I stumbled onto the Rumble video before the substack even came out.
She is absolutely right on all of this, especially the need for people to get "radically healthy." This parasitic class routinely poisons people, so that those same people then beg for "medicine." It keeps civilization weak, and under control.
The corporate world is a great example of this. So many employees are miserable in their jobs, but continue on as compliant little soldiers, because they fear losing their "health insurance." Which is of course supplied by the very system making them sick in the first place. This effectively makes them slaves.
I agree Kelli that health insurance is often a mirage filled with snakes, much like their emblem.
On your last point, Klaus Swab is known to have a bust of Lenin on his bookcase. He is of the authoritarian and elitist approach, no matter the label given. Former eastern bloc countries in Europe now are more immune to the dangers of dictatorship, and apparently happier than Canadians find themselves today, who apparently want more dictatorship.
Yes, it's not 'communism' in any true sense. I often wondered why that man puts a Lenin bust within visible range of a camera. The closest I get to an answer (speaking from a memory harking back to school days) is that the Russian Bolshevik faction described the state (aka "Dictatorschip of the Proletariat") should be run like an electricity company - Lenin as one of the patron seints of technocracy.
But let us not be sidetracked by the nomenclature.
Actually, there is nothing about the current status quo that's "communist".
It's pretty much the opposite of communist, since (1) nowhere on Earth does the working class control 'the means of production' and (2) world populations for the most part continue to be controlled by elites who wield authoritarian, and often totalitarian, power.
It might come as a surprise to some that the goal of communism is the elimination of classes and elites, but the truth is, if Karl Marx showed up today (or anytime during the past 125 years) he'd need to be sedated.
The enemy is in Davos. And there are no communists in Davos.
That's closer than most -isms, I suppose, but one might say that many Corporations are taken over by the DOD of the US, mandated by the WHO, which is played by the BMGF, which is in turn fed by neo-eugenics in he wake of WO2 (Julian Huxley and his many sidekicks; post-nazism nazis...)
History is important, as is basic knowledge of the acronyms and what they mean. But Shabnam & Trozzi take it to a next level, and methinks Shabnam mentions the main threats inherent in the predators' takeover of the world.
Great start to this interview , Dr. Trozzi and Shabnam are key to the powerful union being formed between Children’s Health Defence and the World Council for Health.
This woman is amazing! There doesn't seem to be much evil going on that she isn't aware of. Much like Dr. David Martin; she even names the evildoers, rather than merely speaking in general terms.
Dr. Trozzi mentioned "Red Flags". The first Red Flag for me, during the insane covid psyops, was at the very beginning, when the globalist controlled media declared "The New Normal"! I knew right there that the oligarchs had big plans for humanity - none of which would be for our benefit.
I'm certainly no doctor or scientist; although, I could see what was coming - miles away! I began doing extensive research immediately and I'm still going. There is a vast library of information available on the internet (for now) and yet the majority of the population is still totally oblivious; or they know something is wrong here, but are afraid to say anything. I now have around 2 Terabytes of data in my "Library of Truth". Where I live in BC, there are thousands of people STILL covering their Breathing Apparatus with the covid muzzle - after four years of this insanity! The idiotic masks are only making them sicker!
Two things come to mind: "Normalcy Bias" and "Mass Formation". Personally, I have excellent NATURAL immunity to the flu and colds, since 2009 when I saw how aggressively they were pushing the flu shot that year and made the decision to NEVER take another "vaccine".
As the good doctors, et al, have mentioned many times; the covid mRNA Gene Editing shot is NOT a vaccine, but is in fact - a BIOWEAPON! I'm beginning to see more and more people around me, having physical and mental problems (ones I know, took the injections). This is only the beginning of the death and destruction that will continue, as long as the oligarchs are allowed to get away with their nefarious plans!
