How can you treat anything without a diagnosis ? Ivermectin used to treat a viral infection based on PCR recycled how many times ?? I as a G P got 100% Covid cure rate doing the same as I did for the previous 40 years of my GP career . Examine the patient on first consultation and treat appropriately never used Ivermectin or other wonder drug. . I don’t disagree with it perhaps having a place in vaccine injury . I don’t know because I was struck from Irish medical register for my refusal to go along with the hoax or administer the mRNA assault.

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Thanks Dr Waters. I imagine you did prescribe antibiotics as per normal for secondary bacterial infection. The covid agenda advice to not do so was preposterous. Your patients were blessedt ohave you. As for ivermectin it has solid pre-scamdemic evidence as a great antiviral for coronaviruses and other mRNA viruses. Your testimony demonstrates how traditional good clinical medicine works regardless of ivermectin, and how the suppression of all treatment was harmful. Here's my early 2021 first publication on ivermectin https://drtrozzi.org/2021/05/03/ivermectin-works/ . Since then more mechanisms of its action have been explained. Its actions in sequestering spike protein, and blocking the receptor binding domain support its clinical success in both coronavirus infections, and the much bigger issue of covid "vaccine" injuries.

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DR Andy Kaufman, Drs Marc & Sam Bailey , are you in future going to debate them about the existence of “ Exomes and cellular debris oh sorry, “ Virus’s ?

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Congrats on holding to your principles. As long long as you are saving the lives of your patients, that is all that matters. But it would be a tragedy to loose a single parent w/o trying a medication or treatment protocol that has demonstrated safety and efficacy.

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Protocol on treatment of what ? A viral infection totally diagnosed by a corrupt,dishonest ,useless over cycled con test PCR .Wake up there was nothing there to cure but a hoax pandemic of fear generated by propaganda . Those doctors who bought into ihe existence of a virulent virus are as dishonest of gullible as the pushers of the lie in the first place .

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Wake up. The spike protein is real. The damage it causes is real. The treatments-protocols that treat it are real. 85% of those who really died could have been saved by early treatment with safe and effective off label meds. Denial of reality is not an effective way to deal with reality.

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The spike protein produced by the virus or the spike protein produced by the mRNA ? The vast majority of people who had a diagnosis of Covid on their death cert died of everything but the spike protein from a virus . Based on my fifty years in medicine . Forty as a GP on the front line.

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Hoax indeed !! Even before the magical mRNA Warp Speed Snake-Oil Bioweapon, the IFR for this so called 'deadly pandemic virus' was well under 1% ! And mysteriously, the average age of those supposedly killed by this ' deadly pandemic' just happen to be 2 years pass the age of life expectancy !?! And if even assuming all the 'cases' and 'deaths' from those 'tests' that gave Phoney Covid Results were actually 100% accurate, then the DAILY global death rate with/from/of this ' deadly pandemic virus' over a 3 year period was 1 PER 1.46 MILLION !!! PANDEMIC?? WHAT PANDEMIC ??!! This SCAMDEMIC is the most monumentally diabolical hoax and crime against humanity in recorded history !!!!

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A false "Pandemic" indeed. Here's my exposure of that in March 2021 https://drtrozzi.org/2021/03/24/how-is-this-a-pandemic/

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Is there viral infection ? Proven cause of illness ?

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Make sure to read the story of the decade about Covid that just hit from Dr. Joseph Mercola. It's titled Game Over, and it unravels the truth. Here's part of it:

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola February 17, 2024

According to U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, author of “Deception: The Great COVID Cover-Up,” the

COVID-19 pandemic, which killed millions of people, was the result of Anthony Fauci’s

decision to fund dangerous gain-of-function research in China

New evidence obtained by U.S. Right to Know (USRTK) further strengthens the theory

that SARS-CoV-2 was made in a lab

The novel features found in SARS-CoV-2 match the research parameters presented in a

2018 grant proposal by EcoHealth Alliance to conduct gain-of-function research on bat


EcoHealth and the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) were well aware of the potential that

this research could spark a human pandemic. A planning memo contains a note stating,

