients that were included in a given country or given continent was almost more or a very high proportion of the total number reported in that geographic area, as if they were including more cases than possible,” said Dr. Daniel
Culver, a pulmonary and critical care expert at the Cleveland Clinic who was not involved with the research. Culver said there were also concerns about whether the drug was even available for COVID-19 patients in some areas where it was reported to have been used.
Sub-Saharan African Nations have lower death rates than Western Nations?
It is interesting, that in poor sub-Saharan African nations, hydroxychloroquine is commonly used to treat and prevent malaria. So the medication is readily available over the counter, like aspirin. The result is much lower death rates from COVID-19 in these countries, than many “wealthy” nations, where the medication has been suppressed, presumably to protect other business and political schemes.
The conspiring to suppress this cheap medicine being available to save countless lives, is a story of great evil and deception.
Dr Fauci Contradicts Himself
It is also interesting that one of the COVID celebrities, Dr Anthony Fauci, clearly did not endorse hydroxychloroquine since early in the COVID “pandemic”. Yet, he was the head of the NIH, when they published this study in 2005 regarding chloroquine’s effects on coronavirus SARS-CoV, the recent cousin of the COVID-19 virus SARS-CoV2.
2005 study: (Click here)
An interview worth watching
Please take in this interview by Glen Beck with Dr Simone Gold, a true hero in this story.