Protocols That Kill
My conversation with Chatham Kent police officer Clarence Wiersma’s widow Evelien; plus my notes from reviewing his hospital records.
Evelien Weirsma's dear husband Clarence lost his life in December 2021 in the Chatham-Kent hospital in Ontario. He was a respected loving family man, police officer, and charitable leader in the community.
The events that occurred and culminated in Clarence’ death are very concerning. He was diagnosed with covid-19; denied any treatment and told to stay at home until sick and hypoxic enough to bring to hospital. Clare and his family were labeled as "un-vaccinated" and treated in a fashion that is incompetent, negligent, and inhumane. With no safe and effective antivirals, no antibiotics for secondary bacterial pneumonia, no insight or treatment for micro-vascular pulmonary blood clotting, but many doses of sedatives and intubation with mechanical ventilation, Clare lost his life 7 days after admission. Even upon his death, the family were treated with a lack of respect and compassion.
Here is my recent conversation with Clarence Wiersma’s widow Evelien and their son-in-law Jeremy Van Kesteren.
To share your stories of covid mismanagement, or injuries and losses from the genetic covid-19 “vaccines” with Mrs Weirsma, please write to her or on X @notinvain236713
Follow and support Police On Guard
Here is the April 30, 2021 “statement” published by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario that intimidated physicians from exploring or following ethical and scientific information that was not consistant with the covid-19 “agenda”. This was also used “unlawfully” to persecute physicians who did the right things such as Dr Patrick Phillips and many others including myself.
Take action in Ontario
1. You can file a complaint with the CPSO regarding their actions throughout the covid operation under the leadership of the CPSO registrar Dr Nancy Whitmore here.
2. You can also compliment some of the same physicians whom they have persecuted for standing against the covid agenda such as Dr Patrick Phillips, Dr Rochagne Killian, Dr Chris Shoemaker, Dr Mary O’Connor, Dr Crystal Luchkiw, myself and others here.
3. Help fund the fight.
Clarence Wiersma Chathem-Kent Hospital chart review notes of Dr Mark Trozzi shared with the permission of Clarence’s widow and family.
Medical personal names have been blacked out by Dr Trozzi.
Dec 23 admitted. ER vitals: systolic blood pressure >100, febrile, oxygen saturation 92-92. then 87%. In ER IV saline, tylenol and zofran. CXR multifocal pneumonia.
2 day prior tested positive for covid, family too, throughout the chart “UNVACCINATED” is boldly documented and underlined.
No antibiotics, no ivermectin or hydroxychloroquin, no vit D, no ASA, steroids delayed, no antihistamine.
Dec 23 8:30 PM presented to ER, admit to medicine, blood pressure lower and PT sicker so transfer to ICU Dec 24, given tocilizumab on Dec 25, intubated Dec 26.
(Tocilizumab, sold under the brand name Actemra among others, is an immunosuppressive drug, used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis, a severe form of arthritis in children, and COVID-19. It is a humanized monoclonal antibody against the interleukin-6 receptor.)
Dec 30th "deteriorated" 3 L IV fluids and 3 vasopressors. Discussion with family leading to DNR, pupils dilated and fized and pronounced.
That is up to page 15. Ciriticism: PT should have received antiviral ivermectin (and /or Hydroxychloroquin and zinc), ASA, IV antibiotic for secondary bacterial pneumonia, antihistamine, steroid, and oxygen immediately on admission date. MY OPINION: with this treatment, he would have recovered within a few days and been discharged home. Unnecessary death.
Reviewing first sets of dictated and typed progress notes, pg 16 to 26, safe effective antivirals are completely neglected (as per the WHO top down agenda), he receives oxygen, is intubated as he fails, receives zero treatment for bacterial pneumonia which is contrary to all normal standard of practice (except the top down WHO directions that were foolishly followed). There is complete lack of knowledge demonstrated as to how covid pneumonia kills which also involves microvascular clotting due to the SARS C0V2 virus, or secondary bacterial infection. Both issues are neglected as the patient understandably deteriorates towards eventual death. On Dec 25 he received tocilzumab which I would not suspect to have significant benefit or in any way replace the deficiency of aspirain, aniviral, and antibacterial meds.
Page 25 a note from Dec 29 indicates intubation was done this day (rather than Dec 26) and the note's author Dr ### ######, writes that dexamethasone "will continue", "sputum cultures have been sent, to assess whether or not he would benefit from antibiotics", but no antibiotics are given. This is one of the main errors in my opinion that cost Clarence his life. I think, had he received ivermectin, antibiotics, and aspirin from the beginning, he would likely have improved rapidly and survived.
