After watching that video I have to make a donation. We stand together or we fall together.

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You bet. $50.00. If every Canadian donated even $10.00, that would be so GREAT!! For all of US. We are ONE!!! God Bless you brother.


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Arbitrator rules in favour of Ont. nurses fired for refusing COVID vaccines


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Mar 9Liked by Dr M Trozzi

you do God's work, Doc. Keep it up, I was fired, like you, and chose to migrate AWAY from my home of 44 years in Ontario because of all this BS. Adam is a Hero in my view but he is not alone... so THANK YOU for not giving up!

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Mar 9Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Doug Ford, you're right, you can't have two sets of laws...so when are you resigning??

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Mar 10Liked by Dr M Trozzi

doug ford is an a@#$hole

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Mar 9Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Thank you, please keep us updated on his efforts.

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The nano info was out 3-4 years ago.

Dr David Martin told us and Karen Kingston and others.

It's back out because it's true.

This is a transhuminist agenda.

Follow Dr Robert Young through his videos and yes now there is a solution.

No I'm not selling you anything.

Most Drs won't talk about this.

It destroys their supplement businesses. A,great rabbit hole to learn what's really happening.

Dr Robert O Young is the GOAT.

Lots of info to learn.


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I will interview Dr Mihalcea soon for an update on the nanotech aspects.

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Thanks Nicholas. Here is some of my early looks at the nanotech aspects and possibilities 2021 https://drtrozzi.org/?s=self+assembl The German working group was worth a glance on the issue of undeclared atoms in the forced injections; here is my brief summation plus excellent source document https://drtrozzi.org/2022/09/23/whats-really-in-the-covid-vaccines/ . The pegLNPs, U-substituted mRNA, and undeclared and nefarious DNA are there https://drtrozzi.org/2023/04/22/dr-trozzi-alert-theres-dna-in-the-rna-shots-lots/ Spike proteins and a somewhat random spectrum of SP-reminiscent proteins and polypeptides, as well as foreign DNA insertion and disruption of natural genetic sequences including tumour suppressor genes are all, unfortunately very real problems. Might spidrion-silk related genetic sequence be the source of hydrogel and self assembling filaments, even when graphene is not present? What's with quantum dots? How might this relate to increasing and new EMF technologies/weapons? Next publications in those area soon; thanks for the encouragement. ps with so many forced innocent humans to experiment on, I imagine they may run a wide variety of experiments, so conflicting findings regarding contents might not be conflicts, just different bioweapons all mislabelled the same "safe and effective covid-19 vaccines". Cheers!

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Mar 10Liked by Dr M Trozzi

"Give me liberty or give me death", Patrick Henry ..............we seem to be at that point, Ben Franklin made it clear that that was our duty to the Republic to stand against tyranny. Canada is no different!!!

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Mar 10Liked by Dr M Trozzi

I’m grateful for those who had the courage to stand up in such a public way. Thank you, Adam!

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Thanks for this report Dr Trozzi. I remember well Adam Skelly and his fight against tyranny, was the first time I saw mounted police used in such a draconian manner. It was an eye opener to the criminality of fords Ontario police state.

Wasn't sure what the reopening act was, here's a link for anyone else interested

Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020, S.O. 2020, c. 17


have a nice day

🎶 🇨🇦 ☮️

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Mar 9Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Dr. Trozzi, are you familiar with this nano stuff? Apparently the hospitals are.


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Thanks This. Please see my message to Nicholas above.

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Is he going to open up his restaurants soon? I’d support him there too.

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I think that the mandates destroyed his business like so many.

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Thanks for the reply. Well I can tell you if he ever wanted to start it up again that business would boom! So many people want to support that kind of person - in fact I’d put his stand on freedom in the advertisement of his business and I for one would eat there once a week and tell everyone on my fedbook to go there too. He could franchise the restaurant to other towns - could call it the Freedom Grill or something with a nod to his stand for truth, common sense and freedom.

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YW doc.

Yes I've followed this closely as a very well read layman.

Being 68 and AWAKE for many years I read Rudolph STeiner years ago and in 1905 he made a statement saying in the future we will control humans through their blood.

That's what's going on it appears.

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Bless you Mark.

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