COVID “Vaccines”; How Dangerous are They?
A thorough investigation of the science behind the COVID "vaccines" used in the Western World.
Relevant Prerequisite Publications
Concerning Numbers
Now that these injections have been administered to victims all over the world, we are witnessing devastating outcomes. In the USA, COVID “vaccines” caused more death in 4 1/2 months, than all vaccines combined did in the past 17 years (See figure 1). Even just looking at the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) data, we find that just the first 5 months in 2021 generated 5 to 19 times the data of vaccine adverse events than any preceding entire year (See figure 2). Here is the link to the government VAERS data: Read here
COVID Statistics
Around the globe, disease and death have followed the onset of the “vaccine” injection campaigns. As we will explore, many of the early adverse effects of the injections mimic COVID and are reported as more COVID cases. This is not surprising considering that, for the past year and a half, deaths from many causes have been misrepresented to the public as COVID deaths, to enforce the many facets of the criminal COVID enterprise, including the injections. Here is a prior Trozzi publication covering this subject, linked below.

Death statistics of 42 countries following injection roll-out
Injecting Children...
Now Big Pharma, WHO, and their political operatives around the world have turned the campaign against children. Despite the COVID virus representing approximately zero risk to children and young adults, and the fact that the injections are proving to be very dangerous; children are now being injected on mass while governments are denying their parents the right to object.
Experts explain why vaccines against COVID-19 are unnecessary and dangerous: Read here
Doctors and parents are suing governmental agencies over this: Read here
“We’ve never seen this level of side effects for any vaccine without the FDA taking action,” Dr. Angelina Farella, pediatric medical director for America’s Frontline Doctors, said in a statement. “The Rotavirus vaccine was pulled for 15 cases of non-lethal side effects and the Swine Flu vaccine was pulled for 25 deaths. But now, by the CDC’s own data, we are seeing a 12,000 percent increase in deaths with these vaccines and they’re still talking about giving this to our kids.”
At some point we normal people must begin to wonder, “Is this meant to harm us, and why is it being forced on us?”
Very credible scientists, doctors, and academics are using terms like “bio-weapon” to describe these injections. Experts are describing the COVID campaign with terms like: “genocide, eugenics, and population reduction.”
Here five very qualified medical experts have a deep conversation into the experimental injections' credentials as bio-weapons
Global Depopulation?
Most of us find this hard to fathom. Are there powerful influential people who would consider or plan such a diabolic scheme? The reader who is well versed in geopolitics and aware of the Bilderberg Group, will find this 1981 quote which many attribute to Bilderberg member Jacques Attali. Attali served as a counselor to President François Mitterrand from 1981 to 1991 and was the first head of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in 1991.
“The future will be about finding a way to reduce the population. We start with the old, because as soon as they exceed 60-65 years, people live longer than they produce and that costs society dearly. Then the weak, then the useless that do not help society because there will always be more of them, and above all, ultimately, the stupid. Euthanasia targeting these groups; Euthanasia will have to be an essential tool in our future societies, in all cases. Of course we will not be able to execute people or build camps. We get rid of them by making them believe that it is for their own good. Overpopulation, and mostly useless, is something that is too costly economically. Socially, too, it is much better when the human machine comes to an abrupt standstill than when it gradually deteriorates. Neither will we be able to test millions upon millions of people for their intelligence, you bet that! We will find or cause something a pandemic targeting certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus affecting the old or the fat, it doesn't matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and stupid will believe in it and seek treatment. We will have made sure that treatment is in place, treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots then takes care of itself: You go to the slaughter by yourself."
~ Interviews with Michel Salomon – The Faces of the Future, Seghers edition, which was published in France by Emi Lit when Attali was a senior adviser to French President, Francoise Mitterand.
Here is a list of Bilderberg members which includes Jacques Attali under France: Click here
Two Famous Puppet Masters
Firstly, Bill Gates has a personal and family history of eugenics philosophy; a quest, despite his own massive carbon footprint, to reduce global carbon dioxide emissions by reducing the world’s population, and campaigns around the globe promoting harm against us through many facets of the criminal COVID enterprise including the injections.
