Three of the world’s top experts testified to US Congressional Hearing with Congresswoman Marjorie Green, Senator Ron Johnson, & US Representives Warren Davidson & Any Biggs on the January 12 2024
These three doctors are outstanding men. How many doctors and scientists spoke out? Less than 1%? God bless those who put ethics first. Thank you. I had the absolute pleasure of meeting Dr Cole on more than one occassion, and I must tell you, he is a truly kind and humble man.
Disturbingly, Dr. Cole (and Dr. McCullough and Dr. Kory are among very media visible and communicative medical doctors bringing awareness to the genocide initiated by the fake 'vaccine's) that have continued to either refute the irrefutable or simply ignore a most critical part to biggest medical crime in history!
There are far too many global researchers who have documented these and other obvious findings, in published papers and symposia. Dr. Cole has actually taken control of the mic at an event where data showing the obvious presence of GRAPHENE Oxide on microscopic images by a scientist and displayed overhead through slides to a medical/scientific crowd. He took control of the end of the session by telling the audience that there simply was and is no GRAPHENE Oxide.
The Doctors who continue to speak of specious 'variants' (the 3 doctors mentioned above) and don’t mention the fact that the PCR tests are fraudulent and the actual c-19 virus HAS NEVER BEEN ISOLATED, PURIFIED OR SEQUENCED by ANY global scientific organization or individual including admittedly, the CDC are being wilfully ignorant at best or deceptive at worst.
Why are they not addressing this most salient data and discoveries and pretend that there have been 'variants' of a non-discovered and sequenced virus?
“ In Silico “ is a computer putting out a sequence that’s not an accurate representation of the putative c-19 virus!
Why are they silent on this issue of extreme importance?!
I think they feel that they can "only go so far" and still be able to hold onto their medical licenses. Let's put this all in perspective - they are doing what they can. The other info. is coming out from other sources. You have to do your own research and recognize that the full story has many truth tellers who will contribute one or two pieces of the puzzle. They can only do so much.
Dr. Meryl Nass, Dr. Simone Gold, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Tess Lawrie, Dr. Arne Burkhardt, Dr. Michael Palmer should all especially be added to your list, but thank you for providing a list that recognizes many who have stood up with courage to help us overcome the gargantuan impact of Gates, Schwab, and their (Davos and beyond) cronies.
Absolutely, they are wonderful, and one very important doctor, who spoke out right from the beginning, is Dr. Peter Breggin and also his wife, Ginger Breggin. Their book, “Covid 19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey”, is amazing. I am deeply grateful to all of them.
Dr. Mary Tally Bowden and Dr. John. Littell as well. Grateful for all these hero doctors and nurses of the 21st century named and unnamed and fighting every day for what is right.
Also Dr. Teresa Long and the two other whistle blowers who shared the DMED data before it was covered up as a four-year unnoticed “glitch” in the database.
Don’t forget the ever humble and brilliant multi disciplinary Canadian, Dr Jessica Rose PhD. Her analysis of VAERS data and the DNA contamination discovered by Kevin Mckernan are invaluable.
A pledge of support is a big "Thank You" to Dr. Trozzi for his work during the scamdemic. Early on, this brave doctor spoke up and clearly explained what was going on. He didn't have to do that. And because no good deed goes unpunished, he lost everything - including his horse. I'm grateful, and thank God for this brave man's work. A pledge of support is the least I can do.
You left off Dr Lee Merritt who was THE FIRST Physician to call it a BioWeapon and identify the effects. In addition, Dr Sherri Tenpenny who for decades has exposed the dangers and fraudulent claims of ALL vaccines. She did 2 programs exposing the mechanisms of injury from CV-19 and the gene therapy. Dr Bryan Ardis exposed the deadly effects of Remdesivir and that the jab contained venom. Dr Malone allowed people to get jabbed until 2 years post Gene therapy. He is barda which is responsible for the bioweapon.
Thank you for this list. Please don't forget Dr. Charles Hoffe, who courageously reported to authorities in the spring of 2021 the grievous injuries his patients in Lytton, BC had suffered as a result of the Moderna poison shot. As a consequence, he lost his hospital privileges, and then his practice. All his medical records were mysteriously obliterated in the raging fire that destroyed Lytton, BC in June of 2021.
We can make this happen. It requires that everyone reading & watching this information makes the choice to pick up the phone and call their elected Representatives, or sit down and write them an email, demanding, respectfully, but DEMANDING that they listen to these Doctors & Whistle-blowers & face the truth about these injections & all the other Catastrophic "Pandemic" Measures as well.
