Michael Alexander and LawyerLisa discuss Bill C-293. ALL HANDS ON DECK CANADA. ALL HANDS ON DECK. This has the potential to sink our beloved Nation.
Canada we have a big problem with Bill C-293 Passing the House. It has passed a reading of the Senate. The Senate goes back September 17, and could conceivably pass the bill at the second reading.
Let’s do our utmost to dissuade them from doing so through a mass letter writing campaign.
Michael is a lawyer in Canada that is currently representing Dr. Trozzi. He was also the past co-chair of the Legal Committee for the World Council of Health in 2022. He brings this to bear in our discussion of Bill C-293.
Let’s try to stop it at the Senate.
So much of our future is being eliminated through this Bill.
If your time is short, we get into the weeds starting at the 14 minute mark. There is nothing that this bill cannot do because the scope and breadth of powers being awarded are astonishing.
Please listen to the discussion as we break down the provisions with a view to looking at the totalitarianism that is on the march through this Bill.
I am also in the midst of editing a very good discussion that John Klar and I had that deals with the aspects of control of land and farming that occurs through this Bill and hope to get that out soon as well. John is going to be participating this weekend on an important conference on Food and Farming and can raise awareness there.
The broader freedom community has to send up flags everywhere. NO TO BILL C-293.
What is happening in Canada is at the very least also happening in New Zealand with respect to Bill passing that provide control of all of society under the guise of preventing the *risk* of anything that could possibly contribute to a pandemic. It is the one ring to rule them all.
I think the bill should be examined around the world in order to look for similar legislation or provisions hidden in possible omnibus bills.
Please keep writing your contacts and urging them to also dispute the Bill with our politicians.
Canada keep the date of Sept 11, 2024 available. There is some discussion that we might announce a general peaceful protest against Bill C-293 at Provincial Legislatures and court houses Across CANADA. Let me know if STOPBILL293ATTHESENATE PARTY IS SOMETHING you want to participate in. I have friends trying to get the wider media interested and am fitting in a fair amount of podcasts. James Roguski is helping set these up as he has been very supportive on pushing back on the Bill.
The text of the Bill can be found here.
I hope that 2 stuffy lawyers explaining how the bill has the potential to govern all aspects of life THROUGH the lens of pandemic prevention, will wake some on the fence.
I am a tad tired and am headed to rest early tonight. Otherwise would put more details, but I think we laid it out very well in the discussion. Near the end of the discussion we talk about how it is that the WHO controls Public Health and the Ministry of the Health through the relationship that these offices are as being a satellite office of the WHO. So the next dimension that this brings is that those getting this power ACTUALLY ARE THE WHO. It is a full coup.
Again the discussion really gets started at the 14 minute mark. If anyone feels like doing a point form summary of the issues as a tabulation in the comments or as in message we can turn that into a more succinct letter to go to politicians.
Please continue to spread the word that this is an ALL HANDS ON DECK MOMENT FOR CANADA.
The bill is too broad. It is a wholesale excuse to hand over governance of every aspect of our lives through the lens of the pandemic.
If we win it is because we dig deep and work together. Thank you to all the podcasters, lawyers, James, John Klar, Wayne Peters and Michael Alexander and those working to raise awareness and demand that the Senate refuse to pass this Bill. I do not myself believe ANY part of this Bill can go forth. I do not believe edits to it would matter. You can see from our discussion.
Thank-you to all the podcasters working to get this out to their audience. We are in this together and let’s show them what together looks like.
God bless you all.