The Trozzi Report | Episode 1 Part 1 | Dr Chris Shoemaker
Dr Shoemaker relates his frustration of knowing how to treat COVID, but not being allowed.
The Suppression of Ivermectin
As promised, I’ve started a podcast. Here is Episode One, Part One, in which I interview Dr Chris Shoemaker.
Dr Shoemaker is a veteran Canadian physician with extensive experience in emergency medicine, hospital inpatient care, and family practice. He also has extensive experience treating COVID-19, but within the restraints imposed on Canadian physicians by the Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons and others.
Dr Shoemaker attended to COVID-19 patients since COVID’s launch in 2020 and continued through to 2022. He was working at the Western Ottawa COVID Care Clinic. He was also part of the Eastern Ontario Response Team to COVID-19. While working on the proverbial COVID front line, Dr Shoemaker’s research and experience revealed the dramatic disconnect and contrast between real best practices that were working around the world , and the agenda being imposed in Canada where doctors’ are being arm twisted and submitted by the Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons.
Dr Shoemaker relates his frustration of knowing how to treat COVID, but not being allowed to. He had to send patients home without safe and effective life saving treatments that he knows save lives and reduce suffering in free countries around the world. Dr Shoemaker is now one of Canada’s champions teaching us real science, giving great advice, and exposing the corruption and criminality of the COVID agenda. He is very well researched and explains things in a clear and enjoyable fashion. His DARPA email revelations regarding ivermectin and the COVID agenda are shocking.
Please join other truth and freedom lovers, in protest of the CPSO in Toronto this Friday June 24th from 1 to 4 pm. More info available here.