Here is part 6 from November 14th in Combermere Ontario. Here I discuss that in 2020 PCR technology was abused to falsely declare and maintain the “covid-19 pandemic”. This deception combined with the suppression of treatment for covid-19, were instruments to deceive and violate almost everyone on earth with a toxic misrepresented contaminated and adulterated genetic injection; the results of which continue to be devastating and unprecedented. Special thanks to Wilma Brethour and everyone who participated in this event including the Combermere Community Center, and Killaloo Radio, a.k.a CHCR-FM which broadcasts on 102.9 FM and 104.5 FM (repeater) in the Ottawa Valley region.
The PCR Test: Foundation of the Scam
In examining how the global response to COVID-19 unfolded, one cannot overlook the pivotal role of PCR testing. The very tool used to justify lockdowns, mandates, and "vaccines" was fundamentally flawed. Even the test’s inventor, Kary Mullis, warned that it was never meant to diagnose infectious diseases. Instead, it was weaponized to generate fear and compliance, creating what some call a "pandemic of PCR tests," not an actual pandemic of disease.
PCR tests work by amplifying genetic material, doubling it with each cycle. With enough cycles—beyond the recommended 27—they can detect virtually anything. During the COVID-19 response, countries like Canada ran up to 43 cycles, yielding an overwhelming number of false positives. According to data from Germany’s Robert Koch Institute, these tests produced up to 86% false positives, leading to the illusion of widespread infection.
Was There Ever a Pandemic?
If we strip away the hysteria and false positives, the picture becomes clear: COVID-19 never approached the lethality or spread required to justify the measures taken. Respiratory infection peaks during 2019 and 2023 ranked higher in severity than the worst peaks attributed to COVID-19. What we faced was not a pandemic of disease but a carefully orchestrated narrative designed to justify unprecedented measures.
The Role of "Vaccines"
At the heart of this agenda was the rollout of experimental genetic injections misrepresented as "vaccines." These injections, purportedly designed to "vaccinate" individuals by instructing their cells to produce toxic spike proteins, caused a cascade of health issues. The push for mass vaccination relied heavily on PCR-based data, enabling governments to claim high infection rates and stoke fear.
The endgame was clear: enforce compliance with a flawed solution to a problem manufactured by the misuse of testing technology. The consequences, both immediate and long-term, have been catastrophic for public health.
The Human Cost
The consequences of this fraud have been devastating. Families have been torn apart by fear-driven policies. Individuals suffered health complications from the injections, and many lives were lost unnecessarily due to suppressed treatment options and misinformation. Autopsy data, although often suppressed or discredited, has repeatedly linked these injections to serious health outcomes.
Moving Forward: Knowledge as Resistance
To dismantle this machinery of fear and control, we must question the narratives that have been fed to us. Understanding the misuse of tools like PCR testing is key to preventing such manipulation in the future. By staying informed, rejecting coercion, and demanding accountability, we can begin to reclaim our health and freedoms.
The lesson is clear: never again should we allow science to be weaponized against humanity. The fight for truth and justice is ongoing, but with perseverance, we can expose the fraud and ensure a better future for all.
More great stuff Mark!
B. Gates bought the PCR test swab Company to purposely, yet falsely, bolster the COV pandemic (that Dr. Denis Rancourt proved did not even exist whatsoever in his Canary book chapter). Gates knew the PCR produced 85-95% false positives, which meant big bucks for a sick human like him that thinks of nothing else about the world. Additionally, he owns the WHO and thus could easily make the WHO lie for more big bucks.
Where do we go from here?
Well, I cannot find my post this week that the Canadian Health Minister further lied that the one person that was reported to have bird flew in Canada meant it was a pandemic (his stupid word). This week the truth came out, but the lying moron would not report the findings to the Canadian public! We thus automatically can surmise with these pathological liars, that means it turned out to be negative, otherwise the results would not be hidden and they would probably mandate the fake bird flu-vax instead.
strange how pcr became a household name but kerri mullis not so much. i often wonder how he died? in 2019 just before the plandemic so dependent of the misuse of his invention. he was not a fan of fauci.