Thanks for the comment, Trying hard. I'm actually semi-organized. Initially, I made separate folders for doctors, A.I., IoTs, Pfizer, Moderna, DARPA, WHO, WEF, UN, "The Great Reset", "Build Back Better", "Transhumanism", "Pandemic Preparedness Treaty", "Agenda 2030", docu-series, covid truth, covid crimes, Canada, Trudeau, Truckers Convoy, etc, etc, etc.. As the years passed, accumulating more and more info; PDF's, articles, videos, patents, I've needed to create even more folders and now it's difficult to determine which folder an item should go to. That being said; I have all the truth, evidence and facts concerning this evil society; unequivocal data that exposes this evil society for what it truly is.
I labeled on my computer emails (which I know could and have disappeared at any moment) political and health articles, papers, data to refer back to and to point others who wanted to know more. Sadly in all 4 years almost no one ( of the blind sheeple) has been willing to even consider That what they see on the nightly news Might not be totally correct. Links to primary data that I saved in the beginning from government website has all conveniently disappeared now of course. So I'm glad you have saved it and hopefully others have too but you sound like you have a very good system for all the disappeared knowledge
I have tons of snapshots, memes, documents also. I’ve also started natural health remedies in my Evernote. Made my own eczema-psoriasis salve, Comfrey salve helps knit bones), fermented honey garlic and Mullein Leaf Tincture for nasty coughs.
Trying hard: I think you would be amazed at the amount of info that I have on my computers. I have "The Truth About Cancer" series, "The Truth About Vaccines" series, the "Plandemic" series, "Event 201" - in four separate episodes; plus the entire video in one; "V-Revealed" series, "mRNA Injuries" with text, photos and video, Senate Hearings, "The Truth About Bill Gates", "The Truth About Anthony Fauci" (with videos revealing how evil they both are), videos of meetings from the WHO, WEF and UN...That is only a very small sampling. I literally have hundreds and hundreds of videos, hundreds of PDFs and hundreds of articles.
You're right about people not wanting to hear it. I've talked to hundreds of people who I know don't want to believe what I tell them. I explain "Event 201" to them and tell them that if they just watched that one video; it would PROVE to them that "covid" was planned years in advance and what was shown in the "Tabletop Exercise" was EXACTLY what happened during the covid farce. Sadly - they're not interested!
BTW: I also have "The End Game" documentary by Alex Jones from almost two decades ago. People can say whatever they want about him...he was one of the first to know and understand what was to come. Amazon sells the DVD. I didn't think I would find this documentary on the internet; but, I did. The picture quality isn't great, but the info is spot on!
He talks about the Bilderberg group, the Trilateral Commission and many other players. It's basically about the coming "One World Government" or "The New World Order" AKA - The Great Reset! Everything Alex warned us about, is here - now! Watch if you have the time.
I stopped listening to him after I'd had enough of his constant interrupting of his guests and his constant ranting. That doesn't change the fact that he predicted, many years ago, what's happening right under our noses today, and where all of this evil is headed. Many of us were "awake" long before "covid". For me; that made it easy to see ConVid for what it was - right from the beginning. Then there was 9/11, Ukraine, etc.. Once you know how these criminals think and operate; it's not difficult to figure out what's really going on. Follow the money!
Wow, I have never heard of a leukemia recovery, so very glad Shabnam was able to dump all the pharma in order to fully recover. Big Pharma hates humans and health. Just a fact.
We are living the Biblical story of Purim. There are no overt miracles recorded in the Book of Esther, but God is subtly orchestrating the salvation of the Jews from Haman's decree of complete destruction. Dressing up in costumes has been associated with Purim for hundreds of years. We are better able to draw down God's Light when we are United in Common Cause.
Shabnam Instead of political institutional 'Activist' towards divided 'causes', 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') people of the world refer to cultural 'Animist' or someone who animate people & their inherent resources in individual & collective livelihood in 'community' (L 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service'). India's 'Swadeshi' (Hindi 'indigenous' aka 'self-sufficiency') movement employed Swadeshi economic bottom-up animation in order to achieve 'Swaraj' (Hindi 'self-rule') exemplified by Mohandas Gandhi from 1917 to 1947's Swaraj.
