May 8Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Thank you Dr Trozzi for all you do to stop these criminals in their tracks, all jab makers need to be held accountable for their crimes.

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May 8Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Good luck. But the stark truth is there is no peaceful or legislative means that will ever resolve the worst crime against humanity in recorded history!! These monsters have knowingly poisoned 6 billion people to the point of irrevocably violating their very biology!! There's absolutely no way that these murderous monsters are quietly going away or giving up without massive bloodshed!! And again I say that they intentionally DID this ! Diabolical Intergovernmental Democide !!!

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May 8·edited May 8Liked by Dr M Trozzi

I was a fighter. Early on , I put up signs as posters, and went door to door in my town. I was alone. I kept that up all that summer. None of my friends kept by me- none of my family. They're all injected and I scare them. I 'm still alone. Except for my husband.

But I had a stroke. I have aphasia, and the leg and arm. It was a bad one. I think I had too much stress. Please - don't leave me here. I can't travel . I can't escape. I'm stuck here. I am trying - 3hours a day . The language, the therapy. I do you tube videos. God. I got to get better.

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May 8Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Are you at home? Are you seeing any improvement? I hope you get all the help you need. One of the first rungs on the ladder of life is helping others. It is okay to help and be helped.

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May 8·edited May 9

I home. I 'm seeing improvements. My arm was frozen, but now my shoulder, and the elbow( I read that the arm works by moving down - first the shoulder, then the elbow, and then the wrist, and finally the small motor movements. ) I'm on my elbow. For 3hours every day I do my own therapy. , I'm determined. My leg- I'm walking with a cane, although slowly and it takes a lot out of me. But I couldn't walk at first. Not for many months. And the language- I do 45 minutes every day, for many months. I couldn't talk for 3 or 4 months- but I was determined. Now, I'm talking, but it's slow- I have to think about each word I say. I'm making new pathways in my brain, and it isn't easy. That's the good thing though- it's a brain thing, and if you are determined you can make new pathways. But it's SLOW. No, I don't have any help ( no friends since covid , ) and while the two friends that I have are lovely, they live a good ways away.

What about Alberta? Is Daniele Smith protecting her people?

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Wow I am impressed with what you have accomplished! Your brain is much more "plastic" as an adult than you were taught(and I was taught 40 years ago.I am sure you have figured this out but it is very important to force yourself to use the affected limbs over the non affected ones. I wish I could remember the name of the book where I learned about this. You used to be able to get this treatment at the University of Alabama but the program seems to have disappeared after Covid.I had looked into doing this for my Mom but she ended up dying. I found a link that has tips on stroke recovery that references this method-see Tip 9.


This is another technology that I read about in that book(I am trying to track it down) and it is so cool! Rehabbing your brain through the tongue. They have been in the process of making it commercially available and I am pretty sure it is available in Canada-although not sure if for post stroke yet or just Multiple sclerosis.A link to the company's website.


Well done on your progress so far.

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The book was by Norman Doidge. The Brain's Way of Healing. Warning just checked his website and he was all in on the covid vaccines which just seems odd but the book is really interesting and hopeful.

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Thank you for your story. Much admiration to you. 🌺

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Have you tried contacting Daniele Smith?

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Prayers for your continued recovery Donna.

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Hi suggest you contact Dr Sheri Tenpenny. She too had a stroke recently with overwork and has a wealth of knowledge of how to be 100% well. And Dr Joseph Mercola and Dr Healey who helped Naomi Wolfe too. Orthomolecular Medicine website for supplements for the brain along with Dr Patrick Holford Institute of Optimum Nutrition, he specialises in brain health. Suggest Bowen Therapy if you can find a practitioner, resets all the muscles, lymph and physiology. Profound work. Hope that's of help for you. Wishing you great health, happiness and a long life ahead of you 🙏

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Wow. Thanks. I didn't know DrSherri Tenpenny had a stroke. I look some of them up!

Bowen Therapy- not in a small town (😞). I have acupuncture once a week, I'm trying Lion's Mane.

Your so kind.

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You're so welcome!

I've used hypnotherapy on this, if you can find someone who doesn't use scripts but works openly. If you're interested I can write out the words to use and you could get maybe your husband to record them for you? Or someone with a good steady rhythm to their voice? You can record yourself, I'd change the words a little bit for that. Simply ask here and I'll sort it out for you tomorrow (I'm UK, it's late now) and if it doesn't appeal that's good too! If yes, give me a clue as to which body part is your current priority for 100% functionality? Voice, leg, arm? Left side right side? Hope this is ok on Dr Mark's site? Or does it clash with giving medical advice? Minefield! Sorry if not allowed.

