Mar 31Liked by Dr M Trozzi

I love wins of the week : ) !

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Mar 31Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Excellent work! Thank you. Yes, we need to get rid of all parties! We need to stop the health, safety & climate fraud & get back to clean AWE for all. God bless. Https://preventgenocide2030.org

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Apr 1Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Dr. Trozzi -- I didn't know you were a swimmer! So awesome - I knew I liked you!

Around here they call those underwater laps "shooters." LOL.

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Dear Dr Mark Trozzi and VCC Ted Kuntz !!!

Thank-you so much. I shared this with my 84 year old Mother. She's happy that so many good Canadian people are standing up and fighting back.

This IS IT for us. If not us, then who?

We have no choice because our children will be left with the mess. I don't want my little Grandchild seeing any of this. We are fighting back and waking people up!!! People Know.

I LOVE Louisiana. There is or was a Death penalty for anyone who abuses a child in that state. I knew they would take this seriously. The PEOPLE spoke and someone listened to them. (Or they'd be flogged) is my guess.

Love Ted's sense of humour at the end of your broadcast. Laura lynn Tyler Thompson makes references to the same. Great time in History because WE ARE changing it with every letter, card, email, poster, march and protest. Onward and Upward my dears. In God ,we prevail.

Happy Easter Blessings to you and your families. xoxo Rolonne Marie Ross and families.

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Mar 31Liked by Dr M Trozzi

So happy to hear good news for a change ❤️❤️

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Mar 31Liked by Dr M Trozzi

I believe that most people have short memories; so, I just want to post this reminder...I appreciate all the hard work of thousands of good people, including some court cases (wins); although, looking at the bigger picture, time is short and getting shorter. WHO's Pandemic Preparedness Treaty is set to be finalized during May 27 - June 1 (or somewhere within that time frame). If they encounter too much resistance; here's what I think will happen: Tedros will announce a NEW PHEIC, the WHO will issue "recommendations" concerning how our countries should deal with the fake "crisis"; then the WHO will announce that the situation is so dire...the only way for humanity to deal with it, is for the WHO to take over global healthcare. I've known for years that trudeau has sold Canada out to the WHO, WEF and UN and their agendas. Searching for the date of the meetings, I came across PROOF that trudeau has sold us out! I've told many people that trudeau won't stop until he totally destroys Canada. I'm usually right!


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Thanks Randy. I agree; the WHO manoeuvres to create a global dictatorship are eminent; the corporation of Canada and our finances are in the hands of our enemies; and we need to push for the end of the WHO urgently.

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You're welcome, Dr. Trozzi and thank you for the reply. Of course, you are correct. We are at a very dark point in history. These plans were conceived many decades ago and now they're using their ConVid Plandemic (without which, they wouldn't have been able to get away with any of this insanity) to see those agendas fulfilled. Either we defeat the WHO, WEF and UN; or they will enslave all of humanity.

I have a documentary in my library that is one of the best (I have hundreds). It gives the HOW, WHY, WHERE and WHEN and even takes the viewer back in the timeline to a couple of decades ago, when this evil plan to control us all began. You've probably already seen this (I'm watching it a second time); although, I urge everyone to watch it (no matter how awake you are - or think you are) and share it with as many people as you can, in the hopes of waking them up from their delusion/illusion. This has ALWAYS been a war for our minds (PsyOps). Nothing is ever as it seems. Never give up your individuality!


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Trudeau is a fascist, he’s ruining Canada. The health care system is deplorable. My sister had to get an MRI done, they called her a year later to book her appointment, pathetic!

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Mar 31Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Thanks, Lisa. The fact is that he's already destroyed Canada; but he's far from finished. I actually read these documents and I clicked on one of the headings. You should check this out. The "average" person wouldn't have a clue what they're reading, but the WHO's agenda is written all over this. It's the same language I've seen and heard time and time again from the WHO, WEF and UN!


