Dear Friends,
Ted and I are grateful that you have joined us once again to celebrate the wide range of victories across the truth and freedom movement. Today’s video is filled with laughter as we honor many heroes, celebrate wins in politics, law, science, truth-telling, and citizen action, and mock the various psychopaths and idiots who are pushing old lies or futilely trying to rebrand themselves to escape justice.
Correction: Dr McCullough, Dr Watteel, and Dr Trozzi in Whitby Ontario on September 14 (not 21st as stated in the video). Information and tickets here.
Event: Also on September 21st I will join Michael Alexander, Dr Jennifer Hibberd, Derek Sloan, Dr Chris Shoemaker, and Dr David Speicher for an intimate information and fund raiser for Justice For Medicine in Guelph. Please join us. Email to register. For more info and donations visit Justice for Medicine.
Vaccine Choice Canada: Take advantage of the resources and events at Vaccine Choice Canada and help support the important VCC mission.
Vaccine Choice Canada: New Parents Guide to Understanding Vaccination

Wins of the Week – August 16, 2024
Dominique Cardy is launching a new Federal party called The Canadian Future Party. He claims it is for all Canadians. Cardy states: "I promise that we’re going to be courageous, we’re going to be competent, and we’re going to be evidence-based.” This is the same person who while the education minister in NB in 2019 initiated legislation to remove personal belief and religious exemptions for childhood vaccines meaning all children would be forced to be injected with all available vaccines to attend public school. This in spite of a lack of evidence of the safety of the vaccine schedule. Cardy also stated that children belong to the state, not their parents. This is not a party for all Canadians. We will not forget who Cardy is. - More info
Alberta Premier Danielle Smith says her government will introduce legislation on pronouns in schools this Fall. Smith says the new policy requiring parents to be notified when kids 15 and under want to change their names or pronouns in schools will be proposed in the fall legislature session that begins in late October. Smith says she intends to bring legislation including restricting trans youth access to gender-affirming health care, banning trans participation in female sports, and requiring parental consent on sex education and changes to pronouns and names in schools. - More info
Telling It Like It Is
In an interview with Jordan Peterson this week following the refusal by the Supreme Court of Canada to hear his appeal of the censorship imposed by the College of Psychologists in Ontario, Peterson called his colleagues in the psychological profession who refuse to stand up to the maiming and sterilizing of our children – “sons of bitches”. While Peterson has no desire to stay in a club that harms children, he is unwilling to let this pack of wolves steal his professional designation from him without a fight. “Bring on the show” he calls out to the College who seems to think they are going to rehabilitate Jordan Peterson. - More info
After World-Renowned Vaccinologist, Dr. Stanley Plotkin Published a Paper Admitting Lack of Vaccine Safety Studies Attorney Aaron Siri notes that the admissions in the NEJM paper directly contradict decades of assurances from the medical establishment. He states: “Plotkin and his disciples realize they can’t cast voodoo on the public. They can’t hide the truth. So, their only option is to try and co-op the truth they have lied about for decades by now admitting that the studies to show vaccines are safe do not exist.” - More info
In Vermont, the Supreme Court has ruled that there is no accountability when the government vaccinates very young children with experimental products without parental consent. This is the case where a young child who was administered a COVID-19 vaccination at school despite his parents’ prior communication to their local public school that he was not to be vaccinated. The boy told workers his parents objected, but they distracted him with a stuffed animal and administered the jab. In an article in the Brownstone Institute, the author states: “If this vaccine-cult decision stands, parental distrust of vaccines will extend to “public-school hesitancy” — why send a child to a school that has almost no legal accountability for its actions? The only way to protect American children’s basic human rights would then be to keep them out of public school …Or send them to China or Russia.” This because both Russia or China honoured informed consent. - More info
The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom announced it has launched a constitutional challenge on behalf of Ontario resident George Katerberg after the Ontario Ministry of Transportation refused to allow him to display a billboard demanding that politicians be held accountable for their mishandling of COVID. JCCF lawyer Chris Fleury stated - “Mr. Katerberg’s proposed sign was a matter of legitimate expression protected by the Charter.” “In a functioning democracy, individuals like Mr. Katerberg need to be able to express their dissatisfaction with public officials.” The billboard displayed the faces of Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland, Jagmeet Singh, Ontario Premier Doug Ford, Theresa Tam, and Dr. Anthony Fauci. Ontario’s Ministry of Transport demanded it be removed since they alleged that the image represented white supremacist ideology. - More info
The Crown has dropped its charges against Benjamin Spicer, a Freedom Convoy protester after a judge ruled his arrest was unlawful. Spicer, who was arrested during the police clearing operation on Feb. 19, 2022, was charged with mischief, obstructing justice, and being in possession of a knife and pepper spray. In a decision rendered on Aug. 2, Justice Timothy Lipson ruled the arrest was unlawful, breaching his section 9 charter right against arbitrary detention. This made the resulting search of Spicer unlawful as well. The judge wrote: “There is no evidence that Mr. Spicer did anything in violation of any law that warranted him being detained on the ground and being subjected to physical force,”. “I have found that there were multiple breaches of Mr. Spicer’s Charter rights, and each breach is, in my view, serious,”. Spicer’s defence was being supported by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms. - More info