Secondly, Anthony Fauci has become famous leading the official government COVID response in the USA. He is a physician-scientist and immunologist who serves as the director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and chief medical advisor to the president. He has used his position to ensure the financing of ‘gain of function’ research. Gain of function research involves making viruses more dangerous.
Here is a video by Dr. Steve Turley exposing this:
An interesting debate between Senator Dr. Rand Paul and Anthony Fauci
Could these be bio-weapons?
After hundreds of hours of research into the COVID “vaccines”, and many in depth discussions with other medical experts, I wish to share with you more science related to these injections. Is it reasonable to consider the question: “are these injections bio-weapons?” That is “are they actually intended to harm or kill us?” Please feel welcome to discuss this question with others in the comment section below.
Looking at the science
After hundreds of hours of research into the COVID “vaccines”, and many in depth discussions with other medical experts, I wish to share with you more science related to these injections. Is it reasonable to consider the question: “are these injections bio-weapons?” That is “are they actually intended to harm or kill us?” Please feel welcome to discuss this question with others in the comment section below.
Things in the injections
1. Patented modified viral genetic material: messenger RNA or double stranded DNA which code for a spike glycoprotein similar to the SGP of the coronavirus. Moderna and Pfizer contain messenger RNA, while Astrazeneca and Johnson and Johnson contain DNA.
Moderna and Pfizer: lipid nanoparticles which are the trojan horses that get the patented modified viral genes as messenger RNA into the human subjects’ cells, even getting them past the blood brain barrier and into brain cells.
Astezenica and Johnson and Johnson: use DNA instead of mRNA and a different trojan horse which is an adenovirus modified to deliver the patented modified viral genes into the human subjects’ cells. (these cause more blood clotting than the nanoparticle type injections, at least initially).
Novavax: spike glycoprotein and a protein adjuvant. (not in use and discussed only minimally here).
2. Polyethylene glycol. Moderna and Pfizer nanoparticles include various lipids including cholesterol and Polyethylene glycol (a polymer of ethylene glycol, which is found in automotive anti-freeze fluid). This is reported as being needed for the lipid capsules’ trojan effect. Some people have adverse immune reactions to PEGylated nano-biopharmaceuticals involving anti-PEG antibodies. Read here
3. An alleged but not confirmed ingredient in some of Pfizer’s injections may be mNeonGreen. Court proceedings are underway in which Allele Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals, Inc.’s accuse Pfizer of infringing its patent on mNeonGreen, a bioluminescent marker that they claim Pfizer has included in their injections. In their October 2020 complaint, they accuse Pfizer of infringing Allele’s U.S. patent covering this particular “tag” used to track vaccine in a patient’s blood. Read here
4. Mystery ingredients? We do not know what is in the injections that causes magnets to stick to people’s injection sites, and displays a magnetic polarity itself. Read here
5. Various other simple chemicals and preservatives.

Things the body makes in response to the injections
Messenger RNA
In the cases of the Oxford-Astrazeneca and the Johnson and Johnson "vaccines" which contain DNA, this DNA must gain admission into the subjects' cells' nuclei and there be transcribed to produce a messenger RNA. The Pfizer and Moderna injections start with the messenger RNA.
Spike Glycoprotein

The two subunit patented protein, called a modified coronavirus spike glycoprotein, produced and shed by the subjects’ cells, based on the patented viral DNA and messenger RNA. (exception Novovax which contains the spike glycoprotein directly). This unnatural SGP appears in subjects’ circulation within a few days of the first injection. Timing after mRNA injections: both subunits of the Spike Glycoproteins appear in plasma within one day, peak at 5 days, and are undetectable in blood by 14 days (but that does not mean it is absent from many human tissues where it was produced).

Several antibodies manufactured by the subjects’ immune systems in response to the patented foreign spike glycoprotein, which are produced by the human subjects’ own cells. Antibodies produced in response to the SGP increase in the bloodstream within 1 to 2 weeks after injections and persist for at least two months. These unnatural antibodies are very specific and thus do not work for even some subtle variants of the patented coronavirus SARS CoV2. Compare that with natural immunity that covers a broad spectrum of very different coronaviruses. Unfortunately, the large quantity of unnatural highly specific antibodies, suppresses the natural non-specific antibodies. This leaves the subject open and unprotected to many coronaviruses and subtle variants.
