Mar 5Liked by Dr M Trozzi

LOVE the time stamps!!

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Mar 5Liked by Dr M Trozzi

I have a completely off the wall question because I suspect I have been oblivious for a long time. Are all the people who refuse to believe the official narrative about Covid and the jab Conservatives? Are all liberals the pro-vax people? I ask because I am liberal and I fully believe the pandemic was planned for control and it really upsets me when other liberals lump antivaxers in with all conspiracy theorists, Trump and qanon. Please educate me!

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Thanks Barb. Here are my two cents on this subject. The globalists operate through divide and conquer. They work to indoctrinate us to think we are white or black, Muslims or Christian, Ukranian or Russian, Palestinian or Israeli, conservative or liberal, vaxed or unvaxed etc. They are our enemy and we are not really each other's enemies. Trudeau is no more an honest liberal, than George Bush was an honest conservative. Those of us who traditionally consider ourselves liberals, are more likely to support Trudeau and his fake liberal agenda, including the genetic jabs. However, we are waking up, and recognising who are our true enemies and that they are disguised as different nationalities, races, religions, ethnicities, political affiliations etc. Good Canadians identifying with Trudeau, good Israelis identifying with Netanyahu, good Catholics identifying with the current pope etc etc are mistakes.

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Mar 5Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Dr Trozzi, have you ever seen a spike protein, has it been identified in a lab?

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Thanks Hanna. Immunoflourescent staining on autopsies consistently shows spike protein in the organs. https://drtrozzi.org/2022/12/17/autopsies/ This staining is neglected in all countries like Canada where the government continues covering up the harms and deaths. Also electron micrographs of coronaviruses demonstrate the spike consistantly. Pre "gain of function" the spikes contained hemmaglutin esterase ; the modification of removing that enzyme greatly enhanced the microvascular blood clotting and harms from the man made coronaviruses and the genetic injection induced spike protein. https://drtrozzi.substack.com/p/new-science-how-sars-cov2-and-the Also check out some of the electron micrographs presented at about the 6 minute mark in this video https://drtrozzi.org/2022/09/05/germ-terrain-reality-is-sars-cov2-real/

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Mar 5Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Thank you so much for responding. Theres a video out with Dr Lee Merritt and Jane Ruby where Lee Merritt says, "spike protein is a lie" If you go over to Rumble and go on Dr Jane Ruby's channel you will find the interview with Dr Merritt. I am going to look at your video and share this.

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Mar 5Liked by Dr M Trozzi

this is maybe a better article in which they use electron microscopy https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5018210/

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Excellent article! Thanks Dean

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Thanks, Ill be reading this for a week LOL

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Oh, around 25 minutes in your host states she is on a Carnivore diet to increase autophagy... I don't think this is correct. To my knowledge autophagy is enhanced by restricting protein (why fasting enhances autophagy).

If you or your subscribers can inform me otherwise I'd appreciate.

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The carnivore diet can be ketogenic, but I don't think it is a great driver of autophagy. Intermittent fasting and fasting sure are. Nutrition is such an interesting area, as genuine experts can hold such different practices.

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My diet is, to my thinking, a spectrum... From low carb to keto to Carnivore and I've been doing this for about 12 years. When I move into carnivore I increase the fat. That to me is the secret... It is NOT low fat that insures health! I am always, at a minimum, Low Carb.

I am probably in the keto range mostly. The key here is to consume mostly saturated fat. Most of the keto research for epilepsy was conducted with poly fats... Works but is not optimal. Thank you for your Stack.

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Mar 5Liked by Dr M Trozzi

So interesting that I also graduated in 1978 although lived in California but also studied throughout 80s and 90s although studied religion and art. After college became a yoga teacher and after divorce became a massage therapist too. How interesting the synchronicities. Although my hubby wasn’t famous and we divorced after 20 yrs. We had two daughters and I also adore my two grandchildren.

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Excellent comprehensive interview. I’m a retired nurse who has been awake since the beginning of all this. You first caught my attention when you testified at the national citizen’s inquiry for your brilliant expertise, wisdom, knowledge and commitment to do what is right. Thank you! You are a hero.

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That was an excellent podcast. I hope you start a Provincial Laying of Criminal Information on the CPS-O. This is for their willful lack of honesty to protect persons from coercion injections by substances that did not stop them from getting or spreading the Covid-19 virus; or, from side effects by the injection or to death after being vaxxed.

The victims will bring their own experiences to your Criminal charges as their being a victim of criminal assault. Families of the vaxxed deceased can give their statements, too.

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