it is time for workplaces schools hospitals police courts everywhere to STOP COMPLYING .PERIOD.......JUST STOP....the sheep must all morph inro WOLVES NOW!

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Individuals can "STOP COMPLYING" by refusing to "vaccinate" their children and by avoiding "Doctors" at all cost, (with the exception of injuries, poisonings, and other emergency medicine related issues).

There is no such thing as "contagious disease" and "viruses" do not exist. This is the ultimate hidden truth that the medical establishment fears the most, beause humanity has the power to do something about it!

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I oppose and reject almost everything the death cult ,[ Called medicine health care ]] forces us into .,from the beginning and before that .What I'm worried about is the possibility ,that they cut off the pensions old people like me 88 depend on unless we let our self be injected with the kill shot .I have no savings ,since what I had saved and kept at home was taken in a break in ,when I was away .In That case it would be best they shoot us with a bullet in the neck instead of with the needle .

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just let them try to cut pensions.......theyll be facing things theyd rather not!

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I am younger than you… I have just turned 56, but I too am already becoming very nervous about these sorts of things in my future.

I think another solution is that we need to get senior citizens out of the big, government, sponsored care facilities. we need more privately run, small facilities for seniors.

I'm thinking about something like a large house with about five bedrooms. A small amount of hard-working and dedicated staff could provide good daily care in the way of fresh healthy food, hygiene… what i consider basic "human husbandry", along with an LPN and PSWs on staff and more qualified staff (RNs, Nurse Practitioners, etc) on call and making weekly rounds.

Just an idea that I am tossing around in my head. Could this be done? We simply have got to get our seniors out of these horrid government run facilities, where they get poor, basic care, poor food, very little, if any - activity, fresh air, sunshine…

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No way I would never imprison myself in facilities ,whatever they are .Even at 88 I..'m healthy cook all my meals from scratch and working every morning by the beach ,rain or shine . Sure I can and will die anytime ,but it will not be by deadly injections ,just natural .at home .

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God bless you man. I can only hope that I'll make it to 88...(I should probably cut down on the drugs/ alcohol/dangerous lifestyle choices).

I have the same worry that you just described in your first post, (that they'll cut off your pension for refusing to take the shots). Thankfully we're still not there yet. Although the world still hasn't awakened to the total fraud of "germ theory", people have awakened about the dangers of the CONVID clot shots, and the push back has been a success. (For now).

If every senior were to take the same actions that you have taken, then our world would be a much better place for our children to inherit. Rock on brother.

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It is wonderful to see Canadian health care professionals advocating for their patients. It is refreshing to see health care professionals informing fellow Canadians about their current risks. North Americans are truly all victims of various degrees of medicine 💊 captured by big pharma. It is unfortunately a business of illness, not wellness.

Unfortunately, unbiased health care is becoming more elusive.

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But how many listen or read ,what the few honest Doctors are telling us .I see that most ,especially the young are addicted to I pots never let a moment go by without playing with it .Masking is coming back All who should know better ,the so called outfits called health care are the most idiotic using masks ,like it is Halloween every day .The ones with a healthy ,working brain are few and far between .

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To me, it might a slow 🐌 moving change to thinking critically and asking questions. It is an upward climb yet I think it needs to be done. I am one of those who does not want to see masking, distancing or strongly persuaded jabs.

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Well of course ..Lisa ,people like you or me will always do what we can .to reject and by pass criminality .,Medical or otherwise .At the beginning of the med.terror I put up a fight and spend eight month in and out of court .I can't do no more for the ignorant ,I'm 88 and will soon die .

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Dr Makis and Dr Trozzi are gatekeepers who are still protecting "germ theory".

Dr Makis: "Not bad for the most persecuted doctor in the world!"


Have you ever heard of Dr Sam Bailey?

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11

Drs Sam and Mark Bailey admitted to subscribing the elder child/ren to treatments the younger ones didn’t receive; thankfully it didn’t appear that their first born had suffered any consequences. ( I suspect vaccines) They admitted their parenting skills evolved.

I am not credentialed as Drs Makis,Trozzi and Bailey; but I appreciate their education, wisdom, integrity, and experience. Unity and knowledge is what inspires and empowers me. Thank you for your contribution.

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Exactly....germ theory is just that theory and everyone not looking into the Bailey's work in guilty of supporting the fraud.

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Meanwhile in Perth Australia news:

NEW 🚨 9News Perth actually reported this:

“Contracting COVID-19 during pregnancy could lead to severe complications for expected mothers… researchers finding the virus can cause DNA changes in the placenta…”

The media has NO PLAN to stop their lies…

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No… They will not stop their lies. They will have to be forced to stop.

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I repost all of these interviews on GETTR and they haven’t been banned. I was kicked off of X permanently. I wear that as a badge. GETTR so far has been receptive without a problem. I so believe in what Dr. Trozzi, Dr. Makis and all the other actual scientists are doing to attempt to stop this evil that has perpetuated the world so blatantly in the past four years. God bless them. Please give them your support.

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They always tell us what they are doing and they will try it again. This time we are forewarned and will not comply. These people might have money and stuff but they are old dumb fucks and too many of us have already lost everything, Bring it on!

