COVID shots make Thalidomide look like Flintstone Vitamins
Sounding the alarm on the harmful effects of COVID "vaccines" for fetuses.
About Dr James Thorp
Dr Thorp is a Board Certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist and also Board Certified Maternal Fetal Medicine Physician. He has published extensively over his 43+ year distinguished career, served in the United States Air Force as an ObGyn physician, served as a reviewer for major medical journals, served as an examiner for ABOG, served on the Board of Directors for the Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine, and testified as an expert witness in the US Senate on the treatment of the fetus as a patient.
Here Dr Thorp addressed the General Assembly of the World Council for Health on June 11, 2022:
The video above is an edited segment from the weekly live General Assembly meeting on July 11, 2022. Our weekly meetings are a consistent source of unbiased real knowledge delivered by top experts from around the world. You are invited to join us each Monday at 2 pm EDT here: (Click here)
In contrast to reality and morality, here is a line up of supposed “pregnancy care providers” from my home province Ontario. Here they are coating their hands with fetal and maternal blood by encouraging pregnant women to get injected: (Watch here)
How about this “expert”? When asked: “Should women of child-bearing age get the vaccine?”, Dr Lynn Murphy-Kaulbeck of the Moncton Hospital in New Brunswick and medical director of PerinatalNB, replied : “In a word: Yes.” Here’s that story and more pushing of this poisonous injection on pregnant women by Canada’s state propagandist, the CBC.
More related materials
The article Dr Thorpe mentioned titled: Patient Betrayal: The Corruption of Healthcare, Informed Consent and the Physician-Patient Relationship.
Pfizer trials: All injected mothers lost their unborn babies
Heroic Dr Mel Bruchet MD, 80 years old, handcuffed, drugged, and imprisoned for warning us.
Dr Nagase Exposes Pfizer, Criminal Canadian Officials, Child Sacrifice, and more
COVID “Vaccines”; How Dangerous are They? A thorough investigation of the science behind the COVID “vaccines” used in the Western World, in which, more than one year ago, I warned of all that we are now seeing. This video or article is a solid introduction to the world of the so called COVID “vaccines”