
Indeed , here is a great short from our friends at the FLCCC https://covid19criticalcare.com/tools-and-guides/all-about-lumbrokinase/

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Jan 31Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Thank you kind doctor. We need a daily reminder like you do. The "outside world" doesn't give us the news (and the doctors don't either). It is so easy to underestimate what we are up against. 💖

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Jan 31Liked by Dr M Trozzi

thank you for being you!

Love the background, very peaceful!


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thanks for your tireless work. It's a pleasure to see unfolding over the last couple years.

Take care Dr Mark Trozzi

have a nice day!

#Canada 🎶 🇨🇦 ☮️ #TrudeauMustGo

#WEFmemberTRAITOR #NoAmnesty

criminal political parasites belong in jail !!!

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Jan 31Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Lumbrokinase derived from earth worms is 30x more affective than Nattokinase.

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Jan 31Liked by Dr M Trozzi

That is worth looking into! 😃

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Jan 31Liked by Dr M Trozzi

There has been success with nicotine as a spike protein receptor site disruptor from the nicotinamide receptor sites. Vagus nerve dysfunction from the spike proteins attaching to the nicotinamide receptor sites in the brain can be resolved by removal of the spike proteins. Nicotine is 300x more capable of attaching to the nicotinamide receptor sites than the spike protein and capable of displacing it.

The Vagus nerve is a strong parasympathetic influence over the diaphragm,lungs, digestive system, heart and other organs in the thoracic region.

Nicotine in a 2mg patch dose applied on the skin daily, has successfully re- established vagus nerve function.

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Thanks Robert. The interaction of the SP with nicotinic ACh receptors is the focus of some worthy investigation. If I were using this, a patch on the skin would be my choice rather than smoking. (-:

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Robert Johnston, A chemical correlate for nicotinamide is the vitamin B3, Nicotinic Acid or Niacin, a water-soluble vitamin that is also known as vitamin B3. It is available in two forms: nicotinic acid and nicotinamide 12. Niacin is naturally present in many foods, including Yeasts (eg. Nutritional, home-brewed whole alcohol, fully-ripe fruit & other complex fermentation products as well as meat, poultry, fish, and whole grains). Some successfully use Niacin, particularly that found in whole cultured foods, to counter the un-fulfilling empty body-non-nutrition mimicry of Tobacco nicotine addiction. i.e. Smoking, vaping etc. as B3 hungry bodies.

Even though some population statistics purport smokers as faring better than many non-smokers for COVID-19 & post-mRNA shot long-COVID, there are more direct Cultural Food traditions, which reinforce the body's whole well-being to begin with. i.e. Hippocrates "Let food be thy medicine". At the end of the day we want complementary complex nutrition, which doesn't leave us neurologically feeling a nervous energy vacuum.

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Hi Mark, Thank you for your heroic battle with the insane world we are presently living in. We WILL win because leaders like you who have risked everything to make our world a better place!

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Thank you Dr Trozzi for everything you do! I am so excited about the list of peer reviewed articles you are making available to us. Even being trained as a nurse, I find it very difficult to tell the difference between good science and bad science or legit research vs the bought and paid for fake research. That is a very long way of saying that I appreciate it when doctors I trust, help weed out the bad/fake papers, so thank you🙏🙏🙏

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Thank you for sharing all the resources. I just finished a book The Hidden Story of Cancer (2007) by Brian Scott Peskin. It's based on research by Dr. Otto Warburg in the 1920s. The book was fascinating and resonated with all I've learned about metabolic health. It also seems to support Dr Thomas Seyfried's presentation (fermentation, oxidation). I'm looking forward to watching Dr. Seyfried's presentation and see how the dots connect.

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Berberine is as affective as metformin without the side effects

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Berberine is a bioactive compound that can be extracted from several plants, including a group of shrubs called Berberis. As part of traditional Chinese medicine it has a long history. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/berberine-powerful-supplement#what-it-is

Technically, it belongs to a class of compounds called alkaloids. It’s yellow and is often used as a dye.

Berberine has a long history in traditional Chinese medicine, where it has been used to treat various ailments (1Trusted Source).

Now, modern science suggests that it has impressive benefits for many health concerns

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Dear Mark, Thank you for your stand on the CPSO corruptness. I am so sorry that your license has been revoked and as far as I am concerned, without cause. I see no misconduct, as far as I am concerned, YOU DID NO HARM. As a former appointed lay person appointed as a CPSO, Board Member and committee member of Disciplinary, I am totally disgusted that they would turn a blind eye. We were always told to look at the FACTS. They are completely ignoring you and other perfectly qualified scientists from across the WORLD, ie Peter McCullough, Robert Malone, Byram Bridle, it's time to call bullshit on CPSO, time for whistle blowers and God's children to reunite. CPSO is disgraceful, dishonorable and unprofessional. I myself did not trust the Government or their science and still believe it to be Propaganda Please feel free to reach out to me at mdthompson1962@gmail.com, if you think I can be of any help to you, and other Ontario Physicians. I am a former Hospital Foundation Executive Director, Former CPSO Board Member, and Former Police Board Member. May GOD continue to bless you and yours.

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deletedJan 31
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I hear your frustration and I even understand it on some level. If I can, I would like to offer a little bit of help. Dr Trozzi might respond with something different and that's okay.

Drug repurposing is essentially using a licensed drug for an indication other than the one(s) it was licensed for. For example metformin is a common antidiabetic medication that was approved for use in type 2 diabetes to control high blood sugar. Metformin has also been repurposed to treat Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. I hope that helps:)

I would also like to speak to your frustration that Dr Trozzi isn't telling you exactly what you need to do / take to fight or cure cancer. Again, Dr Trozzi might respond with something different but here's my best guess.

I believe that part of the reason we are in the mess we are in today, is because we trusted doctors and did what they said without question. I believe that Dr Trozzi is worthy of our trust and I also think that we need to be partners with our doctor and be an active participant in our health. My doctor always says that I know myself better than anyone else, including him, and that he would be a fool not to listen to what I have to say.

Also, there is a reason why they call it the "practice" of medicine. The human body is very complex and even two people with the exact same diagnosis may need similar or very different treatments.

It is for all these reasons, and probably many more, that we need to watch this video or that video, read this or that research paper etc.

I do understand the frustration and this probably isn't the answer you wanted and I don't believe that trying to take shortcuts in this process will serve you well. This is just my opinion based on my experience, but I hope it helps a little:) I wish you well in your health journey:) Take good care.

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