“We MUST make it clear in proposal that our approach won’t drive evolution the wrong

way, e.g. drive evolution of more virulent strain that then becomes pandemic”

At present, gain-of-function research is allowed provided it’s done with the intention of

creating a vaccine, which is a logical fallacy. We’ve never been able to preemptively

construct a pathogen that later shows up through natural evolution. We’re creating novel

pathogens that don’t exist in nature and then developing vaccines against those. In other

words, we’re creating bioweapons and antidotes to those bioweapons, and this needs to


decision to fund dangerous gain-of-function research in China — research that was

officially banned in the U.S. at the time and at bare minimum should have been done

with U.S. oversight but wasn’t.

Adding insult to injury, Fauci personally profited from the disaster to the tune of about $5

million. “Congress was misled by Anthony Fauci,” Paul told now-independent journalist

Tucker Carlson. “In the end, he deserves to be in prison.”

New Evidence Strongly Indicates SARS-CoV-2 Was Created

In a January 25, 2024, article in the City Journal, science writer, editor and author

Nicholas Wade details new evidence obtained by U.S. Right to Know (USRTK) that

further strengthens the theory that SARS-CoV-2 was indeed made in a lab.

As noted by Wade, that’s the key reason why no one, despite massive testing efforts, has

been able to find SARS-CoV-2 in any wild animal, bats or otherwise. It never existed in

the natural world, only in the lab.

The newly-obtained documents include what amounts to a recipe for “assembling SARStype viruses from six synthetic pieces of DNA designed to be a consensus sequence —

the genetically most infectious form — of viruses related to SARS1, the bat virus that

caused the minor epidemic of 2002,” Wade writes. As it turns out, SARS-CoV-2 has this

exact six-section structure.

The documents also show that “American scientists planned to work with the Wuhan

Institute of Virology to engineer novel coronaviruses with the features of SARS-CoV-2

the year before the virus emerged from that city,” USRTK reporter Emily Kopp writes.

The DEFUSE Proposal Provides the Recipe

In March 2018, the EcoHealth Alliance, led by Peter Daszak, applied for a $14.2 million

grant to conduct gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses in research labs in





California, North Carolina, New York, Wisconsin, Singapore and Wuhan. The proposal,

dubbed “Project DEFUSE,” describes how scientists would:

Insert furin cleavage sites at the S1/S2 junction of the spike protein

Assemble synthetic viruses in six segments

Identify coronaviruses that were no more than 25% different from SARS1

Select for receptor binding domains adept at infecting human ACE2 receptors

SARS-CoV-2 Matches DEFUSE Research Parameters

As explained by Kopp, SARS-CoV-2 matches these research parameters to the T. It has

a furin cleavage site in the spike protein at the S1/S2 junction, and its genome can be

divided into six evenly spaced strings of DNA using restriction enzymes called BsaI and

BsmBI. This even spacing is unlikely to occur in the genomes of natural viruses.

The reason scientists splice viruses together using evenly spaced DNA pieces is

because it’s easier to manipulate. It allows them to synthesize the individual pieces

chemically and then string them together to create a complete genome.

This telltale synthetic “fingerprint,” found in the genome of SARS-CoV-2, was detailed in

a 2022 preprint by Bruttel et. al. As noted by Wade, the bottom line is that “if your virus

has evenly spaced recognition sites, it’s a pretty good bet that it was made in a lab.” As it

turns out, the DEFUSE draft proposal even included an order form for BsmBI — a fact

highlighted by Bruttel in a Twitter/X post.

The genomic variations of SARS-CoV-2’s are also within the 25% range indicated in the

proposal, and its receptor binding domains were optimized for human ACE2 receptors

from the start, which is what allowed it to spread like wildfire. Wade writes:

“Discovery of the new recipe certainly strengthens the possibility that the

regular spacing of BsaI and BsmBI recognition sites in SARS2 is the signature

of synthetic origin.



7 8



Indeed, Richard H. Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University who had

called the 2022 paper ‘noteworthy ... but not decisive,’ now says that the

evidence in the new documents ‘elevates the evidence provided by the genome

sequence from the level of noteworthy to the level of a smoking gun.’”

