No pathology labs in Canada are performing immunoflourescent staining for spike protein in autopsies, nor other key tests.
Justice and Compensation
Across Canada, there are no pathologists performing proper autopsies on deceased COVID injection victims. None are performing the tests necessary to show that the injections caused the deaths.
Many people die in the days, weeks, and months after the jabs; the cover up of this in Canada is extreme. Doctors who reported the deaths and injuries have had their licenses to practice medicine suspended and revoked. Only cooperative and complacent doctors remain in the old tax funded hospitals and clinics; and only they fill out death certificates now.
Not a single pathology lab in Canada is performing immunoflourescent staining for spike protein, or other key tests, which show the real cause of the deaths.
In Germany, many dead people had state funded autopsies which claimed that their deaths had nothing to do with the coerced injections. However, proper re-examination of their organs by Professor Dr Burkhardt’s team, showed clearly that the cause of their deaths was the injections.
Today we share the concise information to help ensure that the cover up stops, and that the bodies of our loved ones provide evidence of the crime, and help end the killing. Below is Dr Burkhardt’s autopsy check list titled: “Notes and Suggestions Concerning Post-Mortem Examination (autopsy) of Deceased in Connection with Corona-Vaccination”. Please study, save, and share it, with families in mourning and pathologists alike.
In North America the only pathology laboratory currently doing legitimate post mortem analysis for COVID-19 “vaccine” induced pathology and death is Cole Diagnostics. That is Dr Ryan Cole’s diagnostic company near Boise, Idaho.
For anyone who has lost a loved one to the jab, please help ensure that they have this autopsy check list, and Cole Diagnostics info and website link.
Cole Diagnostics is located at
7988 W Marigold St, Unit 150, Garden City, ID 83714, United States
Phone: +1 208 472 1082
The cost for obtaining this important evidence, should be more than compensated for in the law suits, and by stopping the injections, and prosecuting the perpetrators.
Please pay special attention to the section near the bottom of Dr Burkhardt’s autopsy check list, named: II. Evaluation of organ samples from deceased or biopsies from living patients after corona — vaccination.
Entire bodies do not need to be transported to the laboratory in Idaho; rather tissue samples are generally adequate. Discuss details with the team at Cole Diagnostics.
Dr Burkhardt's autopsy check list
(Click here) to view.
Prof. Arne Burkhardt presented ” Autopsies: Evidence for Jab Related Harm and Death” within the “Understanding Vaccine Causation Conference”, convened by World Council for Health Steering Committee Member, Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, on Feb. 5, 2022
Dr Arne Burkhardt. Born in 1944 in Germany, a pathologist with more than 40 years diagnostic and teaching experience at the Universities of Hamburg, Bern, and Tubingen. He is the author of more than 150 original publications in international journals, currently engaged in autopsy studies of persons dying after taking the COVID vaccine.