Shabnam Palesa Mohamed Pt 2 | Escaping the Matrix
Assessing the current threats of the UN and WHO. “Don’t Panic; organize.”
In part 2, Shabnam reveals how we escape the matrix, and refuse to be the slaves who build their own prisons. Next, Shabnam shares some of her work in Africa and globally; before a detailed focus on The WHO, The UN, and the severe and eminent threats that both present to us all right now. The need for us to take action is clear; this interview provides practical steps that we all can and must take. Don’t panic; organize.
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About Shabnam Palesa Mohamed
Growing up committed to truth, justice and freedom, Shabnam is a human rights activist for over two decades. She served as the youngest board member in the history of an NGO co-founded by an International Criminal Court judge. Shabnam learned to combine a diversity of skills to work with children, women, fathers, the poor, homeless, students, workers, refugees, and artists.
Graduating with Dean’s Commendation in legal method, civil procedure, and criminal law, excelling in clinical law; Shabnam Palesa Mohamed was admitted as an attorney of the High Court of South Africa in 2003. Shabnam is a visionary connector, incisive strategist, and a creative yet practical mediator. She currently focuses on vaccine and medical product-related injury cases.
A seasoned print, radio, video and TV journalist, Shabnam engages astutely selected changemakers including healers, activists, journalists, lawyers, artists, farmers, scientists, judges, and politicians in Africa and around our world. Her ability to ask compelling questions and inspire out of the box thinking leads to her being asked to speak, host events, and anchor panel discussions.
Shabnam serves as CEO of Transformative Health Justice (THJ manages the SA VAERS reporting project), as executive director and chapter coordinator of Children’s Health Defense Africa, as a steering commitee member of World Council for Health, and as a Director of EbMC Squared CIC. She also co-convened the launch of the African Sovereignty Coalition (ASC).
Shabnam has been honoured with humbling community awards, including Women of Wonder, Women of Inspiration, and the Lady Fatima Award for commitment to children and women. Her driving motivation is “The 99% of us coming together, not only for what is just, but to co-create a better world, for our present and our future. I have no doubt that we are now succeeding.”
Please help support Shabnam’s mission through donations via paypal
Links to resources Shabnam mentioned within the interview:
Let's Wage Peace. The anti-war movement, health freedom movement, environmental movement and artist movement have a lot in common: We want a better world for The 99%.
Preventing the Abuse of Public Health Emergencies. Lawful Criteria to Declare a State of Emerge
The Great Freeset. Challenges (steps for exiting the matrix)
Can the WHO and the United Nations impose sanctions on your sovereign country?
Exit The WHO bill: This bill was drafted by Shabnam Palesa Mohamed for South Africa, but it can be adapted for your country.
AFRICA VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System)
WHO workers commit sexual abuse in the DRC – no justice, no reparations
United Nations faces power grab resistance from countries refusing to be bulldozed
Powerful talk sent it to my niece ,a student of genocide in university, hope she listens.
Another great interview with two individuals who posses empathy, compassion, moral fortitude and intelligence.
Billy boy (gates) is running a special Eugenics program in Africa - and India (apparently, India kicked him out!). Of course he doesn't want them to have any kind of communication that would expose his nefarious actions in those countries, to people in other countries. I'm sure that within the past couple of decades, he has destroyed millions of lives in those two countries alone.