Matt Ridley, coauthor of “Viral: The Search for the Origin of COVID-19” agrees, noting

that all of the novel features of SARS-CoV-2 are explained by the proposed research

methods detailed in the DEFUSE documents.

“Game over.” Ridley wrote. “The latest revelations provide precise confirmation

that all the many suspicious features of SARS-CoV-2 which imply it was man

made were set out in exhaustive detail in the DEFUSE proposal to which Wuhan

Institute of Virology was a partner.”

EcoHealth Was Well Aware of Pandemic Risks

According to the DEFUSE draft USRTK obtained, the plan was to synthesize anywhere

from eight to 16 strains of SARS-type bat viruses with human spillover potential, in order

to create a vaccine that would then be used on bats in regions where there is military


Importantly, EcoHealth and the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) were well aware of the

potential that this research could spark a human pandemic. A planning memo contains

a note stating, “We MUST make it clear in proposal that our approach won’t drive

evolution the wrong way, e.g. drive evolution of more virulent strain that then becomes


At present, it would appear that’s exactly what happened. A synthetic virus was

concocted, and somehow escaped from the WIV. Whether it was intentional or not is

another matter. Either way, the moral of the story is that gain-of-function research poses

enormous risks to public health, and if pandemic risk exists, then the research probably

shouldn’t be allowed.



Documents Show Deceptive Practices to Gain Grants

Another thing these new documents reveal is how Daszak used misdirection in an effort

to deceive the U.S. government about where this obviously risky research would be

conducted. While he had every intention of having much of the work done at the WIV, he

downplayed the role of the Chinese researchers and made it seem as though the

research would be conducted in the U.S.

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Part two: The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) ultimately rejected the

proposal due to “significant weaknesses,” including the fact that the proposal lacked any

kind of risk assessment and risk mitigation plan. Whether someone else provided the

funding, and if so, who, remains an open question. As reported by Wade:

“The DEFUSE proposal was authored by Peter Daszak, head of the EcoHealth

Alliance in New York, with partners including Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Institute

of Virology and Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina ...

Some observers believe that when DARPA declined to fund the project, the

Chinese members of the group may have decided to find their own financing

and go ahead unilaterally. This is plausible, as Baric and Shi were collaborators

but also rivals. With Baric blocked for lack of DARPA funds, Shi may have seen

the chance to race ahead if she could acquire funds from Chinese sources.

Daszak, the project leader, had planned in any case to have much of the work

undertaken by Shi’s team in Wuhan, even though it meant deceiving the Defense

Department into thinking the bulk of the research would be done by Baric in the

United States.

In a note found in the new documents, Daszak wrote, ‘If we win this contract, I

do not propose that all of this work will necessarily be conducted by Ralph, but I

do want to stress the US side of this proposal so that DARPA are comfortable

with our team. Once we get the funds, we can then allocate who does what

exact work, and I believe that a lot of these assays can be done in Wuhan.’



Daszak is a research manager, not a virologist, and perhaps did not fully

understand the consequences of this decision. The DEFUSE project, if

undertaken by Baric, would have gone forward in the second-highest level of

safety conditions, known as BSL-3, because Baric believed that the

manipulation of SARS-related viruses was dangerous work and did his research

in a BSL-3 lab.

The Chinese were less impressed with the dangers. Shi worked on SARS-related

viruses mostly in BSL-2 labs, which have minimal safety requirements, though

she did test the viruses on humanized mice under BSL-3 conditions.

When SARS2 first appeared in the world, it had all the unique properties that

would be expected of a virus made according to the DEFUSE recipe. Instead of

slowly evolving the ability to attack human cells, as natural viruses must do

when they jump from animals to humans, SARS2 was immediately infectious to

people, possibly because it had already been adapted in humanized laboratory

mice to the human cell receptors ...

Despite intensive search, no precursors for SARS2 have been found in the

natural world. Given the 2018 date of the DEFUSE proposal, the researchers in

Wuhan could have synthesized the virus by 2019, accounting perfectly for the

otherwise unexplained timing of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as its place of

origin. It all fits.”

