Science Belongs to the People
Videos, including an inspiring introduction from the World Council for Health's Better Way Conference.
Event Introduction
Here is the first releases of the exceptional material from the World Council For Health‘s Better Way Conference that we held in the historic town of Bath, UK last weekend May 20 through 22.
First this is the brief inspiring introduction to the conference by master of ceremonies Del Bigtree and WCH founder Dr Tess Lawrie.
Science Belongs to the People - Shabnam Palessa Mohamed
Second here is an the excellent introductory presentation to the first of seven sections of the Better Way Conference, entitled “Reclaiming Science Together”. Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, WCH steering committee member, journalist and activist here exposes how the “science” people are being told to trust, is not science; rather it is an abuse of the idea of science to manipulate, injure, and kill the masses while making massive profits. By contrast, real science is not dogmatic. Questioning the science is how science works.
Event coverage by Bright Light News
One of Canada’s finest real journalists Gord Parks of Bright Light News the conference. Here is his first article and photos from the event. Gord was very busy having interviews with many of the world’s experts; so we can anticipate more great Better Way material from Bright Light News ahead.