Relevant Physiology
ACE2 Receptors
ACE2 receptors on human cells are the sites where the spike glycoproteins attach. In the case of an intact virus, following this attachment, fusion occurs, and viral content enters the cells. In the case of the artificial SGP alone, the attachment to the receptor is much stronger, and creates cell signaling which affects the cell. This includes “down-regulation” or decreasing the numbers of ACE2 receptors. The cells suffer from this as ACE2 receptors generally serve important healthy functions.
Though virtually all human tissues have the genetic material and mRNA for the ACE2 receptors; some tissues express these genes and have significant ACE2 receptors on their cells’ surfaces. Here is a good article about this: Tissue distribution of ACE2 protein, the functional receptor for SARS coronavirus. A first step in understanding SARS pathogenesis.
Here is a key excerpt:
“…the localization of ACE2 protein in various human organs (oral and nasal mucosa, nasopharynx, lung, stomach, small intestine, colon, skin, lymph nodes, thymus, bone marrow, spleen, liver, kidney, and brain). The most remarkable finding was the surface expression of ACE2 protein on lung alveolar epithelial cells and enterocytes of the small intestine. Furthermore, ACE2 was present in arterial and venous endothelial cells and arterial smooth muscle cells in all organs studied.
Also, the injection induced modified SGP binds ten to twenty times as strongly to the ACE2 receptors, compared to the natural virus SGP. The SGP alone can cause disease processes in any or all these tissues.”

Non-Specific Natural Antibodies
Non-specific natural antibodies. They provide broad and diverse immunity against many coronaviruses and variants; but they are suppressed by the unnatural very specific antibodies which are produced in response to the mRNA injection induced spike glycoproteins.
Top vaccine world expert Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, DMV, PHD, explains this danger in an open letter to the WHO March 12, 2021: Open Letter to the WHO: Immediately Halt All COVID-19 Mass Vaccinations-Geert Vanden Bossche, DMV, PhD
Ways The Injections Cause Side Effects
Immediate Side Effects
Immediate Side Effects can include allergic reactions to one or more ingredients in the injections. This has included anaphylaxis (severe potentially fatal allergic response), at a rate five times that of most vaccines: Read here
Spike Glycoprotein Exert Direct Effects
Spike glycoprotein exert direct effects on various ACE2 receptor containing tissues: Read here
ACE2 receptors are found on the surface of cells of the endothelial lining of all small blood vessels in the body, arterial smooth muscles in all arteries, and tissues of the oral and nasal mucosa, nasopharynx, lung, stomach, small intestine, colon, skin, lymph nodes, thymus, bone marrow, spleen, liver, kidney, and brain.
The modified spike glycoprotein binds to the ACE2 receptors ten to twenty times stronger than the coronavirus natural SGP.
Spike glycoprotein alone causes lung and blood vessel damage: Read here
Hamsters exposed to inhaled spike protein alone, with no virus, develop lung disease. The discovery of this and its mechanism are described in this scientific article. (SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2)
Here is a key excerpt:
“SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) infection relies on the binding of S protein (Spike glycoprotein) to ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) 2 in the host cells. Vascular endothelium can be infected by SARS-CoV-2, which triggers mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production and glycolytic shift. Paradoxically, ACE2 is protective in the cardiovascular system, and SARS-CoV-1 S protein promotes lung injury by decreasing the level of ACE2 in the infected lungs. In the current study, we show that S protein alone can damage vascular endothelial cells (ECs) by downregulating ACE2 and consequently inhibiting mitochondrial function.”
How the injections lead to both blood clotting and bleeding is not completely understood and may involve multiple factors including direct effects of the SGP, as well as the antibodies.
One causative mechanism includes damage to the lining of small blood vessels that can occurs from the virus, or from the spike glycoprotein alone. The effect of damage to this endothelium (blood vessels’ inner layer) includes triggering blood clotting.
Also, platelets, essential to blood clotting, are strongly affected by the toxic spike glycoproteins.