There's also a video of a neuroscientist who had a stroke while presenting and documented what was happening in her brain. I recall her Mum I think helped her recover. If I find it I'll share here.

Happy exploring and expanding your brain!

And I nearly forgot to say a huge thank you to Dr Mark and Paul Alexander and Ted Kuntz too, thinking of you all ❤️

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May 9·edited May 10

Hypnotherapy? Wow.

The arm. Right side. Should I give my email.

I'll give you my email. I'll erase when you have it. I feel like I have a friend. It's very kind of you ) .

I want to find out about Hypnotherapy. Wow.

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I'll ask a friend who's a fungi expert if he has suggestions for you 🙏

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May 9·edited May 9

Suggestions for you

Himalayan Shilajit worth a look, l-theanine, amino acids to lower bp.

Ketamine rebuilds neurons?

Micro dosing psylocibin mushroom would need specialist supervision. There's a Dutch homeopath specialist I think in this, travels to Costa Rica regularly, you'll find his website to ask questions?

Lions Mane, yes, he says!

Simply ideas to explore! Follow what feels right for you 🙏

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May 9·edited May 9

Do you know about Brain Plasticity? It's also called Neuroplasticity. I found this one quickly. I'm sure that there are many other sites that cover this phenomenon.


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Have you set up a "give-send-go" account? After what they did to the Canadian Truckers, I'll have nothing to do with "go fund me"

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May 8Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Keeping up the good fight is keeping up the good fight. No matter what. All things work together for the good of those who love God. Stay brave. Stand Firm. Do not give in to fear. Love to you all.

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Petroleum Based Synthetic Injections

Are Not Compatible

With Water Based Human Bodies.

This Is Not Complicated People.


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Excellent video, a good summary of your on going efforts Dr Mark Trozzi. Your tireless fight along with Michael Alexander's legal support against these psychopathic evil satanic (at biblical proportions to say the least) cretins is honorary and a blessing to the citizens of Canada and humanity. Michael Alexander's wisdom to prepare the case for the inevitable outcome shows for-site to bring it to a proper appeals court, brings to mind Sun Tzu, The Art of War "Know thy enemy". Make no doubt, we are in the middle of WWIII, the WHO is a spawn of the UN. Canada needs to be removed from these Marxist organizations and any inkling of such removed from Canada. You are on the good side of this war, I appreciate your efforts immensely and waiting for the darkness of evil to be removed from Canada. thank you, have a nice day 🎶 🇨🇦 ☮️

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Covid Crimes - exactly 💯

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May 8Liked by Dr M Trozzi

May God bless you three warriors of truth🙏❤️

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May 8Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Thank you all for your spot on thoughts and reporting and actions presented in a "package" that we can all understand.

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May 9·edited May 9

Yes! Hypnotherapy ? I interested!

My arm. The right side.

Should I give you my email. Possibly. I'll just erase it once you gotten it.

Here goes : misslucymia@gmail.com ( cats- lucy and mia , not alive, I have another one named Bodhi. Bunky . I've do like cats ). Your very kind. God I feel like I have a friend.

I have that book.

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This interview is EXCELLENT for helping ones get to the heart of the matter before us at the same time educates and brings us to the point of clarity of the power we do have to see this through correctly. Historical is an understatement. Hooray for the Canadian wisdom in action. We will be Blessed to Win. Know It !!

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Bloody awesome. Putting the children in adults bodies into timeout.

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So; how about this, regarding the "harms" bill...You don't need some person to accuse you of a "hate crime". All the government needs to do, is to "say" that there is an accuser, "who cannot be identified". How convenient for the trudeau gooberment! In other words; they can simply make a story up, with no way to verify its authenticity! This is beyond EVIL!

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May 9·edited May 9

The CPSO in Ontario and every other province need to reinstate every professional whose license they cancelled, submit a formal apology for the harm they've caused and reimburse each and every one of them for all of the money/finances that they have been deprived of after being disallowed to continue in their professions!

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You remind me of:

1. Rocco Galati's attempted suit against the BC Government, BC Ferries and 3 Long Term Care homes.. the judge predictably, dismissed it out of hand... and

2. Joseph Sansone's repeated attempts to file a Writ of Mandemus in Florida. Every time, the judiciary finds a way to scotch it, because of course, they're as coopted and corrupted as the (please forgive me for this) the medical profession along with all out other institutions.

My prayers are with you for what they're worth, considering I'm a lapsed agnostic... 🙄

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When is Glenn Greenwald coming to Toronto?

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