Lessons From the Great COVID Cover-Up

In a November 1, 2023, article, Sen. Paul reviewed what we have learned from “the great

COVID cover-up”:

“The COVID cover-up began in China. But in a way we make too big a deal of

that. No one should be surprised that a totalitarian government run by the

Chinese Communist Party would seek to cover up its responsibility for a

worldwide pandemic. What was mind-jarring — and what we should focus our


attention on — is the cover-up in our own country spearheaded by Dr. Anthony

Fauci and his fellow public health bureaucrats.

And they might have gotten away with their deception if a federal judge hadn’t

ordered their emails released. In brief, these emails reveal that at the same time

Dr. Fauci and other public health ‘experts’ were publicly disavowing the idea that

the COVID virus originated with a leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in

China, they were in general agreement among themselves that that was likely

what had happened. So why hide the fact?”

According to Paul, Fauci and his collaborators chose to hide the truth because the truth

would reveal their potentially criminal actions. As director of the National Institutes of

Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Fauci had been funding risky gain-of-function

research at the WIV — a substandard lab in terms of safety.

Moreover, he allowed this research to move forward even though there was a

moratorium on gain-of-function research in the U.S. The moratorium was put in place for

the very reason that experts feared the risk of creating a human pandemic was too high.

Is Fauci Hiding a Guilty Conscience?

In hindsight, they were correct, and if SARS-CoV-2 was admitted to be a manmade virus

leaked from a lab, the only rational response would be to hold the responsible parties

accountable and shut this kind of research down for good. No doubt, this prospect

would have terrified Fauci and everyone else involved.

According to Paul, that Fauci’s conscience was keeping him awake can be seen in the

fact that he was sending emails in the middle of the night in the early days of the

pandemic instead of being snugly tucked in his bed. One 3 a.m. email was sent to

Robert Kadlec, then-Secretary for Preparedness and Response at Health and Human


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Part three: “This just came out today. Gives a balanced view,” Fauci wrote. Attached was a Science

article arguing for a zoonotic origin of the virus and discrediting the lab leak theory.

“When this email came to light, I was initially puzzled about its timing and

urgency,” Paul writes. “But then I learned that one of Kadlec’s duties was to

chair the committee responsible for screening gain-of-function proposals for

safety purposes — and that the Wuhan coronavirus research proposal never

came before his committee!”

In other words, Paul believes Fauci sent this email to Kadlec to hide the fact that he’d

OK’d gain-of-function research that should have ended up on Kadlec’s desk for a safety

review, but didn’t.

Behavior Befitting a Conspiracy

Other behaviors also suggest Fauci and collaborators were panicking over the possibility

that COVID might be traced back to their own activities. Paul writes:

“Jeremy Farrar, the Anthony Fauci of the UK, told his brother that in the early

stages of the pandemic, ‘a few scientists, including me, were beginning to

suspect this might be a lab accident.’

Farrar writes in his book Spike: ‘During that period, I would do things I had never

done before: acquire a burner phone, hold clandestine meetings, keep difficult


Indeed, many Western bureaucrats, especially in the U.S., began using various

forms of communication to shield their messages from future records requests.

We have an email from one of Fauci’s assistants instructing other government

employees to avoid using government email addresses. Which, by the way, is a


And then there are the papers published in scientific journals “debunking” — without

presenting a shred of evidence — the idea that SARS-CoV-2 might be manmade, and

condemning “conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural

origin.” Upon deeper investigation, they too have been linked to key culprits who have a

strong incentive to hide the truth, including Fauci.

We Must Put an End to Gain-of-Function Research

As noted by Paul, the number of scientists worrying about another lab leak with far more

dire consequences is growing:

“With COVID, the mortality rate was far less than one percent. Experiments are

now being carried out with viruses that have the potential for mortality rates

between 15 and 50 percent. In 2021, MIT biochemist Kevin Esvelt wrote:

‘Once we consider the possibility of misuse [of gain-of-function research], let

alone creative misuse, such research looks like a gamble that civilization can’t

afford to risk ... I implore every scientist, funder, and nation working in this field:

Please stop.