Page 27 begins hand written progress notes.
Hand notes indicate he was sedated and intubated at 6 PM on Dec 26th. Once intubated, he bit on the tube, was further sedated, then was hypotensive and started on levophed and a central line was placed within the same hour as intubation.
ECG's page 29 and 30 are normal. Page 31 Dec 28 ecg shows a tachyarrhythmias, then on Dec 30th bradyarrhythmia, and progresses to no cardiac signal.
Page 37 on the day of death, has a meds list. It includes enoxaperin at a PE prophylaxis dose (but no conscious consideration of the microvascular clotting nature of covid pneumonia is discussed or mentioned (this was largely due to the suppression of autopsies of covid demised people, but the knowledge was there for those that looked). In Clare's case, like many, in my opinion, doctors are being completely negligent while conforming to the WHO-Public Health-medical regulators policies.
Also note pt was on digoxin, presume to treat the tachyarrhythmia noted earlier.
Some of the notes are in the wrong order, and that creates some challenge to following the chronology.
Page 41 ICU Dr ####### consultation note. Notes cough productive of sputum, yet again another indication that this man should have received empirical antibiotics for bacterial pneumonia (or secondary bacterial pneumonia). Tocilizumab, DVT prophylaxis, and dexamethasone were started Dec 26.
Page 44 Dr #### notes "he was reported of confusion on admission but he seemed to be clear minded..."
Page 45 ER doc was Dr ##############. Discharge instructions are partly filled out, not signed, and seem irrelevant as he was being admitted rather than sent home.
Intake and output records page 48 through 52. Fentanyl and medazolam sedation. Propofol and vasopressin appear on Dec 27. Digoxin on the 28th or 29th. Urine output is minimal acceptable. (850 over 24 hours depending on his weight, if 70 KG he would have 0.5 ml per kg, the minimal acceptable).
Medication administration record from page 54 to page 72 is in reverse chronological order and is for all meds other then continuous infusions. On page 72 "Continuous Infusions" records begin in reverse chronological order and run until page 185.
Page 185 Orders-medications. On December 30th at 7:57 a.m. this patient was finally given one of the three treatments that he most needed: antibiotics (ceftriaxone and metronidazole). This was given at this time due to adding aspiration pneumonia to his diagnosis, but antibiotics for secondary (or primary when you consider how misleading 45 cycle Ontario PCR tests were for falsely "diagnosing covid") were indicated from the first examination in the emergency department.
December 30 at 01:19 he received amiodarone (page 186). Is this due to the tachyarrhythmia on the page 31 Dec 28th ECG strip?
Dec 29 17:11: 0.25 mg single dose IV push? Confusing, but I think the same digoxin loading IV dose followed by oral doses per the feeding tube were given on Dec 28 at 23:23 this correlates with the tachyarrhythmia ECG strip . Vasopressin given at approximately the same time (a period of critical resuscitation I suspect).
Cisatracurium besylate (an intermediate-acting, non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking drug) was used Dec 26 for paralysis to facilitate intubation. Salbutamol started Dec 26. Dexamethasone and DVT/PE prophylactic doses of eneoxeparin were started Dec 24 (pg 95).
These notes are from a review of Clarence’ chart up to page 197.
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Related Material:
Treatment of Covid-19 Infections Guides:
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario: Ontario’s long arm of the WHO orchestrated covid agenda
Dr Trozzi | Urgent Message to Doctors and Nurses. Dr Trozzi explains how Pfizer committed fraud. Health Canada confirmed hidden SV40 promoter sequence. The injections are even worse than we thought.
I just finished listening to the heartbreaking story of the needless loss of Clare and the horrendous heartless treatment of both Clare and his family. Evelien and the family did everything possible To protect and get Clare proper treatment. But the "hospital virus" of using deadly and inadequate protocols remains in many hospitals to this day. Clare was indeed a victim of hospital protocols. I am so very very sorry for your tremendous loss of a fine man.
Not treating the obvious secondary infection- probable bacterial pneumonia- seems intentional. Unforgivable actions on the hospital's part. How many millions of other families have suffered similar tragedies Under our corrupt medical complexes?
Thank you Dr. Trozzi for sharing this family's unbelievably sad story.
Please accept my prayers for healing and that you will laugh again someday and have only beautiful memories of Clare.
This is murder for profit - a global genocide, an evil & corrupt sick care system. I have no words - my heart aches for this family. Thank you Dr. Trozzi for providing a platform for them to share their story & experience. Dear Lord, deliver us from evil & help us to help ourselves continue to expose the Truth of medical tyranny. In GOD we Trust . . .