Trucker Freedom Rally. History in the making. Trudeau hiding
Dr Francis Christian and other freedom fighters report from the front lines in Ottawa. The COVID-agenda is crumbling.
As Canadians of all colors and stripes, stand with our truckers’ freedom rally; the master-of-black-face and veteran groper , Trudeau is tweeting from his hide-out. Trudeau makes typical “racists” accusations of the obviously mixed race crowd. Trudeau then tweets his Black History Month message attempting to distract from the biggest rally in Canadian history; a rally against his COVID tyranny and crimes.
The COVID-agenda is crumbling, Canadians are waking up and reclaiming our country. The COVID tyrants and meat puppets are running from the tsunami of truth and justice heading their way.
Quebec abandons it’s plan to tax the un-injected.
The globalist tool: Eric O’Toole is ousted from leadership of the Conservative Party.
Many thousands of Canadians have demanded criminal charges against Trudeau, and other culprits of the COVID crimes against humanity. We pray the RCMP are doing their job, and that Trudeau is in custody now or ASAP. The law applies to all.
Dr Francis Christian is deeply integrated into the front line, as well as many good things happening behind the scenes. Here is Dr Christian’s Dispatch from the Front Line exclusively for The Trozzi Report. Thank you Dr Christian.
Today’s post also includes great photos, and brief messages from other leaders in the COVID truth movement including Dr Hodkinson, Dr Dube, Dr Alexander, and Didi Vergados.
Dr Francis Christian Dispatches from Ottawa - Exclusive for the Trozzi Report
Dr Francis Christian: February 2, 2022
“This is a miraculous time for Canada, for humanity, for all our presents and all our futures. Our magnificent Truckers for Freedom have ignited a movement for freedom, for liberty, for truth, “of the people, for the people, by the people” – a movement for Canada; a shout of freedom that is reverberating around the world.
My dear friend Dr. Mark Trozzi has been literally weeping tears of joy and hope for Canada, for the world – so have I. Mark has been a mighty warrior against the yoke of tyranny that has been heavy upon the necks of our people for the past two years. Thank you, Mark – and all of humanity thanks you.
I have not felt more hopeful for Canada in a long time. Up and down the streets of Ottawa and across the nation, people from all walks of life, young and old, from all backgrounds, from all the cities and all the towns of this nation… are singing a new song of freedom and are striking fear into the heart of the tyranny.
As my close friend, the brilliant political strategist Josh Twigg pointed out to me, our magnificent Truckers for Freedom have already achieved a significant victory, by fracturing the Conservative party – the party is poised to overthrow another tyrant, its leader, Erin O’Toole.
Up and down this city, in this magical time, people are thanking and applauding our magnificent Truckers – handing out food; making offers of help; making the Truckers see and feel the gratitude of a grateful nation, a grateful world.
And the walls of the fragile fortress of tyranny are crumbling. Justin Trudeau is in hiding. His government is floundering. The Conservative party will soon have a new leader. Panicked provincial governments are announcing the ending of many oppressive and tyrannical provincial “vaccine mandates” and rules.
Praise and glory be to God alone!!
A glorious time to be alive.”
~ Dr. F. Christian, FRCSEd, FRCSC (Surgeon, Historian, Poet)
Erin O'Toole forced out as Conservative leader
O’Toole has been forced out of his position as the leader of the Conservative party. Let us pray that this brings about an end to the party’s role as controlled opposition. For more information about this development, here’s a reference: (Read here)
Quebec premier drops 'unvaxxed tax' plan, saying it 'divided' people
Quebec premier is backing down on his plan to discriminate non-injection victims with extra “vaccine” taxes. Thank you to our wonderful truckers! (Read here)
Trudeau Update
Trudeau, while hiding in "self isolation," is accusing the multiracial uprising of being “racists” and trying to distract from the biggest rally in Canadian history by announcing “Black History Month”
Dr Hodkinson from the Ottawa Truckers Freedom Rally on overthrowing Dictators
Dr Roger Hodkidson Feb 2, 2022
“It’s ROCKIN’ here! Use this historic video about the fall of the Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu. The parallel is prescient! A disastrous speech, attempted escape by helicopter from the palace roof and 4 days later he and his wife were summarily executed by firing squad…
…Put it in the middle of the home page as a stark warning from history.
Like Flick in Bug’s Life – all it took was ONE momentous step forward! And the grasshoppers fled.”
~ Roger Hodkinson, MD, FRCP
Message from Dr Sam Dube MD PhD
“Missing you here in Ottawa, Mark! It is INCREDIBLE!!! Here is a recent important Brian Peckford interview to share also
~ Dr Sam Dube, MD, PhD
Didi Vergados from Take Action Canada quick audio report
Didi Vergados additional brief: City of Ottawa working against the Canadian people’s uprising with pathetic moves like closing all laundry mats. Canadians donated more than ten million dollars to the freedom rally, and they are not leaving, until this country is restored with human rights and rule of law for all.
From South Western Ontario Highway 401
From Phil Trozzi in South Western Ontario:
“We met the Windsor portion of the Convoy when they passed Bloomfield Rd and then we followed them all the way to London. We handed out a whole bunch of food there (some from us but a lot from others who donated). Mark, EVERY SINGLE OVERPASS from Bloomfield Rd to Highbury Rd in London was FULL of people and every single service rd was full. I don’t mean most. I mean ALL. It was unlike anything I have ever seen in my 59 years in Canada.
I’ll send some pics and clips… It really was a life-changing event/day.”