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They say that transparency and accountability are important…..what a joke 🙄

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Mar 31·edited Mar 31Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Dr. Trozzi: I can identify with what you were covering concerning holding your breath under water, then taking a deep breath when you come up for air. Heading toward my mid 70's, I don't have the capacity that I used to, when I was swimming relatively frequently. Then again, when I tried it last year after a break of a couple of decades, I only made it to about half the length of the Olympic sized pool. I was very disappointed! When I'm out cycling, or whatever, I like to take really deep breaths frequently; because it just feels good and my body knows that it's good. I always listen to my body.

Not to dampen the mood; although, I see people wearing "masks" jogging, cycling, walking, etc. and I know that if they take a deep breath, they are breathing in toxic materials from the mask, micro plastics, fibers, chemicals, etc. into their lungs. I still can't wrap my head around the idea of people actually believing that the muzzle is "protecting" them in any way. On that topic..."Always wear the mask (especially in crowded spaces) to protect yourself and others". Of course; "You can take your mask off to eat and drink (even in a restaurant full of people); but as soon as you're finished (or you have to go to the washroom), you must put the mask back on your face - "to protect yourself and others"! I think that this "deadly virus" is extremely considerate, to leave people alone while they're eating and drinking! The age of insanity!

Thank you for another week of WINS. I know that all of you will continue to fight for humanity.

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Mar 31Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Mexico did step back, see Carey Gillems substack. Also, still don't won't trust Musk. He is still making our digital prison, so his 'good deeds' need to be deeply scrutinized. Best and thanks

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Great information on all subjects

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Mark/Ted, Please include this in the next one:

Update on Class Action suit vs Dr. Bonnie Henry (Province of B.C. Chief Health Officer)


CSASPP is entirely run by volunteers. Donations needed! Please help if you can.

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You need to realize that the U.S. Government has been filled with the Oshkenazi Jews (sorry for the spelling). They are the worst of the Zionists and hate every human who is not of their Order.. these are rats that Trump put in place in the US government. Soon you will realize the huge ramifications of this. Also that Trump publicly announced himself as the "Chosen One" and will rebuild the Temple. If that doesn't speak volumes of huge ego of this pedophile then there is no hope for humanity. These evil club's pattern is to convince their members they are all chosen ones and the egos just follow along. when are you going to see the big picture of the World domination of these people. They have been kicked out of many middle Eastern countries for centuries now due to there heinous crimes against humanity especially Christians. Do some research as I have and 40 years of it has proven every aspect of what I just wrote. There is no special DNA called Jewish and yet how many believe that they are of special DNA??? God is helping us to reveal the truth but are you listening???

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Thanks Deborah. Are you speaking of the Khazar historic people? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OymtXjNviQ

