Get this poison OFF the market. Recall ALL. They are still injecting this into everyone from babies to the elderly. 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

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Couldn`t have said this better. Thanks for saying it, Sherry.

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Time for us to be telling friends and family who are still considering/taking boosters how dangerous it is. At least we can warn them.

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No Covid19 virus and mutants!

Each vaccinated individual has one, but some have two, a 12-character MAC address made up of a mixture of letters and numbers.

Detects within 25m!

Not all types of phones!

In the film below, you can see that the human borg has a MAC address, which was created by inoculation containing nano technology and 5-G radiation.

Moving away - approaching

70:57:CB:7E:DB:15 (the Marhabilloja) will then be fired with a device that generates a low current, but a high voltage of 50,000 Volts.

After a subsequent check, the phone no longer shows a MAC address.

The question is, what's next?

The router, which is no longer working but has been rebuilt, is still in the humanborg, which, if it works, also broadcasts from the not-recently-buried dead (zombie) and gives the Mac address.

At the end of the video, you can see the construction diagram of the discharge device!

High voltage electromagnetic pulses (EMP) for baking injected nanotechnology


(Don't miss: Marburg "epidemic" and zombie apocalypse news update!!

Marburg Activates Vaxxed (via Lipid Nanoparticle), Patents and Owns New Species and 5G

(they broadcast 18 GHz pulse signal) they emit a virus !! Gene deletion technology turns your Vaxxed into zombies!!!)

The cemetery is full of Bluetooth signals, the vaccinated dead are emitting MAC addresses from the grave!


You can see in the video below, there is an individual who has several Mac addresses, if they try to search for a specific individual's Mac address several times, it disappears and becomes hidden.

There seems to be a security app as well.



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Sherry, has it occurred to you that maybe they know and that is the point of mandating these injections. Why would “they” pull something that’s doing what they planned for it to do?

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Of course it occurred to me, more than that, I firmly believe it hence calling it poison. If ‘they’ see that there is massive pushback and they will be facing lawsuits and federal criminal charges they might pull it to cut their losses. The goal is to not have one more harm done. The ‘emergency use clause’ will not protect the manufacturers.

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I just can’t believe what I know and yet so many around me have no idea. Their loved ones are dropping dead or injured badly and they just don’t make the connection. And if I were to point out that “it might be the experimental coerced jabs” they would turn on me. They just don’t want to know. I’ve given up unless the person is actually questioning.

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I am at the same place..People who should know better ignore me or worse, get angry when I try to help them get the needed information.

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they're still learning about deceit and truth. When you are deceitful, you are drawn toward deceit and get taken advantage of. It is crazy and biblical...we all must cross that threshold. Our greatest challenge in life is becoming truthfull and authentic! it is lifelong process.

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Keep on saying the truth. They turn on you b/c they cannot admit they were conned and may have hurt their loved ones by pushing the shot. 😕

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we drop truth bombs, point out errors where we can...other than that it's prayer for them....so we can be freed from worrying about them. Remember when you were 20's and ppl dropped testimonies to you about their own lives and failures? Well, those stayed imbedded in my psyche until I was hurting enough and ready to drop the BS arrogance or fear or whatever you want to call it (I call it satan confusing us). That's all we can do, certainly don't lose your peace over it....that is where faith in God still having a plan comes in. Try not to be a know it all and holier than thou like I am!

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Same here, so frustrating!

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I just keep shaking my head, because I know so many people have had blinders on, and now I fear they are a permanent install...they will just never accept all of this legitimate research and proof that the Covid jabs could be--and are--harmful. The rest of us had our suspicions for whatever reason but now it’s indisputable. Thank goodness we had some critical thinking skills and then at least followed our gut... 😥

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the elect, not sure how everyone else fits in, but some definately HEARD THE STILL SMALL VOICE.

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This is an intentional genocide. That is why nothing is being done to help or inform anyone from mainstream medicine.

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Even the supposed experts on “our side” seem to be reluctant to saying what’s really going on. I’m starting to wonder if their silence is a sign of them knowing and steering us away from the fact our government has deciddd to murder us.

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Some like Dr. Malone and Dr. Ryan Cole are likely controlled opposition. Malone has deep DoD ties and Cole obfuscates the nanotechnology found in the blood of the vaxxed and un-vaxxed. By their deeds we shall know them.