Another mechanism causing the blood clotting disorders seems to occur due to interactions of the antibodies which the body produces in response to the injections with the victims’ platelets. This is further enhanced by EDTA (an iron and calcium binding or “chelating” agent) found in the AstraZeneca injection. In these cases, the blood clotting may consume massive quantities of platelets, so the victim is simultaneously having often fatal blood clots, while being vulnerable to bleeding elsewhere due to platelet deficiency. Though the clotting side effect appears worse with the AstraZeneca injection, it is occurring with the others also. Blood clotting can be the underlying pathology in: heart attacks; strokes; lethal blood clots in the lungs as well as microscopic blood-clotting within the lungs which can mimic pneumonia and be misdiagnosed as a COVID infection; venous thrombosis; devastating extensive blood clotting in the large venous sinuses of the brain; as well as many other symptoms such as headaches, nausea, vomiting and hematoma-like “rashes” over the body which may indicate thrombosis (blood clotting) and other severe abnormalities.
Types of COVID-19 Vaccines (click here)
AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine: EMA finds possible link to very rare cases of unusual blood clots with low blood platelets (click here)
Blood Clotting
As well as blood clotting disorders, many of the injection subjects have developed bleeding disorders including abnormal and postmenopausal vaginal bleeding, nose bleeds, and devastating bleeding within the brain.
Young nurse suffers from hemorrhage and brain swelling after second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine (click here)
Woman in Japan dies of brain hemorrhage after receiving COVID-19 vaccine, no link determined (click here)
Consider this quote from the article “Experts explain why vaccines against COVID-19 are unnecessary and dangerous” by Doctors for COVID Ethics (click here)
Contrary to claims that blood disorders post-vaccination are “rare”, many common vaccine side effects (headaches, nausea, vomiting and hematoma-like “rashes” over the body) may indicate thrombosis and other severe abnormalities. Moreover, vaccine-induced diffuse micro-thromboses in the lungs can mimic pneumonia and may be misdiagnosed as COVID-19. Clotting events currently receiving media attention are likely just the “tip of a huge iceberg” [34] — The vaccines are not safe.
Abnormal uterine bleeding in women may be due not only to effects of the SGP and antibodies on the blood and small blood vessels, but also effects on hormones, and uterine tissues which have proteins called Syncytin-1 which bear some similarities to the SGP and are hence potentially damaged by the unnatural induced antibodies (an autoimmune effect). Some worry that this may induce an autoimmune disease in women such that they will be sterilized permanently. More research is required, but what sane woman would volunteer for this experiment?
Spike Glycoprotein Shedding
Spike Glycoprotein Shedding by injection subjects, making others ill.
Also, multiple ill effects including bleeding have occurred in contacts of “vaccinated” subjects who have not themselves received the injections. This is almost certainly due to the SGP’s being shed from the injection subjects, then contaminating and affecting their family or contacts who would otherwise be fine. This has included nose bleeds in children of the injected, and vaginal bleeding in spouses of the injected.
This introduces another sad and surprising possibility, that people who have been injected with these COVID ‘vaccines”, may be the “new lepers” and present a health risk to non-injected healthy people who are in contact with them.
COVID-Vaccinated People Can ‘Shed’ Spike Proteins And Harm The Unvaccinated.
See page 69 of Pfizer’s own document:
In this interview with The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman, celebrated former military doctor and bioweapons expert Dr. Lee Merritt offers her thoughts on recent claims that vaccinated individuals may be “shedding” spike proteins or something else that is hurting unvaccinated people–especially women: (click here)
Autoimmune Disease
Auto-immune diseases are diseases in which one’s immune system attacks some of their own tissues. Classic examples of this include Rheumatoid Arthritis in which the patients form antibodies and an immune response against their own cartilage; and Guillain-Barre, a disease in which the patient’s immune system attacks their own nerves. Autoimmune disease is always a risk with vaccine induced immune responses, and Guillain-Barre is one of the most common such side effects. However, the COVID gene therapy presents an elevated level and spectrum for possible autoimmune disease. The injection subjects’ cells are themselves the producers of the modified viral spike glycoprotein to which their body produces antibodies. Thus, there is serious risk that the antibodies will target the subjects’ many SGP producing tissues. This introduces a new risk of autoimmune disease involving many tissues and organs. Also, some human tissues include cells with similarities to the SGP. This provides even more risk for autoimmune disease. One example of this is Syncytin-1, an important protein in reproductive tissue. This is discussed later in this article regarding the risk of infertility.
