Jan 16Liked by Dr M Trozzi







AND JUST FOR (COUGH SPEW COUGH) LAUGHS, WE HAVE A WINNIPEG LIBERAL WINNER https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/featured/2024/01/15/the-unwelcome-unvaxxed

Looking forward to a series, or at least a dedicated video or substack, to "Shedding" and if there's danger there as well.

*Tips hat

Much Love

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Here's some of the material relating to shedding on my website www.drtrozzi.org Please note there are over 800 free articles and posts there from the past three years with a key word search library https://drtrozzi.org/2023/08/14/vaccine-shedding-in-schools-drs-amerling-thorp-trozzi/ https://drtrozzi.org/2022/02/26/spike-protein-shedding-toxicity/

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Thank you. You are a hero!

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Thank you Patriot, Doctor, and Gentleman.

If you were in my neck of the woods, I'd ask you to be my forever doctor. Right now, the trust level of the medical industry is ranging between quackery and fuckery, and not necessarily in that order...hard to trust that.

I KNOW I gotta see one, Sure would be nice if there were a list of trusted doctors per province...hint hint. In my self-prognosis, self-diagnosis, and self-written creds, I am now taking everything everyone is talking about en masse hoping something 'sticks' to fix the egregiously fatigued all the time right leg I've been dragging around for 4 years. Haven't yet gone to self-operation though! Yet! Lol. And no, not jabbed. Knew it was bullshit from the moment it came out. The horse had already left the barn, impregnated the county's mares and was back eating hay by time they declared this was a "thing" and everyone masked up like good lil toads.

Did not mean to make this personal, just a smallish peep cuz I really don't know where or who to turn to. The whole thing is just a long story ending with the last dr. I saw 3 years ago asking me if I wanted a DNR for a simple operation that wouldn't have fixed the problem anyways (his words) and arguing with me about accepting a blood transfusion. Haven't been back to a dr. since.

Anyhoo, in my quest for knowledge, I have discovered something that you may be interested in researching. Ever hear of "thermography?" It's for deep vein thrombosis - NON-invasive.



Thank you for your response and may God guide you, bless you, and protect you in this bizarro upside down clown world of WTActualFrick.

*Tips hat

Much Love

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Jan 16Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Dr Trozzi, are you familiar with the stem cell research and warnings by Dr Theresa Deisher? Several years ago, she recognized an increase in cancer rates, especially in children, coinciding with the growing vaccine schedule. She explains that the DNA contaminants in standard vaccines, particularly from aborted human fetuses, can be taken up by our stem cells and thus create mutations. Of course, infants and children have an abundance of stem cells and thus are at much higher risk. It's still possible to find on the internet some of Deisher's formal letters to officials warning about this issue and also her concerns regarding autism. It's not just DNA and RNA injections that are a problem, as many of us have also learned from Dr Suzanne Humphries. Thank you for all you do, Dr Trozzi. God bless you. You're a gift to humanity.

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Thank You!

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Dr. Trozzi - not sure if you saw this article provided by Dr. Meryl Nass re: hydroxychloroquine....https://merylnass.substack.com/p/here-is-the-evidence-from-2004-2014

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Thank you for sharing this. Yes we are at war and have been attacked OVERTLY since January 2020 at least to those who have discernment. Everything that was done by governments in lockstep i.e. changing definitions, altering and hiding injury and death data, changing protocols, requesting to hide drug companies' data for 75 years, fear mongering, threats and extortion by the media and governments, banning autopsies, taking doctors' licenses who spoke truth and had questions, keeping families out of hospitals away from their loved ones, demonizing and banning supplements and ivermectin. Not to mention everything they systematically put in place regarding no liability for drug companies, the EUA protocols, emergency public health policies to make the Constitution and Bill of Rights null and void. It is all so evil to bring about the unelected usurpers WHO, WEF, UN one health policies for global government. It is the beast system of Revelation. Have mercy on your people Jehovah!

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Donated what I can today... BTW It was great to see Dr McCullough in Alberta, thanks to the Theo Fluery and Jamie Sale event. The standing ovation he received is enough to know what people think of doctors with moral compass and ethics.