ECONOMIC SOVEREIGNTY: Shabnam, Palesa Mohamed JD & Dr Trozzi are right to centre our focus on Oligarch Parasite manipulation in our system. Fake metal-coin 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') amnesic 'economy' (Gk 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture')., which undermines our expensive (billions of $ in media control, advertising, networking, offices, permanent staffing etc) fake Political democracy.
Legally we should know it's not enough legally to take partial responsibility for economy, livelihood, health & well-being. Only fully organized 'corporate' (Latin 'corp' = 'body') systematic responsibility has merit before the courts. Oligarchs have been maintaining the illusion of responsibility, through top-down controls starting with the fake money system. The 'smoke-&-mirrors' of their 'exogenous' (L 'other-generated') system, is quite the 'Illusionist' act.
Oligarch minority but trilateral control of the 3 main issuers of western fake money in the US Federal-Reserve, Bank-of-England (City-of-London), & Bank-of-International-Settlements, privileges their perverse disconnected control of all institutional fake Finance, Media, Religion, Education, Military-Industrial, Legislative, Judicial, Pharma-med, Agri-business COMPLEX. This control is hollow, not serving the people but particularly those at the top of the heap.
However, it is counter-productive to react, complain, lobby, protest for fragmented changes. Real economic sovereignty requires we take positive proactive responsibility in our own & community lives & workplaces. All humanity's worldwide 'Indigenous' (L 'self-generating') ancestors & 1st Nation organize economy from the bottom-up according to what is described in nations on every continent & island as the 'Great-Good-Way-of-Kindness' aka 'Great-Law-of-Peace' aka 'Constitution') in the :
1) ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex where intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale enable collaborative economic efficiencies.
2) time-based equivalency accounting on the String-shell Value system (eg. Wampum on Turtle-Island/ N. America, Quipu in S. America, Cowrie in indigenous Celtic-Slavic Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands.
3) Council-Process are the positive proactive process foundations of indigenous law worldwide called the 'Great-Good-Way-of-Kindness' aka 'Great-Law-of-Peace' aka 'Constitution'. Contrast these with the negative, fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') Oligarch commanded colonial Thou-shan’t Noahide laws, 10 Commandments etc. of perpetual war, extraction, exploitation, scarcity & poverty. Today 70% of people live in Multihomes within an average of 32 dwelling units = ~100 people. Multihomes are the 1st Fractal of collaborative 'economic' Livelihood. In the example of India, Self-sufficiency employed the strengths to meet the needs of communities across India. When but 5% of the foreign Parasite import & export economy was replaced by Swadeshi as a Procott, many 100s of British (USA, Canada, Australia, New-Zealand etc) companies went bankrupt. Today for Palestine & situations worldwide our procott livelihood Circular Economy will quickly strengthen our movement. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/1-extending-our-welcome-participatory-multihome-cohousing 20% of Multihome-dwellers are extended-families living intentionally in proximity for social & economic collaboration. Multihome-extended-family contribute 2trillion$ of the most individually appropriate goods, services, sharing caring/ year, as Turtle-Island, N-America's largest essential Economic sector, albeit unrecognized by government, education & institutions.
I stumbled onto the Rumble video before the substack even came out.
She is absolutely right on all of this, especially the need for people to get "radically healthy." This parasitic class routinely poisons people, so that those same people then beg for "medicine." It keeps civilization weak, and under control.
The corporate world is a great example of this. So many employees are miserable in their jobs, but continue on as compliant little soldiers, because they fear losing their "health insurance." Which is of course supplied by the very system making them sick in the first place. This effectively makes them slaves.
It is evil and communist to its core...
I agree Kelli that health insurance is often a mirage filled with snakes, much like their emblem.
On your last point, Klaus Swab is known to have a bust of Lenin on his bookcase. He is of the authoritarian and elitist approach, no matter the label given. Former eastern bloc countries in Europe now are more immune to the dangers of dictatorship, and apparently happier than Canadians find themselves today, who apparently want more dictatorship.
