It's so good to catch wind of some of the good things that are happening in the world. I think media tends to focus on the negative items so much because it gets more attention, but positive change is equally as important.

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You are indeed a remarkable young man and agree some positivity goes a long way . I am speaking to many young people who know what is going on , on many levels , but aren't brave enough to speak up for fear of not getting future jobs and causing a rift with family and friends . They describe their parents as those who lined up to get the required shots and, of course , they have health related issues with no dots connected .

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Thanks you! That´s very kind of you to say. I think it´s better to be eyes open and honour my perception of reality, but many of my peers have a lot more pressure to stay quiet than I do. My team and I are relaunching Over to the Youth soon. We prepare tomorrow´s leaders today; supporting young men and women aged 18-25 with a strong network of peers and professional skills training. Please may I connect with you directly? I would love to send invitations to your young contacts when we relaunch in the next month.

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PLEASE DO - delighted in any way to help . I saw your father at the Eglington Capital Theatre and find myself wishing there were more Doctors like him who actually want to do what I deem is right and ethical - not mandated experimental medicine . Was a nurse for 20 years and would love to see a hospital system full of people like your father ; I see the apple doesn't fall far from the tree : refreshing .

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Yes, in the expose news article, see the fifth paragraph where the link is to the data source. Thanks

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We are 100% CCP/WEF infiltrated yDr Trozzi and your family are heroes here and around the world.

I'm in Scarborough Ontario CHINADA and grew up in Southern Ontario.

I'm 68 and now watch my parents both still here at 90 and 91 who were prisoners of the Germans as children from 1939 to 1945.

Mom is not all there but still knows who I am and Dad finally realized the NATZIS are still trying to control our world.

He was harassed with my older brother at Bowmanville hospital last week for not wearing a diaper on his face and simply told the young nurse who lectured them to FO and shut up.

They were there for Mom who now has blood clots.

Yes she got 3 cupcakes and it really diminished her and Dad got 3 also which diminished him also.

These are strong tough folks who may have had a shot at hitting 100.

Not any more.

So again thanks Dr Mark for your warrior spirit

Lots of out here helping where we can.

I distribute 100s Druthers papers monthly and harass clinics.

EXPOSURE EXPOSURE EXPOSURE is the game until we see some ARESSTS of one of the REPTILE BRAIN BOUGHT OFF GLOBALIST WHORES shilling for Klausy and Billy.

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I hope your parents get to celebrate 100 with health and happiness and with all their family.

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Jan 14·edited Jan 14Liked by Dr M Trozzi

What a wonderful post! Finally, a bit of levity. Whew.

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Jan 14Liked by Dr M Trozzi

thank you gentlemen for ALL the work you have done and continue to do!! God Bless!

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Thank-you and God Bless you and your family. Druther's is great. Passing them out to everyone and all the "SHOPS" in my town and beyond. This is waking up the sleeping Useful idiots everywhere. Take care and God speed to you.

xo RMRoss

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My guess is that the MS Med.ia (CTV) is being forced to comply with the people who have been injured; physically, emotionally or financially since so many "Sponsors" are bailing out. They need PEOPLE!!! With-out the people and funding, they're finished. Thank-you Dr Mark Trozzi and Ted Kuntz. God Bless you for all the work you both have done for all of us.


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Jan 14Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Thank you to you and your colleagues for your unrelenting pursuit for truth and justice. You are watchmen on the wall!

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Jan 14Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Everyday people, those of us who actually form the basis of our society, must do whatever we can - in every aspect of our lives - to resist the depredations of the elites whose goal is our submission and obedience. Lies cannot be maintained forever: those surrounding every aspect of the 'pandemic' and the ruinous vaccines are beginning to weaken and fall apart. Fauci's complicity in the sham - combined with his shameful testimony (100 'can't remember/don't recall responses) will ultimately topple him from his previous 'savior' status to that of mass murderer.

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Happy to see you here on Substack!

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Jan 14Liked by Dr M Trozzi

HOPE for Today - GOD bless you Dr. Trozzi for being a true medical TRUTH Warrior ...

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Jan 15Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Regarding those profiting from the experiment in the knowledge they were impoverishing/sickening/crippling/maiming/killing people, isn't it basic under any sane law that such criminals must not be enabled to profit in any manner from crimes, let alone murders?

Shouldn't asset-stripping the profiteers, toward the alleviation of what CAN be alleviated of the damage these perps have profitably done/knowingly invested in, be an obvious and automatic process to follow, in sentencing?


I gather that the problem with various judges, even within the Canadian Supreme Court, some apparently being unaware of Canadian Constitutional and many other domestic and international protections forming the supreme and forever-standing democratic (self-ruled of/by/for the people, with all equal under rights-protective law) basis of Canadian law may, I've read, perhaps lie in the Prime Minister (in this case, Monster Minion) Trudeau's apparently somehow being able to select and control such appointments without regard for any real qualifications, in serving WEF, et al., agendas and self-interests, at and to the public cost.

