Wins of the Week Ep28 with Ted Kuntz
Advances in courts, governments, information, strategy, public awareness, and comedy.
Dear Friends, Ted and I have had a very busy week in British Columbia with town halls and meetings with leaders in the truth and freedom movement. Still, we are very happy to report to you many advances that occurred this week in Canada, the USA, and the UK.
Please take great care of your mental, physical, and spiritual health; and keep up your hard work to help restore sanity, human rights, and justice to our world.
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Vaccine Choice Canada: Take advantage of the resources and events at Vaccine Choice Canada and help support the important VCC mission.
Vaccine Choice Canada: New Parents Guide to Understanding Vaccination
Wins of the Week – July 6, 2024
President Donald Trump has stated that he would establish a “special presidential commission of independent minds" to determine what is causing the increase in chronic illness in the US. One of the major pillars of RFK Jr.’s 2024 campaign is to investigate chronic illness in children – a message that he has been consistent on through out his career. With both Trump and RFK Jr. willing to investigate this topic it increases the attention on this topic and it puts Big Pharma on notice while upping the chances whoever is the next president is will carve out a space to aggressively approach chronic childhood illness by any means necessary.
ICAN lead attorney Aaron Siri’s gave expert testimony before the New Hampshire House Committee on COVID Response Efficacy. Siri drilled down on the serious concerning missteps with regulators handling of vaccine safety. It has been described as the most powerful testimony Siri has given on the public record and exposes the FDA’s failure to protect the public from vaccine harms. ICAN is the Informed Consent Action Network - More info
A statement from Bobby Kennedy Jr stated that: There can be no question that Joe Biden is no longer fit for office. The American people witnessed this last Thursday, and now many in the Democratic Party are calling for the President to step down. This is a watershed moment for America. But we cannot let Donald Trump off the hook either. The debate was amateurish and sounded like two children arguing at the playground, rather than two candidates vying to lead the free world. The fourth-grade level of the "debate," the palpable hate emanating from the stage, and the vacuity of most of what they said, shows the urgent need for a full reset of American politics.
The Federal Conservatives have tabled a bill to prevent the Bank of Canada from replacing hard cash with digital currency. They state: "In a world where governments, banks and corporations are increasingly infringing on the privacy rights of Canadians, cash remains the only truly anonymous form of payment." this Bill calls for a national framework to ensure continued access to and use of cash in Canada it amends a Currency Act to limit The Minister's ability to arbitrarily and unilaterally call in Bank notes and the Bank of Canada act to ensure that the Central Bank does not develop or replace hard currency with a digital dollar. - More info
Telling It Like It Is
Del Bigtree’s July 4th Message: Freedom is not a guarantee. Our Founding Fathers established the tenets of freedom in the Declaration of Independence and our U.S. Constitution. No other country had ever allowed Freedom of Religion, Press, or Speech. Tyranny was the norm for most of the world. Even now, Tyranny threatens Freedom. We saw this play out over the last few years during the COVID-19 hoax. Freedom is under attack. There are forces in our government that don’t value freedom, and in fact, they claim freedom is dangerous. We must push back against those who make that case.
For Barbie fans, there is now a vaccine injured Barbie created by the Vaccine Liberation Army. Barbie comes with allergies and asthma, autism and juvenile diabetes. Syringes not included. - More info
Dr Charles Hoffe and his lawyer Lee Turner were successful in defeating the application of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC where they sought an order from the panel taking judicial notice of their version of facts concerning the safety and effectiveness of the covid vaccine and SARS-CoV2. We will publish a very detailed report on this in the next one to two days.
The US Supreme Court has delivered a ruling that will weaken the powers of the administrative state. On Friday, June 28th, the Court voted 6-3 in favor of overturning Chevron deference—a principle of administrative law that required courts to defer to agency interpretations of ambiguous statutes. This will greatly increase the ability to challenge agencies like the FDA and the CDC when they stretch the limits of the law. It is widely expected that this new ruling will lead to an avalanche of lawsuits challenging agency actions that are based on interpretations of ambiguous statutes. Legal experts are saying this will play out for decades in the lower courts as the legal system and the administrative state adjust to this new reality. - More info
A Tennessee Jury has awarded $687,240 to an employee of Blue Cross who was fired for not getting the vax. BlueCross denied her religious exemption request and was found to not have offered a reasonable accommodation without undue hardship. The jury awarded total damages to Plaintiff in the amount of $687,240.00, comprised of $177,240.00 in back pay damages, $10,000.00 in compensatory damages, and, by separate verdict, $500,000.00 in punitive damages."
Citizen Action
The website - The Myth Is Canada was shared with me this week. Its purpose is to educate the people to come together to exercise our rights and empower ourselves. It states: “If the people in the Provinces and Territories, which is recognized as 12 sovereign nations could awaken to what the Government of Canada Inc. really is - master that owns them upon their consent - and take the blinders off put there by those who call themselves the government, we could all have a bright future. The Government of Canada Inc. has painted itself as some sort of religious fairy tale set out to save everyone and keep them safe. Once people realize the truth and claim ownership over their land they can truly be free. - More info
BC Town halls this week provided a number of stories of citizen action where citizens stood up and took action rather than waiting for our various governments and their agents to act. Their actions saved homes during the fires in BC, protected land rights and other successes because they acted rather than complied. - More info
Paul Thomas MD and DeeDee Hoover have announced the upcoming release of "VAX Facts: What to Consider Before Vaccinating at All Ages and All Stages of Life" . This indispensable guide will be available in December 2024, but you can pre-order your copy now! - More info
Chris Shaw and Steve Pellech has announced the upcoming release of Down the Covid-19 Rabbit Hole – edited by Chris Shaw & Steve Pellech . The book will be available in early September with proceeds going to the Canadian Covid Care Alliance (CCCA). You can pre-order your copy now and receive a 50% discount - More info
In an interview this week Drs. Trozzi and Makis make some pretty significant statements. They state that The various provincial health services impose illegal mandates on the public, and in many provinces the governments continue to seek or pass legislation to give themselves greater power to dictate to the public. And over all of this, the WHO continues their campaign to gain the authority to declare a pandemic at any time, for seemingly any reason, and then to use the power of corrupt cooperating governments to further violate the rights of the people and further damage their health. In this interview, Drs. Trozzi and Makis discuss realistic solutions, without shying away from the fact that there are no simple, easy solutions. But there are solutions. If only the people will take action we can fix our healthcare system. - More info
OPEN LETTER from British Physicians to the higher ups at the General Medical Council re: supporting those who report COVID vaccine harm The open letter states: “Medical censorship, whether externally enforced by social media platforms, by GMC investigations or by NHS managers, or whether self-inflicted lead to the same end result – a failure to properly investigate harms or advocate for patient choice or even patient safety. We urge you to implement the following actions: That the GMC apply the same protection to whistleblowers reporting Covid-19 vaccine harms that you have rightly observed were missing decades ago in the contaminated blood scandal. To call a moratorium on all GMC investigations which do not arise directly from complaints about actual patient care. - More info
Related Material:
Comparing the health of Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children. Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination. – Lyons-Weiler, J.; Thomas, P MD
Thank you Dr Mark and Ted. I never miss your Wins of the Week. It gives me such hope. God bless you and continue to strengthen you, Spirit, soul, and body to do this important work.
Dear Mark Trozzi and Ted Kuntz,
Thank-you for the reminder .
Here's something I saw last year and things people can do for PREVENTION.
Fires in the Shuswap Lake area 2023 Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson
God Bless.