Yes, it's not 'communism' in any true sense. I often wondered why that man puts a Lenin bust within visible range of a camera. The closest I get to an answer (speaking from a memory harking back to school days) is that the Russian Bolshevik faction described the state (aka "Dictatorschip of the Proletariat") should be run like an electricity company - Lenin as one of the patron seints of technocracy.
But let us not be sidetracked by the nomenclature.
Actually, there is nothing about the current status quo that's "communist".
It's pretty much the opposite of communist, since (1) nowhere on Earth does the working class control 'the means of production' and (2) world populations for the most part continue to be controlled by elites who wield authoritarian, and often totalitarian, power.
It might come as a surprise to some that the goal of communism is the elimination of classes and elites, but the truth is, if Karl Marx showed up today (or anytime during the past 125 years) he'd need to be sedated.
The enemy is in Davos. And there are no communists in Davos.
What we are witnessing is "Corporatism" - the takeover of Govt. by Corporations.
That's closer than most -isms, I suppose, but one might say that many Corporations are taken over by the DOD of the US, mandated by the WHO, which is played by the BMGF, which is in turn fed by neo-eugenics in he wake of WO2 (Julian Huxley and his many sidekicks; post-nazism nazis...)
History is important, as is basic knowledge of the acronyms and what they mean. But Shabnam & Trozzi take it to a next level, and methinks Shabnam mentions the main threats inherent in the predators' takeover of the world.
Great start to this interview , Dr. Trozzi and Shabnam are key to the powerful union being formed between Children’s Health Defence and the World Council for Health.
This woman is amazing! There doesn't seem to be much evil going on that she isn't aware of. Much like Dr. David Martin; she even names the evildoers, rather than merely speaking in general terms.
Dr. Trozzi mentioned "Red Flags". The first Red Flag for me, during the insane covid psyops, was at the very beginning, when the globalist controlled media declared "The New Normal"! I knew right there that the oligarchs had big plans for humanity - none of which would be for our benefit.
I'm certainly no doctor or scientist; although, I could see what was coming - miles away! I began doing extensive research immediately and I'm still going. There is a vast library of information available on the internet (for now) and yet the majority of the population is still totally oblivious; or they know something is wrong here, but are afraid to say anything. I now have around 2 Terabytes of data in my "Library of Truth". Where I live in BC, there are thousands of people STILL covering their Breathing Apparatus with the covid muzzle - after four years of this insanity! The idiotic masks are only making them sicker!
Two things come to mind: "Normalcy Bias" and "Mass Formation". Personally, I have excellent NATURAL immunity to the flu and colds, since 2009 when I saw how aggressively they were pushing the flu shot that year and made the decision to NEVER take another "vaccine".
As the good doctors, et al, have mentioned many times; the covid mRNA Gene Editing shot is NOT a vaccine, but is in fact - a BIOWEAPON! I'm beginning to see more and more people around me, having physical and mental problems (ones I know, took the injections). This is only the beginning of the death and destruction that will continue, as long as the oligarchs are allowed to get away with their nefarious plans!
Randy, Glad to know you keep a library of truth. So much has disappeared! Thankful you are organized
Thanks for the comment, Trying hard. I'm actually semi-organized. Initially, I made separate folders for doctors, A.I., IoTs, Pfizer, Moderna, DARPA, WHO, WEF, UN, "The Great Reset", "Build Back Better", "Transhumanism", "Pandemic Preparedness Treaty", "Agenda 2030", docu-series, covid truth, covid crimes, Canada, Trudeau, Truckers Convoy, etc, etc, etc.. As the years passed, accumulating more and more info; PDF's, articles, videos, patents, I've needed to create even more folders and now it's difficult to determine which folder an item should go to. That being said; I have all the truth, evidence and facts concerning this evil society; unequivocal data that exposes this evil society for what it truly is.