Please see the Substacks of Katherine Watt, Baliwick News, and Sasha Latypova, Due Diligence and Art, to understand EXACTLY how this was done.
I watched the whole hearing but I did not see mentioned, anything about our blood supply. If the spike protein does not go away then anyone getting a transfusion or giving blood can pass it on???? I don't know how readily a hospital would give someone unvaccinated blood and how you can even prove that.
A big concern. I asked my surgeon if they would take my blood to store, as I need some surgery. I also asked if the blood supply was safe, and he said, absolutely! So now I don't want surgery.
You should be able to store your own blood or do a “direct donation” have someone you know with correct blood type donate ahead of time, I did that for my son last year because I didn’t want him to receive vaccinated blood.
I thought so too, but they flatly refused. Said it was too much trouble, something like that. When I expressed concern about the blood supply not being safe, he just shut me down. My type of surgery has a very low incidence of needing a transfusion, but even 1% worries me. So I probably won’t have it, unless desperate.
Sorry to hear that, they weren’t happy with my decision to bank blood ahead of time and even charged us about $150 to do so but it was worth it to me. It should always be an option, I don’t understand the resistance.
Look up may 1st freedom rally 2021 cornwall ontario canada. Two nurses were fired and stepped up and warned the world on recording not to take the deathjabs aswell. All public knowledge for all. Go check it
These three doctors are outstanding men. How many doctors and scientists spoke out? Less than 1%? God bless those who put ethics first. Thank you. I had the absolute pleasure of meeting Dr Cole on more than one occassion, and I must tell you, he is a truly kind and humble man.
Rain: It was much closer to 1/500th of 1%.
Dr. Sheftall, you are definitely in the top 1% who has been right on everything! 🧐
Thanks for the great work u are doing too, Rain. My son Luke and I spent some time with you in Costa Rica when u were very young.
🤗 dr bob dickson
Disturbingly, Dr. Cole (and Dr. McCullough and Dr. Kory are among very media visible and communicative medical doctors bringing awareness to the genocide initiated by the fake 'vaccine's) that have continued to either refute the irrefutable or simply ignore a most critical part to biggest medical crime in history!
There are far too many global researchers who have documented these and other obvious findings, in published papers and symposia. Dr. Cole has actually taken control of the mic at an event where data showing the obvious presence of GRAPHENE Oxide on microscopic images by a scientist and displayed overhead through slides to a medical/scientific crowd. He took control of the end of the session by telling the audience that there simply was and is no GRAPHENE Oxide.
The Doctors who continue to speak of specious 'variants' (the 3 doctors mentioned above) and don’t mention the fact that the PCR tests are fraudulent and the actual c-19 virus HAS NEVER BEEN ISOLATED, PURIFIED OR SEQUENCED by ANY global scientific organization or individual including admittedly, the CDC are being wilfully ignorant at best or deceptive at worst.
Why are they not addressing this most salient data and discoveries and pretend that there have been 'variants' of a non-discovered and sequenced virus?
“ In Silico “ is a computer putting out a sequence that’s not an accurate representation of the putative c-19 virus!
Why are they silent on this issue of extreme importance?!
I think they feel that they can "only go so far" and still be able to hold onto their medical licenses. Let's put this all in perspective - they are doing what they can. The other info. is coming out from other sources. You have to do your own research and recognize that the full story has many truth tellers who will contribute one or two pieces of the puzzle. They can only do so much.
Dr. Meryl Nass, Dr. Simone Gold, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Tess Lawrie, Dr. Arne Burkhardt, Dr. Michael Palmer should all especially be added to your list, but thank you for providing a list that recognizes many who have stood up with courage to help us overcome the gargantuan impact of Gates, Schwab, and their (Davos and beyond) cronies.
Absolutely, they are wonderful, and one very important doctor, who spoke out right from the beginning, is Dr. Peter Breggin and also his wife, Ginger Breggin. Their book, “Covid 19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey”, is amazing. I am deeply grateful to all of them.
Yes, and Dr. Mary Talley Bowden. The list is long!
Dr. Mary Tally Bowden and Dr. John. Littell as well. Grateful for all these hero doctors and nurses of the 21st century named and unnamed and fighting every day for what is right.
Also Dr. Teresa Long and the two other whistle blowers who shared the DMED data before it was covered up as a four-year unnoticed “glitch” in the database.
Dr. Tess Lawrie is brilliant and humble! So glad she started the World Council for Health!
Let’s not forget dad Judy mikovits, dr Vladimir zelenco, dr mercola, and all the real dr’s that refused to comply
Don’t forget the ever humble and brilliant multi disciplinary Canadian, Dr Jessica Rose PhD. Her analysis of VAERS data and the DNA contamination discovered by Kevin Mckernan are invaluable.
