Cancer Solutions and Today’s Persecution
While I am facing a penalty hearing today, many injection victims are facing cancer. Here’s insight, hope and solutions.
Justice for “Vaccine” Victims
Today is November 10th 2023 when I face the hardship of a CPSO hearing to decide their “punishment” for me in recognition of my three years dedicated mission work to research, inform and protect people against the COVID-crimes-against-humanity including the misrepresented genetic experiments that have killed and maimed unprecedented numbers of innocent people around the world. You can witness the CPSO penalty hearing starting at 9 a.m. EST (Toronto). To get a link please sign up here.
Greater hardships than mine are faced by many victims of the injections. The injections have various harmful mechanisms, which include disruption of the immune systems. One consequence of this is the dramatic rise in new, unusual, and fast growing cancers, even in young people; as well as aggressive cancer recurrences for people in remission, and deterioration in patients who were stable before the injections.
Oncology Professor Angus Dalgleish, St George’s University of London, warns of dramatically worse cancer disease following COVID boosters
The toxic spike protein is mass produced by injections victims’ own bodies. This is at the root of their troubles including the immune dysfunction. So like all injected persons, those suffering from cancer should attend rigorously to measures to detoxify their bodies, and limit the harm from the spike protein. This offers hope to restore their immune systems. See links in related material below.
While we challenge and attempt to restore corrupted institutions like the CPSO, we are also building new ethical institutions like the World Council For Health.
Here WCH Science Research Chair, Canadian PhD candidate Matthew Halma takes us on a quick tour of recent WCH advances in health science, before focusing on recent WCH advances regarding cancer.
WCH nutritionist and psychoneuroimmunologist Frances Haven unpacks the new WCH guide which will be available very soon.
Cancer Detox and Immune Boosting Guide: A practical approach to home-based care for concerned families
Related Material
Great News | Resolving and Preventing Cancer. There is a paradigm shift. Cancer is not simply a genetic disease; it is a metabolic disease. We now know how to prevent and resolve cancer without chemotherapy, radiation and other harsh treatments.
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WCH Cancer Detox and Immune Boosting Guide: A practical approach to home-based care for concerned families. Coming soon.
The World Council For Health is working with you to create a better way. Please take advantage of WCH resources and help support our mission.
CPSO Pronounces Judgment Over Dr Trozzi. But the shots are still toxic, Pfizer committed fraud, everyone has been assaulted, and we must act now to save lives.