I labeled on my computer emails (which I know could and have disappeared at any moment) political and health articles, papers, data to refer back to and to point others who wanted to know more. Sadly in all 4 years almost no one ( of the blind sheeple) has been willing to even consider That what they see on the nightly news Might not be totally correct. Links to primary data that I saved in the beginning from government website has all conveniently disappeared now of course. So I'm glad you have saved it and hopefully others have too but you sound like you have a very good system for all the disappeared knowledge
I have tons of snapshots, memes, documents also. I’ve also started natural health remedies in my Evernote. Made my own eczema-psoriasis salve, Comfrey salve helps knit bones), fermented honey garlic and Mullein Leaf Tincture for nasty coughs.
Trying hard: I think you would be amazed at the amount of info that I have on my computers. I have "The Truth About Cancer" series, "The Truth About Vaccines" series, the "Plandemic" series, "Event 201" - in four separate episodes; plus the entire video in one; "V-Revealed" series, "mRNA Injuries" with text, photos and video, Senate Hearings, "The Truth About Bill Gates", "The Truth About Anthony Fauci" (with videos revealing how evil they both are), videos of meetings from the WHO, WEF and UN...That is only a very small sampling. I literally have hundreds and hundreds of videos, hundreds of PDFs and hundreds of articles.
You're right about people not wanting to hear it. I've talked to hundreds of people who I know don't want to believe what I tell them. I explain "Event 201" to them and tell them that if they just watched that one video; it would PROVE to them that "covid" was planned years in advance and what was shown in the "Tabletop Exercise" was EXACTLY what happened during the covid farce. Sadly - they're not interested!
BTW: I also have "The End Game" documentary by Alex Jones from almost two decades ago. People can say whatever they want about him...he was one of the first to know and understand what was to come. Amazon sells the DVD. I didn't think I would find this documentary on the internet; but, I did. The picture quality isn't great, but the info is spot on!
He talks about the Bilderberg group, the Trilateral Commission and many other players. It's basically about the coming "One World Government" or "The New World Order" AKA - The Great Reset! Everything Alex warned us about, is here - now! Watch if you have the time.
I too was seriously wrong about Alex Jones. Now I respect and listen to him. Voice in the wilderness.
I stopped listening to him after I'd had enough of his constant interrupting of his guests and his constant ranting. That doesn't change the fact that he predicted, many years ago, what's happening right under our noses today, and where all of this evil is headed. Many of us were "awake" long before "covid". For me; that made it easy to see ConVid for what it was - right from the beginning. Then there was 9/11, Ukraine, etc.. Once you know how these criminals think and operate; it's not difficult to figure out what's really going on. Follow the money!
Excellent! Thanks to both of you. If only we had clear eyed leaders and doctors like both of you
I can't thank you both enough. The trail of truth is our salvation.
Yess Mark!!
Wow, I have never heard of a leukemia recovery, so very glad Shabnam was able to dump all the pharma in order to fully recover. Big Pharma hates humans and health. Just a fact.
¨100% of Physicians approached with this form have so far declined to sign it.
Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine Safety Form
¨100% of Physicians approached with this form have so far declined to sign it.
Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine Safety Form
The following form was adapted from Ken Anderson’s original.
Download PDF English
Physician’s Warranty of Vaccine Safety
Download PDF Espanol
Garantia Medica para la Seguridad en las Vacunas
Download PDF Francais
Formulaire a faire signer (Vaccines)
Statins . . . think they are rat poison ultimately. New insight on insulin resistance--sticky inner pancreas . . . fake foods and parasites.
We are living the Biblical story of Purim. There are no overt miracles recorded in the Book of Esther, but God is subtly orchestrating the salvation of the Jews from Haman's decree of complete destruction. Dressing up in costumes has been associated with Purim for hundreds of years. We are better able to draw down God's Light when we are United in Common Cause.
Shabnam Instead of political institutional 'Activist' towards divided 'causes', 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') people of the world refer to cultural 'Animist' or someone who animate people & their inherent resources in individual & collective livelihood in 'community' (L 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service'). India's 'Swadeshi' (Hindi 'indigenous' aka 'self-sufficiency') movement employed Swadeshi economic bottom-up animation in order to achieve 'Swaraj' (Hindi 'self-rule') exemplified by Mohandas Gandhi from 1917 to 1947's Swaraj.