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Malone is not your friend. At this point, mentioning Malone is also not your friend. In other news,

The internet is being scrubbed of images of snakebite victims from what I can search. Here are a few I found; https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/snakes/symptoms.html Look familiar?

Multiple venoms in the jabs is a realistic proposal, and one that seems to be on blackout. One thing to mention is that making tobacco tincture (use American Spirit tobacco and good vodka equal parts by volume) and go very easy on it. Gum and patches you have to buy, and you don't know whats in them, really. Make your own. I also realize there are multiple things in the jabs that are meant to kill/maim.

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Thanks Jacquelyn.

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Dr Trozzi,

I'm preparing for emergencies and seem to recall that you and some of your colleagues had assembled an emergency first-aid kit. If I've got this memory right, would you please let me know what it's called and where/how to purchase it. Thank you so much. You are a life saver. stephto@telus.net

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Hey Debra. Here´s the medical kits by the Wellness Company. If you use the discount code TROZZI you´ll get some money of and also support my Dad´s work. Here´s the link for the US page: https://www.twc.health/pages/medical-kits and the Canada page: https://www.twc.health/pages/medical-kits

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I think these are the kits you are thinking of https://www.twc.health/pages/medical-kits Hard to get into the communist state of Canada. Perhaps an American friend can get it and bring it to you. Meanwhile, I am trying to set some days aside to study the various patents that reveal the top list of likely candidates for the next bioweapon the WEF/WHO syndicate plans to launch as "disease X" ; then I will research and publish the treatments as soon as possible so that you can be equiped with the knowledge and shopping list you will need in advance. As far as treating coronaviruses and the genetic jabs the material on drtrozzi.org can help assemble your lists. High vitamin D levels always, and having ivermectin on hand will remain top tier. I want to get more information out on how to perform advanced first aid and more, and I shall, but I am part of a small team on a lean budget. It's David verses Goliath. Wish us luck! ps disclaimer This is not medical advice. The corrupt regulators are always on my tail.

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Please realize, psycopaths within the DOD, and our government and the Chinese government instructed pharma to make exactly the product intended to poison the citizens. This injection is a bioweapon They all knew. It is not simply a rogue pharma trying to make max profit. Pharma was paid by the government to harm. The top people all knew the purpose was to decimate the population. People must learn what their leaders are knowingly and purposefully doing to them and their children. It is much bigger than simple greed but it takes an unethical pharma to produce what was ordered by criminal rougue government employees in high places. This is a military operation that has turned on the population.

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Awesome interview. Thank you.

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Excellent interview doc Trozzi. Your inner clarity shows through in your communications. Also, your dry wit helps get your message across. Thanks for all that you're doing. ((( And BTW Iron Will Dove has been an inspiration for a long time. He's a badass and he also happens to be very smart and insightful )))

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Good to see you again Iron Will :-) Great interview updating on what is known so far! As always with Iron Will Reports. ALSO: preventgenocide2030.org/canada This page will take people to the Leslyn Lewis MP web page where they can click the badge to sign the petition (presently over 80,000+ signatures as well as an opportunity to send a form letter and a speak directly to one's MP. There is also a new STOP sign that is a qr code that one can open in a new page and blow up to tape to the inside of one's car window or pin to a community notice board or to put into one's wallet to hand out, etc.

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There is nothing to worry about.

Schizer is taking care of turbo cancers that just felt from the sky.

"Pfizer completes $43 Billion acquisition of Seagen on Dec.14, 2023 - becomes largest oncology company to treat most TURBO CANCERS caused by mRNA Vaccines - deep dive into the sinister aspects":


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And Japan has Approved World’s First Self-Amplifying mRNA Vaccine with Amplified Shedding (?)


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We need to see these devils get what they gave.

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The major contributors to the W.H.O. will push their own agendas. Those like Bill Gates will financially benefit through mandatory vaccinations. This is an insidious plot to control humanity. It must be stopped.

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Wait until you see the new stats on World population for the past 40 years. Africa has the best show of depopulation since the all vaccines and super jump since the covid vax. Next is countries like Hungary and other EU countries cannot renew their population neither can Canada. So that is why they are importing more immigrants.

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