Wins of the Week EP6 With Ted Kuntz
Dr Trozzi and Ted Kuntz (president of Vaccine Choice Canada) share success stories of the past week.
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Wins of the Week – February 04, 2024
Hundreds of Alberta health-care workers who refused to submit to the COVID-19 injections are being financially compensated after filing grievances with their union. This week almost 700 Alberta Health Services and Precision Laboratories employees are set to be paid out as a result of their employment interruption due to COVID mandates. - More info
An Australian Employment Tribunal has ruled that the Department of Child Protection must pay compensation and medical expenses to a youth worker who developed pericarditis after getting a Covid booster under a workplace vaccination directive. Many Australian employers have sought to deflect responsibility for injuries incurred under workplace Covid vaccine directives on the basis that they were simply following government orders. The Tribunal decision sends “a clear signal to employers that they have a duty of care to their employees regardless of what governments impose upon them.” Just following orders didn’t work with during the Nuremberg Trials, and its good to see they aren’t working now. - More info
Toronto Sun columnist Lorne Gunter says that Federal Judge Richard Mosley got it right when he ruled the Trudeau government was wrong by invoking the Emergencies Act on the Freedom convoy. Gunter added that Moseley may just have saved Canada from future tyranny. The 4 minute video had 23,000 likes in the first 15 hours. - More info
The Democracy Fund announced this week that the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario formally withdrew charges against Dr. Jean Marc Benoit. The College alleged that his posts on Twitter during the COVID-19 pandemic were “disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional.” The matter had been scheduled for a 5-day hearing, but instead concluded with a short appearance during which Dr. Benoit pleaded “no contest” to failing to respond to a College communication. Benoit received a reprimand, and the CPSO formally withdrew the balance of the allegations. - More info
The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California is hearing a landmark federal trial on the neurotoxicity of water fluoridation brought against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Michael Connett, the lead attorney for the plaintiffs seeks to prohibit the addition of fluoride to water. He states: Europe looked into the idea of adding fluoride to water to prevent cavities but decided against it because it violates people’s right to informed consent.” The trial resumed today after a four-year pause. Nine days for testimony and cross-examination of experts and fact witnesses have been set aside. - More info
Several challengers to the Emergencies Act say they’re preparing to sue government officials and financial institutions after the Federal Court’s recent declaration that the invocation of the act was not justified. Military veteran Eddie Cornell, police veteran Vincent Gircys, and Jeremiah Jost said in a Jan. 29 statement that they will sue “those in government, the financial institutions who froze people’s bank accounts, and the police officers who beat up and injured the innocent.” - More info
A Superior Court of Justice of Ontario hearing scheduled this week to consider the governments motion to strike the legal proceedings of Vaccine Choice Canada against the Governments of Canada and Ontario from July 2020 lasted all of 15 minutes. The Judge immediately recused himself because of a potential perceived lack of impartiality. He stated that he is a former law colleague and personal friend of Christine Elliott, the Ontario Minister of Health, one of the defendants in the proceedings. A new judge will be assigned. The judge announced that the next available court date is May 2025. The good news is the Judge recused himself prior to the hearing rather than wait until this may have been exposed. Also good news is that the government’s efforts to have our legal proceedings struck has been delayed, However, if there was any doubt about the decline of justice in our courts, this makes it abundantly clear.
Massive, ongoing protests in the streets of Germany, Poland, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Portugal, and other European countries descended upon the EU Parliament building in Brussels on Thursday. The protests coincide with Thursday’s summit of EU leaders, with the farmers calling on them to scrap agricultural and environmental regulations implemented by the EU. - More info
The protests in France are escalating. Food SHORTAGES are now being reported after the farmers blockade cities in protest of the green agenda. Politicians in France and elsewhere are learning the importance of farmers. This is not unlike our governments getting a lesson on the importance of truckers. Without farmers, there is no food. - More info
What is encouraging in France is that we are seeing signs of the police supporting the farmers. A video clip shows police sharing food with the farmers. They know the Farmers are right and are not the enemy. When the Police and security forces side with the farmers and the people its game over for the Globalists. - More info
A large convoy of close to 200 vehicles drove from Lethbridge to Coutts, Alta. Saturday, marking the second anniversary of the original convoy and blockade that paralyzed the border crossing in 2022. The convoy was not only meant to commemorate the original Coutts border blockade but also bring attention to four men who remain in custody awaiting trial. They have been in custody for more than 700 days. Supporters raised money for their legal fees and the convoy also did a slow roll past the Lethbridge Correctional Centre to show their support. - More info
Alberta Premier Danielle Smith has followed up on her word that her province will not permit medical transitioning or puberty blockers for children as part of newly announced policies. “For minors, aged 17 and under, gender reassignment surgeries will not be permitted”. She also said that those under 15 years of age will not be allowed to take puberty blockers or hormone therapies as part of gender reassignment therapy. The move makes Alberta the only province in Canada to ban gender transition medical procedures for children.