Dr. Trozzi, so happy to see you on Substack. Just pledged my support. All the best to you and your family.
What would anyone pledge your support for? Nothing you can tell the people they do not already know and receive for free at that matter rotfl
A pledge of support is a big "Thank You" to Dr. Trozzi for his work during the scamdemic. Early on, this brave doctor spoke up and clearly explained what was going on. He didn't have to do that. And because no good deed goes unpunished, he lost everything - including his horse. I'm grateful, and thank God for this brave man's work. A pledge of support is the least I can do.
Hey Cheesy, gfy
Lol, well said!
A few courageous, super-talented doctors turning loose the lion of truth.
Our deepest appreciation.
As the injuries and deaths mount, please PRESS ON.
So glad to see your substacks!! A great addition to your emails and Rumble videos!!
Superb, true-expert testimony.
THANK YOU for the 4 congressional attendees/organizers.
Shame on the huge portion of senators and representatives that didn’t even send a staffer.
May justice be done.
I would like to see a list of congressional representatives who attended.
See the video. Only 4 total.
Thanks I will watch the video.
You left off Dr Lee Merritt who was THE FIRST Physician to call it a BioWeapon and identify the effects. In addition, Dr Sherri Tenpenny who for decades has exposed the dangers and fraudulent claims of ALL vaccines. She did 2 programs exposing the mechanisms of injury from CV-19 and the gene therapy. Dr Bryan Ardis exposed the deadly effects of Remdesivir and that the jab contained venom. Dr Malone allowed people to get jabbed until 2 years post Gene therapy. He is barda which is responsible for the bioweapon.
Definitely need to include Dr Michael Palmer (MD), lead author of book titled, mRNA Vaccine Toxicity by
He was interviewed by various Canadian podcasters after he was fired from U of Waterloo.
And also BC's Dr Charles Hoffe, who first suggested using the DDimer test.
Yes, a fantastic and brave doctor.
Thank you for this list. Please don't forget Dr. Charles Hoffe, who courageously reported to authorities in the spring of 2021 the grievous injuries his patients in Lytton, BC had suffered as a result of the Moderna poison shot. As a consequence, he lost his hospital privileges, and then his practice. All his medical records were mysteriously obliterated in the raging fire that destroyed Lytton, BC in June of 2021.
Yes mysteriously...arson. Love to see who paid the arsonists. Targeted for sure.
These doctors are all heroes! God bless them!
These three experts need to speak to every Congressional member! Not that it would do any good unfortunately.
We can make this happen. It requires that everyone reading & watching this information makes the choice to pick up the phone and call their elected Representatives, or sit down and write them an email, demanding, respectfully, but DEMANDING that they listen to these Doctors & Whistle-blowers & face the truth about these injections & all the other Catastrophic "Pandemic" Measures as well.
Please see the Substacks of Katherine Watt, Baliwick News, and Sasha Latypova, Due Diligence and Art, to understand EXACTLY how this was done.
And we must educate our Lawmakers!
I watched the whole hearing but I did not see mentioned, anything about our blood supply. If the spike protein does not go away then anyone getting a transfusion or giving blood can pass it on???? I don't know how readily a hospital would give someone unvaccinated blood and how you can even prove that.
A big concern. I asked my surgeon if they would take my blood to store, as I need some surgery. I also asked if the blood supply was safe, and he said, absolutely! So now I don't want surgery.
You should be able to store your own blood or do a “direct donation” have someone you know with correct blood type donate ahead of time, I did that for my son last year because I didn’t want him to receive vaccinated blood.
Not in Canada.
I thought so too, but they flatly refused. Said it was too much trouble, something like that. When I expressed concern about the blood supply not being safe, he just shut me down. My type of surgery has a very low incidence of needing a transfusion, but even 1% worries me. So I probably won’t have it, unless desperate.
Sorry to hear that, they weren’t happy with my decision to bank blood ahead of time and even charged us about $150 to do so but it was worth it to me. It should always be an option, I don’t understand the resistance.
I agree. I would have happily paid any fee, but it was no.
All who signed the Great Barrington Declaration, thousands, should be noted.. 🙏
Thanks for the history of Medical monopoly, I had no idea.
Look up may 1st freedom rally 2021 cornwall ontario canada. Two nurses were fired and stepped up and warned the world on recording not to take the deathjabs aswell. All public knowledge for all. Go check it
They came down from Kingston ontario after being fired for refusing to administer or take deathjabs themselves. Due to their patients dying.
Great platform, compliments to everyone involved. Lots of love from Switzerland, thank you <3