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Yes, and more than the average information. As I took a deep deep dive and found 42 Covens and all who operate them and more. A direct connection to Source verifies more than the average tip of the iceberg. Then I check to find the supporting info that is available. Double verification. The patterns, especially the psychological ones are exactly the script you find coming from the media. Depending if the script tells them to either play good guy or bad guy. Whenever they point the blame on the "other" guy, you then know for sure it is a script. Narcissist blame game and everyone falls for it. Just blows me away but I also know so much more on the equipment they use in the "invisible world", of the lower astral plane to subjugate human souls. It is worse than any human has ever imagined. I have gifts that allow me to go where very few can go. The S.S.P. is the driver of these "weapons" used upon humanity. DJT's connection through the Black Sun (Mr. Fink's position) that DJT wants and tried for is everything to do with the worst of the evil of the Jewish Ideal for humanity. It is very public that DJT is totally aligned with Netanyahu, but DJT died Jan.28,2021, and what you are seeing is a CIA agent in a mask. Same with Putin, Biden and recently the British Royals as Charles, Kate, Andrew no longer exist either. It is all run by mafia like methods, cloning and much more. Victoria B.C. is biggest cloning factory in case you did not know. You can go from Victoria to Pickton farm and then on to Ottawa by tunnels in a matter of minutes. The big knowing you must realize is that this War has been going on for 3 BILLION years. A scope that our limited history (on purpose) along with SSP tec will not ever allow you to know about. But Source God has won, as the agreements to all of the covenants of the dark side(Lucifer, Satan etc) for this multiverse have expired and all darkness is being removed. They got their eviction notice on Nov. 15, 2023. On that day 120,000 Angels landed in every Country in their parliaments, Military and treasury depts. and read the new rules and were given some time to change or be removed. (The same was done to the light beings 3 billion years ago.) The Hall of Records, Celestial, where everything gets ratified is all part of SourceGod called the Alpha and everything of Darkness was run by the Omega of the lower astral realm, which now no longer exists! So the SSP has been running around trying to regenerate the Omega equipment without any understanding, as their "heads" of the mafia like families have all been removed. The SSP and what is left after more than 3million Dark ones have been removed instantly by God's Enforcer legion over the past 7 years or so, the SSP were using old manuscripts of the Tree of Knowledge (which is the tree of Evil in real time here). They are finding nothing works, they have no access to money and no one and I mean none of the private militaries have been paid for years now. That is why they are trying to create wars for us to fight ourselves for them. It is a very big picture to paint in few words but you should be getting the drift by now. The Universe, this one in particular with our Planet was a Nexus planet or call it a 1st portal is prime "real estate" access to the higher Realms.... where evil wanted to dominate in any way they can by using our Soul's energy, which is what they use to have their life here as they cannot create under their own steam. Therefore realize these evil ones are possessed by literally demons and the vril of the Draco to inherit a flesh body to do their nefarious works upon us. There is a bigger group now in the past 16 years of Light workers that have dedicated their lives to help reveal this and set up the alternative so humankind will not suffer during the period before the Shift of the Ages. The network of light workers understanding all this has been setting up the Alpha celestial computer system to cover our needs until we no longer need it and can create from our own Sovereign Autonomous Identity. We figure it may take about ten years for all humanity to recover and restore the Earth to it's original purpose and beauty. So many miracles happening but humanity cannot see it due to the lower emotional programming (mind control) done to them. In about one week from now we will be exactly within the Golden Age, Within this last week you will see and feel direct clarity and even have your telepathic qualities on line if you are prepared spiritually for this. After reading this you will probably feel pressure in your head as it is expanding with this opening. UNN, UnitedNetwork.earth has all the access to this data and much more. The members of this network are all very gifted and are working hard 24/7 to be ready for the final phase.....meaning using the Alpha system financially for the common folks to have access to funds, medical assistance, information, connections, marketing and more. It means payment for all services necessary and will be received according to the intentions of the Heart/vibes of the ones asking for payment. Like for Doctors to be instantly paid and or receive what is necessary to rebuild according to your intent of your dream situation. NO LIMITATION anymore. Do some research and find God, the invisible of his works become visible to you. Peace be with THEE as you can explore and truly know truth.

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Ok, you win the "Whack Job" of the week award, congratulations!!

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I do not like to burst the bubble but it must be so...Elon is 100% playing the good guy role for the Black Sun Satanic cult he belongs to, was raised in and planned for his future. Just like Trump, the exact same pattern to throw off suspicion. Do the research as all of it is out there on these predators. Need links? You will never be a billionaire if you are not in the club!!!

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So says the "Q- tard!" LOL!!

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Right..and let's just let hamas terrorists slaughter more innocent civilians..and take hostages..you socialists just lost my support..I stand with Israel! Daniel L. Allison..Kingsville Ontario Canada

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May I suggest that we stand with people, not corrupted governments. I am reluctant to trust the Israeli government after the extreme covid violations of human rights that they carried out against everyone in Israel/Palestine regardless of whether they were Jewish, Christian, Muslim or other. The events of October are unclear and their are many questions.

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