Millions of people would like to thank you personally. You are one of the few Doctors left with morals, they seem to dying out like informed consent, the truth, and humanity.

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Always one of the good guys! Holding you in prayer!

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Thanks for this update. I applaud your integrity, courage and tenacity in this matter.

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It seems like the principles of bodily autonomy, voluntary informed consent and first, do no harm were abandoned at the alter of all things Covid. It’s frightening. So thankful for doctors like Dr Trozzi.

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We need names. A list. Let's see all those medical professionals that continue this persecution. Time to name and shame. It's OBVIOUS corruption across the board. When are you moving to Alberta doc?!!

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We need him here in Ontario!

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Prayers for justice that is in short supply today

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Feb 8·edited Feb 8

Again, thank you so much to Dr. Trozzi and

Michael Alexander for what you are doing for everyone. This is a monumental task and it’s not easy but I’m proud to support your efforts and you’re always in my prayers. God bless!

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⚖️ You’re followed by many an Australian, Dr Trozzi. Certainly, Forest of the Fallen organisers would be most grateful for your work: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzgUcIzJ8S3/?igsh=dHV2anJqdzNrMzA3

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There is no such strange organization in Japan.

Doctors who pass the national exam usually belong to a regional medical association, but they do not have to belong to one. Only if a person commits a serious general criminal law crime (injury, murder, major fraud), his or her medical license will be suspended or revoked depending on the severity of the crime.

A look into CPSO's funding and management's ties to pharmaceutical companies will reveal everything. As far as I looked at CPSO on the web, there was no disclosure of funds.

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Godspeed Dr. Trozzi , the pendulum is reversing and I pray justice will prevail.

Every Canadian should send whatever they can to support this case. I certainly will!

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wow, Dr. Trozzi, this is worse than the Salem witch trials. I pray that you and your lawyers break this fascist, disgusting, morally and financially corrupt CPSO and put them all in prison.

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I am 80yr old retired medical scientist who, following a successful cardiac pacemaker and aortic valve implant several years ago now enjoys an active and healthy lifestyle. I am privileged to have had the support of honorable clinicians. However, considering the current calamitous state of medical management of Covid related issues I am reluctant but determined to suggest that maybe a "last ditch" opportunity to bring non-medically trained politicians, public health bureaucrats and medical licensing boards to some common sense would be to call all medically trained professionals to withdraw all services nationally (why not inter-nationally?) for one day so that a state of "detente" will allow rational discourse to commence free of bureaucratic and political punitive action? Of course this would go against the ethics of the HIppocratic Oath but that is exactly what has been forced upon ethical practitioners who refuse to comply with the ridiculous Covid mandates that lack scientific credulity. Yes, patients would be momentarily disadvantaged however many more will be adversely effected if the current draconian policies are continued. This is a drastic calamity that requires a drastic reaction.

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LifeSite News - "Rep. Chris Smith warns WHO pandemic treaty is the greatest threat to freedom in human history" - https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/rep-chris-smith-warns-who-pandemic-treaty-is-the-greatest-threat-to-freedom-in-human-history/?utm_source=featured-news&utm_campaign=usa

More info. on Congressman Chris Smith on James Roguski's Substack - https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/please-submit-your-questions

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Just a heads up. Your latest mail, this one, went to my promotions account which I rarely even look at. Luckily I saw it before deleting. Up to now it has come to my primary inbox. Just wanted you to know. And yes! You are an amazing principled warrior doc.

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hopefully Dr Mark, it will be much better for you in an appeals court. Will be interesting as it's apparent the whole justice system as well as the police force is corrupted beyond belief, taken over and financed by agent provocateur soros. He owns trudope and freeloader as well.

Anyways wish you all the best. Keep up the good fight, I will be continuing to follow and watch you progress in this cesspool of insanity. 🎶 🇨🇦 ☮️

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as a V injured person whose family thinks I’m nuts, thank you from the bottom of my heart! 🙏🏻

sending L♥️VE

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