Alberta will also give women choice to compete in ‘women’s-only division’ in athletic competitions.
And finally, Teachers are PROHIBITED from unilaterally changing the name and pronouns of young children without the consent of parents, reinforcing parental rights in educational settings. - More info
Alberta Health Services has paused the changes it made to its online patient portal policy in 2022 that prevented parents from accessing the medical records of children 12 and older. The policy was advocated by Youth health-care providers who claimed that “Limiting access to information for parents and guardians when a youth turns 12, is designed to protect vulnerable youth.” Let’s hope Alberta permanently ends this insanity. - More info
Tucker Carlson spoke to thousands of Canadians in Edmonton and Calgary. Carlson urged the nation to wake up and “recognize what is happening to you.” “This is not a political debate to which you’ve been invited to participate in,”. “This is a destruction of you and your culture and your beliefs and your children and your future as a country.” “Your attitudes need to change and your timidity needs to be replaced by bravery,”. “The first thing that you need to do before changing anything in your country is to change everything about your heart. You have to be ready for a contest where the stakes are existential, which they are.” - More info
Elon Musk has issued a warning against new proposals on “hate speech” regulation in Ireland. According to Musk, the ability of the Irish politicians to define hate speech based on personal interpretations poses a real danger to free speech, which he sees as fundamental to any democratic society. Musk committed financial support towards opposing the proposed law through legal means. - More info
More than 100 candidates for public office in the US, and nearly as many current officeholders across 35 states have publicly declared that they believe the COVID-19 vaccines should be “immediately discontinued” in the interest of public safety. - More info
A federal Procurement watchdog has exposed that 76% of listed ArriveCan app subcontractors did no work. Clearly fraud, theft by our Federal government. - More info
A paper published last week in the journal Cureus is the first peer-reviewed paper to call for a global moratorium on the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. The authors say that reanalyzed data from the vaccine makers’ trials and high rates of serious post-injection injuries indicate the mRNA gene therapy vaccines should not have been authorized for use. - More info
You forgot one: See Greg Hunter Interview (USA Watchdog) w/Catherine Austin Fitts -- extremely important interview -- explanation, already numerous states well-advanced on State Depositories. This is part of Catherine's free section. Uploading this info as perhaps either of you may know of someone who has the provincial knowledge & experience in finance who can further this info along ... The term used by Greg and Catherine is "sovereign" when talking about State Depositories. NOTE: Canada had a Chartered Public Bank (The Royal Bank of Canada). It broke its Charter years ago and went private-ownership for profit. The Supreme Court of Canada refused to hear the case. NOT closed, but still active - waiting to be heard. (COMER) Committee On Monetary Economic Reform (x2 very Sr. people placed sufficient funds in trust to pursue the case - WHEN - the Supreme Court decides to take the case! Rocco Galatti
May 2015... The interest-free loans by the Chartered (Public) Central Bank of Canada (RBC) was to provide moneys to Municipalities, Counties, Provincial governments to build infrastructure. A major eg. is The St. Lawrence Freeway, Schools, Hospitals, etc. The loans were to be repaid or no more loans (yearly). The Chartered (Public) Central Bank was meant to fund Canada/Canadians AND NOT Private Individuals - offshore - to expand their control-over Canada/Canadians via bankruptcy. Etc.
Keep up the good work Doctor Trozzi.