Doctors Verkerk and Trozzi: Why Use Excess Mortality?
Adverse events reporting systems have varying degrees of under-estimates. Hence the importance of utilizing excess mortality.
“Vaccine” Harm and Deceiving Statistics
Most adverse events reporting systems in the world reveal dramatic amounts of death and disease following the COVID-19 so-called “vaccines”. There has always been profound under-reporting of vaccine adverse events, but the coercion of doctors to not report adverse events and death with these specific injections greatly amplifies this. Dr Verkerk and I explain the importance of utilizing excess mortality to overcome this effect; and state the obvious buried truth. Here is the 10 minute long Part 4 of the Heart to Heart podcast: Dr Rob Verkerk PhD in conversation with Dr Mark Trozzi MD.
Why is under-reporting in Canada so extreme?
Dr Patrick Phillips' adverse events reports were blocked and he was persecuted for trying to report them:
More Details of the Canadian Cover UP
Leading Cause of Death in Alberta is “Unknown”: (Read here)
That is a sick joke: (Read here)
COVID “Vaccine” Cover Up in Ontario: (Read here)
Mourning father of a “vaccinated” and deceased teenager speaks up: (Read here)
Feds plan endless injections while Ontario covers up increased COVID in the “vaccination” victims: (Read here)
Immunoflourescent Spike Protein Staining is completely absent from Canadian Autopsies. Here’s the reality though; see Dr Burkhardt video near the bottom of this page: (Read here)