Suppression of natural non-specific antibodies
Suppression of natural non-specific antibodies which protect against many different viruses including many coronaviruses. As already mentioned above, the injection-provoked antibodies are highly specific and only target a narrow spectrum of coronaviruses. Thus, the injections are predicted to leave the experimental subjects lacking their non-specific antibodies and robust natural immunity to a large variety of viral infections. This means that the injected subjects are more vulnerable to many coronaviruses and new variants. See Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche’s Open Letter to the WHO: (click here)
Antibody-dependent enhancement of disease
COVID-19 vaccines designed to elicit neutralizing antibodies may sensitize vaccine recipients to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated. Consider the 2012 experiments with multiple different experimental coronavirus vaccines for SARS C0V1 in animals. The vaccines did result in the animals producing antibodies to the coronavirus; but when they were challenged with the actual coronavirus, they developed much more severe disease, and had far higher mortality rates than would have otherwise occurred with the generally non-fatal coronavirus.
Immunization with SARS Coronavirus Vaccines Leads to Pulmonary Immunopathology on Challenge with the SARS Virus: (click here)
Let us examine how Antibody Dependent Enhancement, also called pathogenic priming and various other names, works. Neutralizing antibodies are antibodies that should bind to the infection, in this case the coronavirus by its SGP, and neutralize the virus so it cannot cause infection. The neutralizing antibody attached to the virus then also binds to immune cells that are supposed to ingest it, then destroy and dispose of it. However, the concern is that like all the coronavirus vaccines previously tested in animals, the antibodies are suboptimal and do not neutralize the virus; so instead the antibodies help get a viable virus into the immune system’s cells responsible for phagocytosis where it infects them. As more cells are infected, they produce more of the virus, which triggers more of these suboptimal antibodies, that get the viable viruses into more immune cells. It snowballs and gets worse after each injection and each infection.
This may be further complicated by the presence of spike glycoprotein on cells throughout the body which produced them in response to the mRNA in the “vaccine”. The concern here is that the antibodies produced either in response to the induced immune response, or triggered by a future coronavirus infection, will target one’s own cells throughout the body. This not only creates much risk for autoimmune disease, it also can contribute to profound and diffuse inflammation throughout the body, adding to the antibody dependent enhancement of the coronavirus infection. This will add much more inflammation throughout the victim’s body.
The profound level of inflammation throughout the body is sometimes described as a cytokine storm because of all the cytokine inflammatory chemicals present. Septic shock and death can result.
When faced with the actual coronavirus, the animals in the 2012 coronavirus vaccines experiments experienced much more severe disease and high death rates. Their autopsies revealed abnormalities including profound inflammatory changes in their lungs, with high presence of a type of immune cell called “eosinophils”.
Like the animals in all prior coronavirus vaccine attempts, the “vaccines” and the antibodies whose production that they trigger, may make future coronavirus infections much more severe than they would have been naturally, even fatal.
Doctors for Covid Ethics describe this within their article Experts Explain Why Vaccines Against Covid-19 are Unnecessary and Dangerous:
“Due to immunological priming, risks of clotting, bleeding and other adverse events can be expected to increase with each re-vaccination and each intervening coronavirus exposure. Over time, whether months or years [35], this renders both vaccination and coronaviruses dangerous to young and healthy age groups, for whom without vaccination COVID-19 poses no substantive risk.”
More Doctors for COVID Ethics material: (click here)
Consider how perverse is this scenario: governments, big pharma, and media deceive people into receiving a dangerous experimental injection for an essentially non-fatal cold; and these people will now have severe and even fatal experiences with future colds. That is what happened to the lab animals; and is why coronavirus vaccines were abandoned.