No more trying to discover or make pandemic-capable viruses, enhance their

virulence, or assemble them more easily. No more attempting to learn which

components allow viruses to efficiently infect or replicate within human cells, or

to devise inheritable ways to evade immunity. No more experiments likely to

disseminate blueprints for plagues.’

The potential for disaster cannot be overstated. Right now, people can order

synthetic DNA on the internet, and if they know what they’re doing, they can

make the polio virus, among many others ...

The required information is publicly available due to taxpayer-funded initiatives

to identify all the viruses in the world. With the support of people like Peter

Daszak and Bill Gates, the U.S. has been the top international funder of

pandemic virus identification for decades.

This should give us pause: these programs involve digging rare viruses out of

caves where humans might never encounter them and transporting them to

major metropolitan areas, manipulating viruses to make them more dangerous

and transmissible, and publishing the resulting knowledge to the world.


Even if the goal is preventing future pandemics, the risk-benefit ratio doesn’t

add up. While advocates for identifying the world’s viruses argue that the

knowledge gained will aid in developing vaccines, decades of virus

identification have been fruitless, as no human vaccine has been developed in

advance of a human epidemic.

If we continue down this path, Esvelt believes that ‘deliberate pandemics’ will

kill ‘many more people than identification could save.’ To think that we can

prevent future pandemics, even as we continue to seek, catalog, and manipulate

dangerous viruses, is the height of hubris.

Over the last few years, public health ‘experts’ were wrong about almost

everything. If we are to avoid these kinds of catastrophes in the future, we must

reform government and rein in out-of-control scientists and their enablers.”

I couldn’t agree more. We need to put an end to gain-of-function research for the safety

of humanity, and not allow greed or sheer scientific curiosity lead to the creation of a

pathogen that might wipe out humanity.

The 2022 spending bill contains a directive to the secretary of Health and Human

Services on page 3,354 to “not fund research conducted by a foreign entity at a facility

located in a country of concern ... involving pathogens of pandemic potential or

biological agents or toxins.”

This is a step in the right direction, but as noted by Paul, “Americans and their

representatives must watch carefully to see whether our public health agencies attempt

to sidestep it.”

To that end, a Gain-of-Function Reform Group is now recommending that gain-offunction experiments that confer “efficient human transmissibility” on a pathogen ought

to be regulated. Doing so would “explicitly stop bureaucrats like Fauci from dancing

around the gain-of-function definition and looking the other way as researchers create

viruses that spread more easily in humans,” Paul writes.


We’re creating bioweapons and antidotes to those

bioweapons, and this needs to stop.”

At present, gain-of-function research is allowed provided it’s done with the intention of

creating a vaccine, which is a logical fallacy. We’ve never been able to preemptively

construct a pathogen that later shows up through natural evolution.

No, we’re creating novel pathogens that don’t exist in nature and then develop vaccines

against those. In other words, we’re creating bioweapons and antidotes to those

bioweapons, and it needs to stop. For that to happen, the public needs to start “making

noise” so that our elected representatives begin to realize that we will not allow this

issue to be ignored.

Sources and References

City Journal January 25, 2024

USRTK US Geological Survey letter December 5, 2023

USRTK January 18, 2024

DEFUSE Proposal March 27, 2018

BioRxiv October 20, 2022

X Dr. Valentin Bruttel January 18, 2024

X Matt Ridley January 18, 2024

Rejection of DEFUSE Project Proposal

Imprimis Hillsdale, Lessons From the Great COVID Cover-U

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Thank God for these two courageous doctors.

The masses of silent, compliant, complicit medical “practitioners” should be ASHAMED.

The lion of truth is on the rampage.

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My parents and grandparents were considered Kulaks in the former USSR and yes, my mom was born at the beginning of the manmade famine under Stalin. Both of my deceased parents recalled years of hunger and scarcity while previous generations had abundance. That is why I could tell right from the beginning of April 2020 that propaganda and lies were driving the official covid narrative.

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Truth said.

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It's a bioweapon release administered by captured criminals.

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This is the best and most thorough interview I’ve heard with Dr McCullough and I’ve been listening to him for three years. Thank you also for the bullet points listed below the interview!

