Wins of the Week Ep25 with Ted Kuntz
The dam is breaking, justice is rising, liars are panicking, and Canada gets ready for a big Injection of Truth.
Friends, thank you for joining us and continuing your part in the mission to restore our health, justice, and human rights. We have some great wins to report, and hope you enjoy this episode thoroughly.
Here are some highlights.
Calgary gets ready for the big event June17th: An Injection of Truth; COVID criminals panic as tickets sell out almost instantly and livestream parties organize across the country.
A New York bill to violate patient privacy fails while another bill to eliminate parental consent for drugs and surgery in children is dropped, albeit for the wrong reasons.
MP Colin Carrie forces Health Canada’s admission that they had no proof that C-19 “vaccines” work when they mandated them. EU elections devastate the WEF team; Macron panics and calls for an election.
One US court opens the door to sue everyone who mandated C-19 “vaccines”, while another US court upholds the American Association of Physicians right to sue medical institutions that muzzled C-19 truth-telling doctors by threatening to revoke their licenses.
The Canadian Federal Court of Appeal upholds Federal workers’ right to proceed with a lawsuit against the government over C-19 “Vaccine” mandates.
Canada Supreme Court Chief Wagner acknowledges growing distrust in the courts but without seeing the point.
An An Oxford study confirms again that C-19 “vaccines” present all harm and no benefit to children.
Even dinosaur media now admits C-19 jabs are suspect in relation to three years of increased death in the world.
Dr. Paul Thomas and DeeDee Hover publish an intimate interview with Ted Kuntz about his journey and Vaccine Choice Canada’s New Parent’s Guide.
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Vaccine Choice Canada: Take advantage of the resources and events at Vaccine Choice Canada and help support the important VCC mission.
Vaccine Choice Canada: New Parents Guide to Understanding Vaccination
Wins of the Week – June 14, 2024
Telling It Like It Is
Calgary Lougheed UCP MLA Eric Bouchard and President Darrell Komick have brought together an all-star line-up of specialized medical educators and speakers including Dr. David J. Speicher, Dr. Eric Payne, Dr. Chris Shoemaker, Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. Jessica Rose, Dr. William Makis, Dr. Mark Trozzi, MLA Shane Getson, host Shaun Newman and guests, to deliver a hard-hitting Town Hall with relevant data, research and victim statements.
The Injection of Truth event scheduled for Monday, June 17th, however, has drawn the ire of some health professionals in Alberta even before the event has taken place. 129 individuals signed a letter to the Alberta Premier requesting that “the Premier and Minister of Health permit Alberta’s public health leaders to make publicly available the evidence on COVID-19 mRNA vaccine safety and effectiveness in children, and address any concerns the public has raised.” The letter was endorsed by the Board of the Alberta Public Health Association and the Community Health Nurses of Canada – Alberta Branch.
The request seems disingenuous in that while it asks for evidence on the vaccines safety and effectiveness, it declares that those professionals scheduled to present at the Injection of Truth event on Monday are: “discredited and unlicensed doctors and spokespersons who cater to an anti-science agenda” and “The upcoming UCP-sponsored event is an example of the fear-mongering by anti-vaccination proponents transmitting fringe opinions informed by hearsay and innuendo” without the benefit of having heard their testimony.
The author of the substack – following the covid science responded with: “The sad reality appears to be that those who are trying to hold fast in support of the “safe and effective” narrative appear not to have received the memo yet that the gig is up. We need to follow where the evidence leads us, even if that means letting go of some of the pillars that have long grounded our perceptions of illness prevention.”
The event is sold out and virtual screening are being organized. The substack author also heavily reference the recent NCI hearings in Regina in his rebuttal to the 129 health professionals. - More info
In a victory for health freedom advocates, New York lawmakers failed to pass a bill that would have required healthcare providers to report the immunizations of adults ages 19 and up to the New York City Department of Health vaccine registry, unless the patients opted out. Under existing law, those over age 19 can consent to opt into the database, otherwise healthcare providers are not allowed to report the immunizations. The proposed legislation would have replaced the “opt-in” system with an “opt-out” system, meaning a patient would have to intentionally opt-out of the reporting of their immunization status. The proposed bill died just weeks after lawmakers withdrew a bill that would have allowed children to receive vaccines, drugs and surgical procedures without parental consent, as it was deemed that such bills were politically risky in an election year. - More info
In response to an order paper question from Conservative MP Colin Carrie, Canada’s parliamentary secretary to the health admitted they were never certain COVID-19 vaccines prevented transmission. The health agency also affirmed that despite being informed of a lack of evidence suggesting that vaccine mandates would reduce transmissibility, the government nonetheless implemented its vaccine mandate policies. This is clear evidence that the Health Minister imposed vaccine mandates under the justification it prevented infection and transmission, all the while knowing he did not have evidence to support this claim. - More info
French President Emmanuel Macron has dissolved the French National Assembly and called for a snap election as the right-wing National Rally party heads to a sweeping victory in European Union (EU) parliamentary elections. The decision comes as the National Rally Party—the party of Mr. Macron’s two-time presidential rival, Marine Le Pen—looks to be on track for a stunning rout of Mr. Macron’s Renaissance Party in the European Parliament. Macron was a strong proponent of vaccine mandates - More info
In a ground breaking decision, the Ninth Circuit Court in the US has cracked open the door to government officials, school districts, local governments, and other public entities being held liable for the injuries caused by their COVID-19 vaccine mandates. The court's ruling in Health Freedom Defense Fund, Inc. v. Carvalho suggests that if the COVID-19 vaccines are shown not to prevent transmission, only reduce symptoms for the recipient, then officials who forced them on individuals as a condition of keeping their jobs, staying in school, etc., may find themselves in the legal crosshairs.