Similar antibody-dependent enhancement of disease has been seen in experimentation with RSV vaccines in children with fatal results: (more info)
Please be cautioned that this will mean people who were injected, may later have severe and even fatal disease during the next cold season. It is especially concerning that this may be mislabeled as “COVID-19” and drive even more people towards the so called “vaccines”, rather than drive them away as it should.
Other terms for antibody dependent enhancement, include: “AD Response, pathological priming, immune priming, and immune super-priming.”
Autopsies could distinguish Viral infection causing resp infection, vs immune response to a covid causing diffuse immune attack on subjects’ tissues throughout the body as they produce and bear the SGP.
This risk of antibody dependent enhancement is not being disclosed to the experimental injection subjects. This is yet another criminal violation of the Nuremberg Code involved in this global injection campaign. Here scientists conclude that subjects in the experiment should have been clearly told that the injection could make future coronavirus infections worse rather than better. (more info)
Here is an excerpt from their conclusions:
“The specific and significant COVID-19 risk of ADE should have been and should be prominently and independently disclosed to research subjects currently in vaccine trials, as well as those being recruited for the trials and future patients after vaccine approval, in order to meet the medical ethics standard of patient comprehension for informed consent.”
Variants of the virus result from the “vaccine” campaigns. Antibody Mediated Selection.
The term “antibody dependent enhancement” has also been used to describe the phenomena in which the mass administration of these injections triggers the production of very specific antibodies; subtle variation in the virus ensues to escape this, and hence triggers the evolution of variants of the virus. A more accurate and specific term for this is “antibody-mediated selection”. Nobel prize winning virologist Prof. Montagnier describes the “vaccination” campaigns as an “unacceptable mistake”; and he explains that “it is the vaccination that is CAUSING the variants”: (click here)
Suppression of the immune system while responding to vaccines is a common concern. Often, we hear of people getting sick for instance after they receive a flu shot. This effect may explain the many reports of shingles outbreaks in subjects following the COVID injections. Shingles is a severe and painful rash caused by the activation of previously dormant varicella zoster virus in patients’ peripheral nerve ganglia (a place where nerves from the brain connect with nerves to the skin or other end points).
Some COVID vaccines may reactivate shingles or herpes zoster: (click here)
Various neurologic problems that can occur early
There are many reports of a wide variety of neurologic disorders occurring in days to weeks after the injections.
Consider Dr. Charles Hoff of BC, Canada who noted multiple neurologic disorders in patients who received the experimental injections. He went public with his genuine concerns and has since been persecuted by the BC government and the College of Physicians and Surgeon of British Columbia. Here Dr. Hoff bravely speaks out:
Various mechanisms may be at play in subjects developing neurologic disorders following the COVID injections. Blood clots in tiny blood vessels which was well described above, is likely involved in causing of many of these stroke-like events. Because the damage and blood clotting occur in many small blood vessels, diagnostic tests such as CT scans may fail to show stroke patterns as they would when larger blood vessels are involved. However, with the microscopic blood vessel clotting, blood supply is still cut off to brain cells and the damage is real.
Nanoparticles contribution to neurologic damage:
The nanoparticles carrying the mRNA cocktail can cross the blood brain barrier. This is unusual and worrisome. What happens when brain cells have viral genetic material encoding for spike glycoprotein active within them, is very unpredictable; but certainly could help explain so many central nervous system and neurologic disorders reported after the injections. Also, the effect of the nanoparticles themselves within the brain is unknown and may be directly contributing to the neurologic disorders triggered by these injections.
Nanoparticles, in and of themselves, induce neural toxicity, even across the placental barrier into unborn children. Both injection subjects and their unborn children experience brain cell damage. (more info)
Also, nanoparticle research is diverse and even includes nanoparticles that use electromagnetic phenomena to interface with neurons - brain cells. (more info)

Consider a team funded by DARPA at the University of Miami’s College of Engineering, led by Professor Sakhrat Khizroev. They have figured out a way to use nanoparticles to “talk” to the brain without wires or implants. As Professor Khizroev explained, they use:
“a novel class of ultrafine units called magnetoelectric nanoparticles (MENPs)” to penetrate the blood-brain barrier”… “Once the MENPs are inside the brain and positioned next to neurons, we can stimulate them with an external magnetic field, and they in turn produce an electric field we can speak to, without having to use wires”
DARPA has funded this as part of its Next Generation Non-surgical Neurotechnology (N3) program (also known as BrianSTORMs), the admitted goal of which is:
“to develop high-performance, bi-directional brain-machine interfaces for able-bodied service members.”