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They still leave out ANYTHING about the self-assembling nanotechnology that is being found in EVERYBODY's blood, even the deer and wild squirrels. The same bioweapon ingredients are being put into every injectable medicine we have, including Insulin and Dentist Anesthetic ... in fact any anesthetic. It is also in our food, water, and air via chemtrails.

They are still DENIERS, until they start telling both halves of the truth about the covid bioweapon shots, and the fact that the shots were not the only way they have been getting this into our bodies. It would be wonderful to have all the fighters on the same page.

Please refer to substacks of Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Dr. David Nixon, Walter M. Chestnut, Justin Coy, and others.

Start here: https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/fluorescent-skin-in-c19-vaccinated?publication_id=956088&post_id=141682299&isFreemail=false&r=1cn6iu

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Thank you for continuing the fight for our freedom by drs like you. Dr. McCollough, I am so sorry you are having problems as a result of Covid. I hope your treatment will resolve your issue. Keep us up to date on how it works. Be safe and take good care. We need you and your voice.

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Breaking News from New Zealand re: Whistleblower, Barry Young's findings...https://drtesslawrie.substack.com/cp/141753736

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France has just passed a law that will penalize anyone who criticizes the mRNA technology which could include up to three years in jail.....https://bnnbreaking.com/politics/frances-article-pfizer-a-controversial-shift-in-health-policy-and-free-speech

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Totalitarianism gaining ground, if France caves so will Europe and then the U.S.

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The medical system is the problem. Change the system from top to bottom.\ It has been 400+yrs since the Medici's/Vatican mafia hijacked healing. You are only fooling yourself and that don't cut it!

Dr. Frankenstein anyone? He left a corpse to 'help' with the birthing of Mary Shelley. As did millions of other doctors. They are still doing the same.

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As a professional grillmaster I've never taken the advice of the CDC for "safe" meat cooking temperatures. Those wonderful cattle being eliminated for "climate change" make for delicious beef - when cooked to proper temperatures, like rare, medium-rare and medium at most. Medium-well and well-done destroy most of the deliciousness of beef.

Yet CDC food safety guidelines are for medium-well or well-done for cooking all beef. I've known for as long as I've been a professional grillmaster - nearly four decades - to ignore any and all CDC guidelines. They're a joke, always have been a joke, and have even been responsible for the hanging of many a novice grillmaster who decided to follow CDC "safety" guidelines in certain jurisdictions like much of Texas by patrons and beef purests and connoisseurs. Who understand the severity of the offense of cooking a beautiful, delicious cut of beef into a hockey puck or shoe leather. As I'm sure Dr. McCullough knows, being from Texas and all. Just sayin'.

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Do you not understand that these guidelines have nothing to do with the animal and everything to do with the people who handle it before it gets to your plate. We can all appreciate by now that the medical community at large are more interested in their pay check than your life. How naive would you have to be to think someone who makes minimum wage cares about the way they handle your food?

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Yes. The people who handle the plate, putting hockey pucks and shoe leather on it for their diners are more interested in their paycheck than your life. Who else would inflict such horror on their diners? That's why it's a hanging offense in some parts of Texas. The medical community imposing itself on grillmasters is all one needs to know about the entirety of it.

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Please see fully linked-referenced annotated slide set from Katherine Watt's presentation for Let The Science Speak held in Reykjavik, Iceland held on 4 Oct 2023:

Intentional killing. Legal frameworks for State-sponsored biochemical warfare.


* Background

* Why isn’t constitutional law stopping the programs?

* Treaties: WHO International Health Reg (2005)

* Core findings


* PREP ACT - Public Readiness & Emergency Preparedness (US Congress, 2005)

* Conclusion

* Covert global civil war

* Responses


* Uses of Monster’s desire for legitimacy

* Treaty withdrawal, repeal and criminal prosecutions at nation-state level (not ICC)

* Man and Society

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ty for posting today Dr. Trozzi

Suggesting, we first admit to being duped by allopathic medicine.

Recently awakened, we're still being denied access to doctors

who refused to adhere to allopathic schools of medicine.

