Wonderful news! We will win against the evil facing us now. And the sooner the majority wakes up, the quicker and more decisive our victory will be. Eyes on the prize. Thanks for sharing!

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We look forward to these updates at weeks end. Bless you, Mark and Ted, for doing this and giving us the 'good news' on the day that many of us partake in the Good News. Stay strong, Be free.

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This news and updates like these are so important for us in the trenches and who not see the macro picture. I thank God for all of you out there. It gives me hope and resolve to keep waking people up.

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I heard Catherine Austin Fitts report a few months ago that the US had to print new $50 bills as so many were being put into circulation. The message is getting out. I use cash for everything I can.

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The Australian Federal Parliament coffee shop tried to force no cash sales...but Queenslands Bob Katter reminded the coffee shop - CASH IS LEGAL TENDER

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thanks....I have the same experience re cash, I am much more frugal without any credit cards in my life.

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Thank you for each and every bit of good news! Bless your hearts!

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HOPE for Today - GOD bless you Dr. Trozzi & all who continue to speak TRUTH to tyranny ...

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Love the updates, positive news is food for the soul😁

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Sadly our smart meter bill in Tennessee did not make it through committee. Lots of pressure from the utilities.

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some truly good news - Musk and McCullough can only be trusted as far as you can throw them though - one billion for spy satellites :( and the other still pushes viruses :(

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Don’t be under any illusion the U.K. government is not changing

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