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I definitely agree about Malone but not sure about Cole, if he is on the opposing team I'll be very disappointed as I thought I had a good feeling about him. I was hoping his refusal to talk nanotech was that he had no proof. Hard to believe what we are watching, the genocide by everyone's own govt.

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There is plenty of evidence, Dr. Cole just seems to want to ignore what has been shown by many others; Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Quinta Columna and others.

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A cage went in search of a bird...

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The only good news are autopsies performed. It's a start. But then, how many autopsies and proof will it take to stop the carnage and spill the beans??? As Dr.Alexandra H. Caude put it: "They would have placed a recall/ban on bad peanut butter jars after 3 deaths".... Really...

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genetic vaccines---so many loved ones taken too early

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Why are there not more people awake and going after doctors, pharmacies, politicians,governments. Class action law suits! Criminal investigations by proper

authorities.....likely they would be stymied by high ups!

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There have been lawsuits launched against pfizer. Through those, it's revealed that all of this was driven and distributed by the DOD. Pharma was contracted as window dressing. No clinical trials were required in this contract. No proof of safety or effectiveness required. These were never "vaccines" but prototype EUA Countermeasures. Follow Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt for that info.



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Well planned out genocide, masquerading as a war on a virus.

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Was it $32bn that Pfizer made in the first year of vaccines?

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Current Fun Fact Warning: Disease X, an absolutely UNKNOWN disease, is being determined by the 3 letter agencies of global proportions (that we've all come to love to hate) to be even worse than the beer flu, BUT that already has a "cure," which has/is being created in a lab. This new and improved "cure" will be hitting the markets in Patch Form (cuz ewww, who likes needles anymore!), easily applied, tossed, and re-applied as many times as one wishes with as many as one can buy/afford on their own.

PS - The Patch IS the 'disease'.

Where will this yet unknown, but highly proven, highly deadly disease of massive kill off come from?

Why, the Global Warming/Boiling, Ozone Eating, Acid Rain Producing, Incoming Ice Age, Polar Bear Killing, Sea Level Sucking, World Wide Forever Climate Change Crisis of course!

As the ice melts, an "ancient" disease that no one knows anything about will release itself upon the world and only the WHO and all affiliates will be able to handle it and 'help' humanity.

Or so the 'rumors' go.

Just a head's up.

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Thanks Doc Trozzi for the succinct summary.

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Thank you Dr. McCullough and John.

The Predators are Psychopaths to do this Deliberately to humanity!

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"Vaccine" - luv the use of quotations - perfect

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To add to this, there was yet another pilot incapacitation this month.....https://drkevinstillwagon.substack.com/p/another-major-airline-pilot-incapacitated

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Thank you for sharing. He provides practical information and is easy to read!!! GoD Bless All!!

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All intentional harm. These products were never "vaccines." Lawsuits have revealed these jabs were distributed and produced by DOD who contracted with pharma as window dressing. Likely because zero people would agree to inject the prototype EUA Countermeasures created by the Pentagon into their own arms or the arms of their kids. No clinical trials were required in the contract. No safety or effectiveness data needed. So pfizer is arguing -- successfully -- in court that no fraud occurred. It's critical we all understand this.


"The EUA law, as written, is Pfizer’s legal defense. They did everything the government told them to do: committed numerous categories of fraud and shipped poison in exchange for billions of dollars from the US Gov/DOD. They do not contest that they committed fraud. Neither does the government (DOJ supported Pfizer)."


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Lets use a worldwide citizens plebiscite to overrule governments 


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Spelling error in the title "myocarditis"

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This is so rough. I totally believe this, but I am so confused about what I should do. I have a good friend whose daughter is a doctor and very into the covid jabs. This doctor (c. 50 yrs) got the original 2 shots and I think all but last booster. Right before Christmas she started having heart pain. After much testing, they said it was myocarditis "probably brought on by her husband having recently had covid". What!! A cardiologist told her this & she bought into it. Isn't there a blood test they can do to see if your problem is from the virus or the shot? When I see an article/study like this, I don't know what to do. My friend always tells me she doesn't want to talk about all this because she has to trust her daughter...I get that, but if this woman dies, I am going to feel terrible for not pushing my friend harder on this.

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