Separate "health" practioners into 2 groups

allopathic and non allopathic. Surprised, in spite of events over last 4 years people continue to trust their duped allopathic pharma grads. We used to call them doctors, now we don’t call them at all.

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I schooled my gen. practitioner, who is an OD, not an MD...and a neighbor. I kept stuffing his mail box with information, till he finally says he "gets it". Not sure what he might be doing to help any patients who have long covid, but at least I trust him to know I mean it when I say "no". He did take my megaphone and tested himself and others in his office.


Then he asked where he could get one.

I am going to include this substack in the next information 'dump' to him:


I myself now have bad rashes all over, especially legs and arms, 3 years after my 2 shots, but nobody has written yet about these symptoms. I have to find answers before I see him, because I know he is not using any of his time to research this on his own.

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worked for me , as covid is a high altitude desease , (ref page 20 on 2013 study by bat lady ,shi) got long covid , oxygen dropped below 95 percent , heart raced , just going up stairs, been on protical for 3 months , no more heart racing ,(witch i did nothing for the first 30 days) I am still on a reduced amount , but we all agree the story kept changing , and did not match any techsbook. virus starts out strong , then gets weaker as you go, and never vax out of it , it only pushes new varriants.

love and hugs , please keep asking your frends is they want to know why they have heart problems.


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How long do I need to follow the Detox Protocol? Also, do you take the Curcumin with or without food?

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Forever, since we keep getting this stuff back in our body through contact, food, water, and air...not to mention any dental or medical treatment.

McCullough doesn't say empty stomach on that one; I do take mine with my other empty stomach detoxes, though.

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Story by Lisa Lightner – I used to be an ‘anti-vaxxer.’ Lisa She has been called “One of the most influential moms in the Philadelphia region. One thing the anti-vaccine people have going for them is that there is more anti-vaccine information online than there is true vaccine information… Andrew Wakefield was certainly not trusted by his {then} medical peers, but as far as the general public, he hadn't been fully outed yet. His fraudulent study was not retracted until 2010, the same year he lost his license. British journalist Brian Deer published some of his material in 2004, but Wakefield still had a medical license and a published study to fall back on… For a few months, I acted like nothing short of a giant horse's ass. I spewed all the buzzwords-proteins, antigens, adjuvants, alternative schedule. ..Because now when I hear or read some of what the anti-vaxxers say, in my head I think, "Crap, I can't believe I used to say stupid stuff like that." They use big words…. A few months went by and during another argument with my pediatrician, she pleaded with me to read Autism's False Prophets by Dr. Offit which was just being released… But the risks of NOT VACCINATING are GREATER than the risks of vaccinating. It's really that simple…. So, then I get angry all over again. Because these anti-vaxxers are putting those helpless children at risk. A child who is going through chemo, and her parents, they have enough to worry about. They shouldn't have to worry about some mom passing the flu or chicken pox onto their child because they believe false information…. I get really angry when I read things like "I don't care about herd immunity" because while you may not care, for some children, their lives depend on it. Those are the moms I want to throat-punch. (mostly kidding,… Let's be honest, the 2011 financial report for the NVIC, just one of many of these organizations, lists that they brought in a million dollars. Where did that money go? How many children did that money help? (answer:0) Exactly zero lives were made better…. They can rant all day long about the ulterior motives of doctors, but the anti-vaxxers are making a very nice profit for themselves…. I'm angry that I was lied to and encouraged to put my child at increased risk. He has significant special needs and is non-verbal. A headache or a backache from meningitis would be impossible to recognize. He has hypotonia, which means he does not have the muscle tone or strength to produce as forceful of a cough as his peers. Something like pertussis or an infection could quickly settle in his lungs and become dangerous. Plus, chromosomally, he is put together differently than you and I at the most basic DNA level. We don't even know if his body's reaction to things like measles and chicken pox will be the same reaction that is seen in other kids. Now it's time to fear the diseases again. Vaccine skepticism is a first world luxury. For now, anyway…. Take your child to get vaccinated. Get caught up on his/her vaccines, apologize that they have to do so many so late in life. Allow yourself to feel guilty for being misinformed and allow yourself to forgive yourself for that…(The other side propaganda)

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