While I understand that mass vaccination was the wrong approach and why, I disagree with the idea that it was a mistake. I fully believe that the powers that shouldn’t be KNEW full well what would happen, KNEW that the jabs weren’t effective and were highly dangerous, snd that they did what they did WITH MALICE AND INTENT.
I agree, it was not a mistake for the perpetrators that led the people to slaughter, but it was a mistake for the coerced victims who rolled up their sleeves and those of the children.
Agreed. It was a military exercise all along. And they could effectively reduce pressure on social service systems around the globe by euthanizing the elderly. Elites saw this as a win.
This was not a mistake, but a planned event manipulated by the Globalist Agenda. Covid was a mass hoax perpetrated by the Elites, governments, big pharma, and big tech., to depopulate, control, and manipulate the masses, all in the name of saving our planet. We are dealing with psychopaths that believe they are superior and have rights to rule the planet without regard to the masses.
The redistribution of wealth began early 2020. Now, they're building a number of mRNA factories globally, to "Protect" us from "Future Pandemics"! No amount of money will be enough for these evil scum.
all of this was obvious to all of us who were not not caught up in the biggest psy-op ever perpetrated on humanity. Look at ALL the medical definitions changed over the course of the PLANdemic... casedemic... or whever else we chose to call it.... inclduing the very definition of a pandemic, a few years before!... CRIME like no other. Nuremberg 2.0 can NOT come soon enough! Military style Justice! No Legalistic delays! & most of all: NO appeals!
This is like the golden rule of immunology: "You NEVER try to "vaccinate" your way out of a pandemic" - especially when there is NO pandemic! The nanobot shots caused the virus to mutate, again and again. What was the "solution" from the "authorities"... to inject people again and again! There is no possible way that these doctors and scientists didn't understand that the virus would continue to mutate and evolve under those conditions. They lied and told us that the shots would "protect" them - but...that "protection" would wane in a couple of months and they would have to take another "booster" shot - again and again. Natural immunity does NOT "wane"! I have natural immunity and don't need, nor want any help from the psychopathic, insane and soulless liars and deceivers!
While I understand that mass vaccination was the wrong approach and why, I disagree with the idea that it was a mistake. I fully believe that the powers that shouldn’t be KNEW full well what would happen, KNEW that the jabs weren’t effective and were highly dangerous, snd that they did what they did WITH MALICE AND INTENT.
I agree, it was not a mistake for the perpetrators that led the people to slaughter, but it was a mistake for the coerced victims who rolled up their sleeves and those of the children.
Agreed. It was a military exercise all along. And they could effectively reduce pressure on social service systems around the globe by euthanizing the elderly. Elites saw this as a win.
Definitely deliberate! They're not stupid...just greedy and evil!
This was not a mistake, but a planned event manipulated by the Globalist Agenda. Covid was a mass hoax perpetrated by the Elites, governments, big pharma, and big tech., to depopulate, control, and manipulate the masses, all in the name of saving our planet. We are dealing with psychopaths that believe they are superior and have rights to rule the planet without regard to the masses.
Wait! But, it was NOT a mistake! It transferred trillions to the globalists, killed millions of us, and injured many more millions.
The redistribution of wealth began early 2020. Now, they're building a number of mRNA factories globally, to "Protect" us from "Future Pandemics"! No amount of money will be enough for these evil scum.
Thank you Dr. Vanden Bossche for sharing this knowledgeable explanation of COVID illness and vaccination.
all of this was obvious to all of us who were not not caught up in the biggest psy-op ever perpetrated on humanity. Look at ALL the medical definitions changed over the course of the PLANdemic... casedemic... or whever else we chose to call it.... inclduing the very definition of a pandemic, a few years before!... CRIME like no other. Nuremberg 2.0 can NOT come soon enough! Military style Justice! No Legalistic delays! & most of all: NO appeals!
This is like the golden rule of immunology: "You NEVER try to "vaccinate" your way out of a pandemic" - especially when there is NO pandemic! The nanobot shots caused the virus to mutate, again and again. What was the "solution" from the "authorities"... to inject people again and again! There is no possible way that these doctors and scientists didn't understand that the virus would continue to mutate and evolve under those conditions. They lied and told us that the shots would "protect" them - but...that "protection" would wane in a couple of months and they would have to take another "booster" shot - again and again. Natural immunity does NOT "wane"! I have natural immunity and don't need, nor want any help from the psychopathic, insane and soulless liars and deceivers!
Petroleum Based Synthetic Injections
Are Not Compatible
With Water Based Human Bodies.
This Is Not Complicated People.
Which two men? Dr VandenBossche and I? Here is a small part of the actions I took to protect pregnant women and children, and at the cost of my entire income, pre-existing career, and everything I owned. https://drtrozzi.org/2022/01/19/pfizer-trials-all-injected-mothers-lost-their-unborn-babies/ https://drtrozzi.org/2021/06/04/covid-vaccines-how-dangerous-are-they/ https://drtrozzi.org/2021/10/07/children-should-be-freed-now-and-never-covid-injected/ I have stood against these injections with absolutely everything I have, and every day of my life for the past four years. Please check the history https://drtrozzi.org/library/ascending/
A bot perhaps?