The plaintiffs contended that the COVID-19 vaccine should not be classified as a vaccine given it doesn’t prevent disease transmission or provides immunity. Instead, they argued that the COVID-19 vaccine merely mitigates symptoms, making it a medical treatment rather than a preventive measure. This distinction, they claimed, meant that the mandate interfered with their fundamental right to refuse medical treatment. If the plaintiffs' allegations are substantiated, it could call into question the legal justification for such mandates and potentially expose these entities to liability. - Read more here and here.
An appeals court last week ruled in favor of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), finding that the federal government’s now-defunct Disinformation Governance Board coordinated with several medical boards to stifle doctors’ free speech on social media platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The ruling stems from a lawsuit the AAPS brought in July 2022, alleging the American Board of Internal Medicine, the American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology and the American Board of Family Medicine, in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), censored and chilled the speech of physicians who expressed views critical of the government’s stance on issues such as COVID-19, lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccines and abortion.
The AAPS also claimed the medical certification boards, which hold monopolies in their respective specialties, threatened to strip physicians of their licenses for expressing dissenting opinions, making it difficult for them to practice medicine.
In May 2023, the District Court dismissed the case, ruling the AAPS lacked standing to bring its claims against the medical boards and that the claims against DHS were moot due to the suspension and final dissolution of its controversial Disinformation Governance Board in 2022.
But the 5th Circuit said the AAPS properly claimed an injury through the alleged silencing of “willing speakers” who may have been intimidated by the medical boards’ threats and that the AAPS therefore has the right to pursue its First Amendment claims. - More info
I just had a conversation with Rocco Galati and the Federal Court of Appeal has ruled that the action on behalf of Federal workers can proceed. The government had filed a motion to strike.
Supreme Court Chief Justice Richard Wagner is complaining about the public’s criticism of the courts in Canada. In his annual address he said it’s important in Canada and other democracies to protect the justice system’s independence by “denouncing any attacks” on the institution and its judges. This can lead people, even people of good faith, to lose trust in their institutions.” He added that there is a great need to denounce and condemn incorrect comments and “set the record straight.” “Let us not fool ourselves. If we become complacent, let’s not be surprised to see the very foundations of the rule of law and our democracy crumble away.” I suggest it is too late. The foundation has already crumbled when the SCC refused to uphold our Charter of rights and freedoms over the last four years. - More info
A Huge new Oxford study (30,000+ child) finds no benefit from Covid injections for children, but vaccinated children were more likely to need hospitalization. “The only conclusion from this study is that for children, the Covid vaccines were UNSAFE, INEFFECTIVE & unnecessary - and caused harm. On the results this study, the vaccines should have never been approved for children.” - More info
‘The Dam Has Broken’: Mainstream Media Reports on Study Showing COVID Vaccines Likely Fueled Rise in Excess Deaths. Data from 47 countries in the Western world showed excess mortality has remained high for the last three consecutive years, according to a study published Monday in BMJ Public Health. The authors called for a thorough investigation. - More info
I had a fabulous interview this week with Dr. Paul Thomas and DeeDee Hover about my journey of waking up to vaccine risk. Also our work at VCC in creating the New Parent’s Guide to Understanding Vaccination and our new initiative – Raising Natures Child. The interview can be found here - More info
Related Material:
Iron Will Report on the EU Elections: Fake News – The False EU Elections Narrative
Dr Trozzi Summer Tour of Alberta, Manitoba, and British Columbia happening now. I hope we get to meet in person at an event near you.
Dr. David Martin has recently published his findings about the 1986 Act about adverse events of vaccines. It says that after 500 adverse events they MUST pull the vaccine. Well we are at 10,000 times that number in just adverse events. So this part of the Act of 1986 is being ignored and actually is the solution to sue them for big results and even with criminal implications. The Prosecuters are now starting to listen and set to prosecute. So there is hope for Canadians to do the same. Check out Dr. David Martins latest scoop.
In the beginning of the Sh** storm, I 've always wondered what part of "EUA" did people NOT understand? Were we supposed to be the "Crash Test Dummies" while each Province and Territory jettisoned our collective "Emergency Response methods" out the window. That was the First OBVIOUS Red Flag. So many inconsistencies followed that big mistake (Short cut) but people went along for so many reasons that were not truthful. Blinded, frightened, coerced, black-mailed or whatever. More people should have been WAY wiser than this. If everyone said a Collective "NO" ,we would not be facing so much death and destruction of our lives and our way of life.
As far as our Police go, I do NOT paint them all with the same brush and as you did, Dr Trozzi, Former RCMP Danny Bulford said, "NO" as well and got out. He said that he couldn't face his children if he stayed.
Thank GOD for you and Ted.
Safe travels and God be with you all <3 <3 <3