Hometown Happiness! Bancroft and Apsley
My Lord we had fun, spoke truthfully, and elevated each others' spirits, in Apsley on July 12th!
Truth, Unity, Resilience and Hope
When COVID-19 was launched, I lived and worked in Bancroft Ontario. I love the community and have always enjoyed taking tender care of them in the our hospital. On July 12th, Wilma Brethour and her group of truth and freedom lovers: No More Lockdowns Bancroft, hosted a full house in the Apsley Community center just south of Bancroft. Barbara and I travelled there with our dear friend Ronnie Munro. It was an amazing gathering of energized people with open hearts and sound minds. I was very honored to be invited and the chance to speak with friends and community members, who have held the ground in my hometown. I was so happy to see friends who had kept informed, made wise choices, and thrived through these dangerous times. I was also very pleased to help bring solutions for the many injured loved ones among us.
Wilma, Rita, Ronnie, Lynn, No More Lockdowns Bancroft, and others have worked hard to expose the truth, to keep vigil over the community, and to defend human rights.
Any good musician or orator may tell you that their performance is highly dependant on the quality of the audience. Here are some first video clips from July 12th in Apsley. I hope they will bring you knowledge and laughter; and if so please thank No More Lockdowns Canada and the good folk of my hometown.
Photos and Videos From the Event
We will add more clips to this post over the days ahead, including full event livestream footage from Canadian Woman For Freedom.
Thank You Wilma Brethour, No More Lockdowns Bancroft, and all who attended.
On Justice
On The Crisis of Legitimacy
A Sweet message from Wilma Brethour following the event
Dear Dr Mark:
I just wanted to reach out to you to let you know how awesome the event turned out. The feedback is phenomenal. Everyone was so pleased to have a chance to hear you speak in person.
I can’t thank you enough for all you are doing, not only for Canada but the world. Your sense of what is right and just and your ability to stand and defend that is a testament to who you really are.
Your words and commitment to the truth will inspire many to continue the “Good Fight”. We will win because we have truth and light on our side. Having leaders, like yourself, to give us even more hope and strength to carry on, means a lot.
I have already had people requesting that we do this again,only in Bancroft next time. I hope you will be open to considering doing that this fall.
For now I hope you and all of your family are blessed with peace, love and happiness.
Thank you.
Wilma Brethour
Please join Wilma and the team of No More Lockdowns Bancroft on FaceBook (NoMoreLockdownsBancroft) on Wednesday evenings as they continue this fight and also face new health threats from 5G in the Bancroft region and excess EMF levels in local playgrounds.
Related Links and Materials
Wilma is also co-founder of Grandmas Unite Now [No Longer Available]