Dr. Trozzi practiced Emergency Medicine in Canada for 27 years. He taught critical resuscitation and advanced trauma care for over a decade and held teaching positions at three Canadian medical schools. He was selected by the American College of Surgeons as an Advanced Trauma Life Support instructor.
Dr. Trozzi was on call in multiple emergency units throughout 2020, including one ER designated specifically for COVID-19. He observed severe discrepancies between COVID-19 public health mandates and medical science, ethical norms, and human rights. This included the obstruction of safe and effective treatments for COVID-19 and the promotion of non-voluntary experimental genetic injections, presented to the public as “safe and effective vaccines,” though they were predictably dangerous.
Due to these issues, Dr. Trozzi took an open-ended sabbatical from his prior career and income at the beginning of 2021, dedicating himself entirely to research, public education, and activism. Dr. Trozzi's COVID Testimony.
Dr. Trozzi is one of the Directors of EBMCsquared CiC. He is an international steering committee member of the World Council for Health (WCH) and a founding member of WCH Canada. He has served on the WCH Law and Activism Committee, co-chaired the WCH Health & Science Committee, and currently serves on the WCH Research Ethics and Integrity Committee. In these forums, Dr. Trozzi collaborates with experts worldwide in science, clinical medicine, and law.
Dr. Trozzi serves as a Consultant and Medical Advisor to various health and human rights organizations, including Take Action Canada, Vaccine Choice Canada, Police on Guard, and the South Africa Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (SAVAERS).
Dr. Trozzi is a member of the Canada Health Alliance and the Canadian Covid Care Alliance. He is a co-author of the Declaration of Canadian Physicians for Science and Truth issued in 2021.
Dr. Trozzi is a member of the International Crisis Summit, alongside Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Simone Gold, and others. He has spoken to multiple governments, including the Parliament of Romania, the UCP Party of Alberta, the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica, the Parliament of Japan (Japan Rejects Self-Replicating RNA), and individual members of the Canadian federal parliament.
Dr. Trozzi testified at the National Citizens Inquiry into the Canadian Government’s response to COVID-19. He is one of many Canadian doctors whose medical licenses were suspended or revoked due to non-compliance and criticism of Canada’s COVID-19 public health mandates. He is a co-founder of Justice for Medicine, an organization dedicated to restoring science and medical ethics in Canada.
In recognition of his research, activism, and personal sacrifices, Dr. Trozzi received the 2023 Medical Heroism Award from LifeSiteNews. WATCH: Three Medical Freedom Doctors Share Their COVID Stories at LifeSiteNews Gala.
Dr. Trozzi is an international scientific leader regarding the predictable failure of the COVID-19 genetic “vaccines” (True Efficacy), their mechanisms of injury (Unveiling the Mechanisms), and treatments for the injured (Detox Series).
Much of Dr. Trozzi’s work is accessible at, World Council for Health, and