DARPA is The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. It is a research and development agency of the United States Department of Defense responsible for the development of emerging technologies for use by the military.
The nanoparticles in the COVID injections are suspected by some to facilitate the ability to use 5G to influence or control the subjects. It is at least interesting that in many places, while the citizens were imprisoned in their homes during the initial lockdowns, 5G towers were being installed on their streets.
Prion Disease
In addition to the various neurologic disorders that we are already seeing in the victims of these injections, there is a risk of them developing another class of slow and devastating neurologic disorders called “prion diseases”. Prions are cellular proteins that have become altered into a disease state in which the mis-shaped proteins trigger the same deformation in other proteins. These prion diseases generally affect the brain and other neurologic tissues. Over years this chain reaction causes the brain to slowly deteriorate. Under microscope there are generally holes formed in the brain tissue such that it looks like a sponge. Known prion diseases include Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and Mad Cow Disease. Prion diseases have no cure and are all slow progressing fatal diseases.

The reason we anticipate possible prion disease in the subjects of the injections with the nanopartics that cross the blood brain barrier, is that genetic sequencing of the patented modified messenger RNA of the Pfizer injection reveals multiple genetic sequences present which are considered risky for causing certain RNA and DNA transport proteins to fold into prion configurations. The specific affected RNA binding protein is TAR, and the DNA binding proteins are (TDP-43) and Fused in Sarcoma (FUS).
COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines And The Risk Of Prion Disease: (click here)
Women's Health, Miscarriages and Sterilization
Menstrual issues, abnormal bleeding, postmenopausal bleeding, as well as miscarriages have been prominent among “vaccine” adverse events reported. (more info)
Processes contributing to this likely include small blood vessel damage, and the effects causing many bleeding and clotting disorders as discussed above. Also, there are concerns about the injections’ impact on hormone health, and the possibility of triggering an autoimmune response against the Syncytin-1 protein which is essential for placental health, and the capacity to support a pregnancy.
Lifelong infertility is a possible COVID injection effect. Additionally, ovaries are one of the organs which show the highest accumulation of the toxic spike glycoproteins produced by injection victims’ own cells.
Issues pertaining to HIV
The mRNA injection cocktails utilizing the adenovirus trojan horse delivery system (Astrazenica, and Johnson and Johnson) may make subjects more susceptible to HIV. This occurred in previous HIV mRNA “vaccine” experiments using the same adenovirus as the mRNA delivery system. (more info)
The National Institute of Health was led by Dr. Fauci, when they recommended against using this adenovirus strain in vaccines.
One COVID “vaccine” which was used in Australia, caused the subjects to later have false positive tests for HIV. (more info)
Other issues warranting more investigation
There are other concerns with these injections which warrant further investigation. These include reported presence of unusual other genetic sequences and materials in the injections. The author continues researching these and other concerns, but the need to share the other information in this article has become too urgent to wait longer to publish.
Considering the large amount of disease and death already occurring following the injections, and the science discussed above, I defer to you, the reader, to answer the question: “are scientists and doctors justified in calling them bio-weapons?”
Also, in addition to all the concerns about the injections discussed above, the following issue warrants serious attention. With many people falling ill and dying after the injection, the criminal COVID enterprise, consistent with their strategies so far, may use propaganda and deceive people so they do not realize that the injections, not COVID, are the real danger. Instead, they are fooled into thinking that there is more COVID, that COVID not the shots are the danger, and that there are more dangerous variants causing all the sickness and death. The MSM propaganda will preach that there are “more cases and deaths”, and that will cause more unsuspecting victims to run for the injections.
Meanwhile, like all the experimental animals in the past, the injected people will get very sick and have high death rates from coronaviruses, thanks to antibody dependent enhancement.
Thanks for considering the information in this article. Please research this subject, and do not be driven by fear and deceptive propaganda into making terrible and irreversible decisions.