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Hey, I resemble that remark..lol

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Thank you thank you thank you. You two men are hero’s! I pray for you and others like you who are bravely speaking out!

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It seems paradoxical to me that our ethical medical scientists have had to rely on the observations of non-medically trained morticians to provide evidence of abnormal thrombi. If authorities had not forced hospitals and pathologists to desist from performing medical autopsies then this undeniable phenomenon and its possible correlation with vaccine history would have been revealed years ago.

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I keep thinking covid is disease x as we have no idea what other repercussions will follow post vaxx.

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I think the Covid vaccines are Disease X.

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I think so too. I'm sure it is very possible that a so-called timing mechanism could have been built into the jabs.

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Have shared the detox series with those that are in need.....we thank you

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did dr makis just state that the canadian lab..im guessing winnipeg level 4 lab... sent a nipah virus to wuhan??? im guessing that was when the chinese researcher scientist(female) got onto a reg air canada flight ...vile on her body..to deliver this to the chinese...wuhan... the very story TRUDEAU SQUASHED QUICKLY!!!!@@@@@


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All threats are illusions!

The gain of function lab story is a fraud!

There is nothing to fear.

Every story about virology is a lie.

The bio-labs are where psychopaths abuse animals and launder money.

Stealing the wealth from Western countries on the pretense of a new disease.

We are awake to the Centuries’ old fraud!

Truth, Love, Justice and Freedom!


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Oh my...triggered..lol

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I hope every Canadian hears this terrific interview.

How do we reach the chief medical officers of our provinces? They must have to work very hard to avoid reading the research that shows the VAERS evidence.

I cannot get a contact for Bonnie Henry. She has teflon surrounding her. I give the evidence in printed form to my MP Joyce Murray.

Nothing ever happens.

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How many have forgotten the very first test case they rolled out on to us? Forget Chinese videos of people falling over dead on the street, forget the so called mass cremations coming out of China, the very first test case was the cruise ships, no one died in mass, the interviews from the ships were crises actors, as we then moved to New York you tubers were all over this heading to hospitals, funeral homes, freezer trucks proving the scam over and over. The biggest cover up was there is no virus.

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Early on there was an old British guy and his wife on ,the Diamond Princess who were posting daily on FB, got a cold, tested + and the man was admitted to a Japanese hospital, where he continued to post happily from his hospital bed, with pneumonia. They eventually posted they made it back to England. I do believe now looking back they WERE crisis actors. They spread FEAR and the false idea that you would be helped at the hospital.

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You are absolutely correct. When I watched all this go down on the ships, I thought to myself if this was real, knowing people the way I do (mass hysteria), there would be no way to make people sit in there rooms getting food served on the other side of the door left on the floor in the hallway and just be happy that they have social media, they would panic and do anything possible to get off the ship, probably even jump in the water and swim to shore. Going with the virus theory, sharing the same HVAC, sewer pipe, kitchen would be suicide.

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I think it actually was a real event, a sort of early experiment and meant to drum up fear around the world, and to condition people to tyranny, loss of mobility rights.

Diamond Princess was a floating prison of elderly people, and too high up to jump! 3,711 passengers & crew, and most of the passengers were the elderly with multiple comorbidities esp low Vit D. 634 "positive" PCR tests, but HALF of them had zero symptoms. 7 passengers died, all over age 70, approaching life expectancy, and the same method of killing as deployed in the nursing homes: solitary confinement, no mobility, restricted food, possibly medications, no sunshine/fresh air. Also assaulted with fear porn on the tel-lie-vision 24/7, amplified by the mandatory fraudulent PCR test, and constant covid testing after any false positive. Once docked, these passengers were taken off to the hospital where they may have been done in with the ventilation-remdesivir-fentanyl protocols.

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Think UK 1989 Margaret Thatcher: they didn't want a tax and then they stopped paying and then they changed the tax ‼️

Now, if WE ALL stopped paying taxes (like they did in the UK in 1989) then THAT would make an impact. If they come after you you can tell them "as the gov't is involved in crimes against humanity, warfare and domestic terrorism I cannot lawful, morally or spiritually participate with the crimes. I invoke my right to self determination, as protected by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Nuremberg Code, UN declaration of human rights and the Bill of Rights. Please review the commissioner's final report of the national citizen's inquiry for proof and testimony given under oath (link provided).

Are you enticing me into indentured servitude? What is your authority to do so and where do you derive it from?"

Trucks and horns do not deal with the issue, but rather only serve to prop up the criminals

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Absolutely brilliant. Straight accurate talking.

You are so right--away with "purity tests" , let us direct our energies against the real enemy-not some purity timeline. Surely, in any case, we are trying to convert/persuade people over to our point of view? I have moved a couple of CEs to the fence, that is a win.

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do not comply with the UN WHO WEF and vote out any politician that does .

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The Tetros Desperado would be much better suited ,leading a Mexican drug gang ,than trying to lead 8 billion people to their death ,any way he can .Just look at the guy ,is he not someone loving us to death like a tarantula eating its mate ?

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And, BTW, he’s not a medical doctor.

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What kind of bike did you have?

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1994 heritage softail

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Nice..my last bike was a 73 Trident..wish that I never sold it.

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