If our judges all knew and respected the principles of Canadian Constitutional/Charter, etc. law, this illegal take-over attempt -

(using WEF-trained traitorous 'Young Global Leaders/Shapers', etc. fellow-citizens (in this manner, infiltrating governments around the globe to terrorise, bankrupt and destroy all countries/societies, not only Canada,) attempting to destroy the very concepts of human rights, of sanity/reality, of democracy and civilisation, while pretending the perps can 'legally' make secretive private agreements between themselves to hand over their countries, fellow-citizens, all their rights and property and all resources, to a hostile foreign self-interest group)

- would have been recognised as a crime in progress, dismantled and the perps imprisoned long since.

Apart from anything else, one can't give away what belongs not to oneself but to others, (such as human rights, democracy or property of any kind, including public funding/public property or the powers of any public office publicly funded to serve the public interest) or pretend that anyone - never mind everyone but the (still-currently useful among the) perps themselves - can be legally bound into abject slavery by any (illegal) agreement, treaty or contract - to which the intended victims have not even been made party - merely because the dispossession of all citizens was plotted as a secretive criminal conspiracy between a relative few and labelled in some manner intended to misrepresent Crimes Against Humanity as something somehow being 'legally binding international law' on others having no idea of any of this but expected to submit to all manner of abuses and suffering, as befits fungible slaves belonging to psychopaths.

NONE of this imposed destructive lunacy was/is legal - and only psychopathic criminals would regard any real emergency as an excuse to prey upon and abuse the inherent rights of others thereby made more vulnerable.

That's not 'aid' or 'public health' - that's predatory parasitism.

But the lawless gaining public office will, of course, select their own ilk for any/all public offices/department heads acting for their/their overlords own purposes, in acting against the country and their targeted fellow-citizens.

That's a good part of what the perps at that level took public office under false pretences for, to corrupt the lot, from the top down, and to try to warp public perceptions into compliance with a 'New Abynormal'.*

Our public service was never publicly-funded to profit or 'belong to' any fellow-citizen publicly salaried to serve the public interest - and definitely NOT to be served up by traitors on a platter to those who would destroy us.

We need to get every member of the W(arped) E(gotistical) F(anatics) out of all public positions NOW - and begin to sue the terrorist-member-headed WHO into oblivion. For starters.

*Reference: video clip - 1:36


Abby normal scene


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Thank you so much for sharing this news with everyone. While we will continue to fight for freedom and truth, we remain grateful to both of you (Dr. Trozzi and Ted Kuntz) and to everyone who is brave enough to speak out on behalf of humanity. It is making a real difference in our lives. You are the heroes! "Know the truth and it will set you free."

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Great to see you're on substack! And thanks for reporting the 'wins'. It's very encouraging to hear some good news and I do mean very.

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The first thing these are not vaccines they are a experimental drug.

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Amen. I have always maintained that. The firs thing I published in January 2021 This Is Not A Vaccine https://drtrozzi.org/2021/01/23/this-is-not-a-vaccine/

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But can an experimental crispr Cas 9 genetic engineering of people and other Life to produce a pathogen (or anything else) be considered a drug?

(Blurb found at top of search page)


Cas9 (or "CRISPR-associated protein 9") is an enzyme that uses CRISPR sequences as a guide to recognize and open up specific strands of DNA that are complementary to the CRISPR sequence. Cas9 enzymes together with CRISPR sequences form the basis of a technology known as CRISPR-Cas9 that can be used to edit genes within the organisms.

🌐 CRISPR - Wikipedia


wiki › CRISPR


Personally, I wouldn't consider this a drug...

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Why do the links go to other websites and not the actual data, the U.K. deaths one doesn’t go to the actual data. Misleading, we need facts.

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The fifth paragraph in the article has the hot link to the UK data. Click on the word "here" where it is underlined.

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Item 3. The U.K. Covid data if I click on ‘read more here’ it goes to ‘Expose-news’ page not any government replaced data. Am I missing something?

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Excess mortality in England post COVID-19 pandemic: implications for secondary prevention.

That's the title of a study very recently published in the lancet, reviewed by Dr. John Campbell on YT. Find it here:


Different from the Dr. Trozzi linked data but equally as damning.

Here's a comment/question regarding this study.

The study presented the statistic that in the age group 50-64, deaths from heart failure increased by 39% for the study period. That sounds like a lot and is in relative terms.

I used this site as a quick reference: https://www.cdc.gov/heartdisease/heart_failure.htm

In the highest category, heart failure occurs in 259-563 people per 100,000, average number age adjusted. Even if you take the high end and round up, that's .006 or .6 percent. In absolute terms, an increase of 39% means that the rate goes up to .8 percent.

No wonder few people are noticing what's going on or am I missing something?

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Keep up the great work - really enjoying Wins of the Week!

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