Fighting the Covid Crimes in Ontario: Situation Report
Michael Alexander JD and I update Vaccine Choice Canada members regarding the battle against the CPSO in defence of Ontarians’ health, freedom and the rule of law.
Here is a recent presentation which spans matters of science, law, and recent history.
Canadian hero and constitutional lawyer Michael Alexander and I joined Vaccine Choice Canada on the occasion of the filing of our notice of appeal to the divisional court of Ontario regarding the CPSO tribunal’s recent decision to revoke my license to provide medical care for the citizens in my home province of Ontario.
This appeal is a moment of truth for Ontario; all similar prior COVID issues in Ontario’s courts have been dealt with on the standard of “reasonableness”, but this must be dealt with on a standard of “correctness”. Our goal in filing this notice of appeal is to restore all the fine doctors and nurses who did the right things through COVID; and to ensure they are in place to serve and protect Canadians moving forward.
To learn more and support the legal battle for Ontario’s health and freedom visit Justice for Medicine
The explore the complete library of Dr Trozzi publications since the beginning of 2021, visit my website.
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More information about the CPSO’s role in the covid operation against the citizens of Ontario can be found here.
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Thank you Dr Trozzi for all you do to stop these criminals in their tracks, all jab makers need to be held accountable for their crimes.
Good luck. But the stark truth is there is no peaceful or legislative means that will ever resolve the worst crime against humanity in recorded history!! These monsters have knowingly poisoned 6 billion people to the point of irrevocably violating their very biology!! There's absolutely no way that these murderous monsters are quietly going away or giving up without massive bloodshed!! And again I say that they intentionally DID this ! Diabolical Intergovernmental Democide !!!