Protect Our Children from Harmful Injections | New Interview
The COVID mandates including social isolation, anti-social distancing, and forced facial barriers have damaged children.
Stop the Damage to Children
Children have a statistical zero risk of serious disease or death from COVID. Their immune systems require exposure to coronaviruses and other pathogens, in order for them to develop strong immune systems and live long healthy lives. The COVID mandates including social isolation, anti-social distancing, school closures, and forced facial barriers have damaged our children. These mandates must be stopped, truths must be made broadly public, and justice must be served, to ensure this never happens again.
Unlike coronaviruses, the forced and coerced COVID injections are a serious danger to our children. There are multiple mechanisms of these harms, including spike protein poisoning of their hearts, damage to their immune systems, and more.
These things are elaborated on in this half hour interview: Iron Will of Strong and Free Canada with Dr Trozzi.
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