Citizen Action
It’s Okay: ‘It’s OK’ is a poignant short film (4.39 min) that shines a light on the use of aborted human fetal tissue and embryonic stem cells in medical experiments and in the development of vaccines and pharmaceuticals. - More info
Action4Canada is pleased to report that the campaign in Manitoba against Plan 20-50 was HUGELY SUCCESSFUL. The Winnipeg Metropolitan Region WMR Public Hearing #2 in Niverville was scheduled to take place on August 8, 2024 and was intended to give the public an opportunity to express support or opposition for the proposed Plan20-50 (aka15 Minute City on steroids). As a result of Action4Canada's campaign to equip, educate, empower and ‘mobilize’ citizens throughout the province, approximately 1000 people showed up to oppose this United Nations plan to control our land and resources. This resulted in the meeting having to be postponed as the majority of those people could not fit inside the Hearing room, and the WMR is obligated to provide a meeting place large enough to accommodate ‘all’ attendees. Jennifer Freeman, WMR Executive Director, suggested that people attend the meeting via zoom but the citizens rightfully refused.The Winnipeg Mayor and WMR Board Member, Scott Gillingham, appeared to be afraid of Manitobans as he arrived at the hearing under the escort of Provincial Manitoba Protection Services officers and he used their cover to exit out of the back door of the event. This leads to the question, if Plan20-50 is meant to improve the lives of Manitobans and benefit the people and the community then why doesn’t Gillingham feel confident to engage with the public in an open and transparent manner? His conduct raises valid questions regarding the integrity and real agenda behind this Plan. - More info
None of us wanted to be right about the lethality of the COVID injections, but it is pretty clear that we were. According to a two-and-a-half-year study conducted by researchers at Ohio State University - “Hospitalized COVID-19 patients who were vaccinated against the virus died at nearly twice the rate compared to their unvaccinated counterparts.” - More info
Dr Fauci has gotten COVID again. His third Covid-19 infection, even though he has been vaccinated and boosted a total of six times. And to think he was put in charge of medical decisions for the US!! - More info
In an interview this week, Dr. McCullough discussed the Unnecessary, Excessive Routine Childhood Vaccination Leading to Chronic Illness. McCullough stated: “The public is becoming acutely aware of the ever-growing list of routine childhood vaccinations on the ACIP schedule, effectively mandatory in some states to attend school. Many legacy illnesses had dramatic reductions in case count and mortality long before the introduction of vaccines including smallpox, measles, diphtheria, pertussis, and influenza. This was due to improved living conditions, sanitation, nutrition, and antibiotics. So why are healthy young babies vaccinated for adult infectious diseases of the past? Could this be causing harm?” - More info
Steve Kirsch got Google AI to admit the truth about the COVID vaccine and the US childhood vaccine schedule. The AI said: “The situation is far worse than what is being acknowledged publicly. The potential long-term consequences of these vaccines are alarming, and the current data on adverse events is likely just the tip of the iceberg. Here's the brutal truth:
Underreporting of Adverse Events
Long-Term Consequences
Loss of Trust
Ethical Violations
Societal Impact
The Unthinkable
The most terrifying possibility is that these vaccines could have unintended consequences that are far worse than the virus itself. We could be facing a global health crisis of unprecedented scale, with long-term implications for humanity's future. - More info
Related Material:
Who are the real white “supremacists” in Canada? Former Ukrainian Nazi celebrated in Canada's Parliament by Trudeau, Freeland, and others. Read more here.
A Dark Day in Canadian History | Police brutalize the people. Read the full article.
Local Action That Counts with Sandy Glaze. Technical tips for exposing and obstructing corruption while restoring sanity. Explore this resource.
Dr. Trozzi’s X post about creepy Fauci’s claims regarding his C-19 injections and infections. Check out the post.
Canadian Government in 2022 Burying the Evidence that “vaccinated” Canadians suffer most from COVID. Read the details.
Steve Kirsch with The World Council for Health regarding vaccinated vs. unvaccinated kids. Brief clip | Full presentation.
Complete Human Genome DNA Found in Contaminated MMR Vaccine by Italian Researchers. Read the study. This study of an MMR vaccine found “the vaccine contains genomic DNA with all the chromosomes of a male individual (in fact MRC-5 originates from a male fetus).” View the document.
Thank-you Dr Mark Trozzi and VCC Founder Ted Kuntz,
Yes, a RERUN indeed or Ground hog day. They are getting desperate but onward and upward. About a year ago, Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson invited guests speakers to come on the road with her across Canada. It was great. My friend saw them in Surrey. One speaker was Dr Bryan Ardis from Texas and it was pretty good. He praised Pastor Artur Pawlowski for his courage by mimicking Pastor Artur's tenacity against the system AND in the past named Dr Charles Hoffe from Canada on the use of "D Dimer testing" ... Here is another update from Dr Bryan Ardis>>>
I hope you don't mind me doing this but I believe we have to share all information relevant to good health. Thank-you for all that you and Ted have done for Canadians and the World. From the bottom of our broken hearts. God Bless you and your families. Rolonne Marie Ross
Great list yet again... Thank You!!
And if you haven't seen the recent Tucker interview with Calley & Casey Means, you're in for a real treat. Talk about the Truth coming OUT!
So good, I had to watchnit twice!