ECONOMIC SOVEREIGNTY: Shabnam, Palesa Mohamed JD & Dr Trozzi are right to centre our focus on Oligarch Parasite manipulation in our system. Fake metal-coin 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') amnesic 'economy' (Gk 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture')., which undermines our expensive (billions of $ in media control, advertising, networking, offices, permanent staffing etc) fake Political democracy.
Legally we should know it's not enough legally to take partial responsibility for economy, livelihood, health & well-being. Only fully organized 'corporate' (Latin 'corp' = 'body') systematic responsibility has merit before the courts. Oligarchs have been maintaining the illusion of responsibility, through top-down controls starting with the fake money system. The 'smoke-&-mirrors' of their 'exogenous' (L 'other-generated') system, is quite the 'Illusionist' act.
Oligarch minority but trilateral control of the 3 main issuers of western fake money in the US Federal-Reserve, Bank-of-England (City-of-London), & Bank-of-International-Settlements, privileges their perverse disconnected control of all institutional fake Finance, Media, Religion, Education, Military-Industrial, Legislative, Judicial, Pharma-med, Agri-business COMPLEX. This control is hollow, not serving the people but particularly those at the top of the heap.
However, it is counter-productive to react, complain, lobby, protest for fragmented changes. Real economic sovereignty requires we take positive proactive responsibility in our own & community lives & workplaces. All humanity's worldwide 'Indigenous' (L 'self-generating') ancestors & 1st Nation organize economy from the bottom-up according to what is described in nations on every continent & island as the 'Great-Good-Way-of-Kindness' aka 'Great-Law-of-Peace' aka 'Constitution') in the :
1) ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex where intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies-of-scale enable collaborative economic efficiencies.
2) time-based equivalency accounting on the String-shell Value system (eg. Wampum on Turtle-Island/ N. America, Quipu in S. America, Cowrie in indigenous Celtic-Slavic Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands.
3) Council-Process are the positive proactive process foundations of indigenous law worldwide called the 'Great-Good-Way-of-Kindness' aka 'Great-Law-of-Peace' aka 'Constitution'. Contrast these with the negative, fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') Oligarch commanded colonial Thou-shan’t Noahide laws, 10 Commandments etc. of perpetual war, extraction, exploitation, scarcity & poverty. Today 70% of people live in Multihomes within an average of 32 dwelling units = ~100 people. Multihomes are the 1st Fractal of collaborative 'economic' Livelihood. In the example of India, Self-sufficiency employed the strengths to meet the needs of communities across India. When but 5% of the foreign Parasite import & export economy was replaced by Swadeshi as a Procott, many 100s of British (USA, Canada, Australia, New-Zealand etc) companies went bankrupt. Today for Palestine & situations worldwide our procott livelihood Circular Economy will quickly strengthen our movement. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/1-extending-our-welcome-participatory-multihome-cohousing 20% of Multihome-dwellers are extended-families living intentionally in proximity for social & economic collaboration. Multihome-extended-family contribute 2trillion$ of the most individually appropriate goods, services, sharing caring/ year, as Turtle-Island, N-America's largest essential Economic sector, albeit unrecognized by government, education & institutions.
DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-? http://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/9-do-we-know-who-we-are web-based Community-Circular-Economy software supports individuals, family, extended-family & community recognition of each person & entity's contribution, experience, expertise & decision-making-acumen:
A) CATALOGUE complementary talents, goods, services, resources & dreams intake form. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/7-membership
B) MAP local proximal collaborative relations for complementary economic concertation. Historical Eg. Baseline mapping of 105 Mohawk, Wendat & Algonquian Placenames in Tiohtiake, greater Montreal archipelago https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/5-tiohtiake-mohawk-placenames
C) ACCOUNT for collective contributions, buying, selling & co-investment. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy
D) BOTH-SIDES-NOW, Equal-time, Recorded & Published Dialogues https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/1-both-sides-now-equal-time-recorded-dialogues