I have told Dr. Hodkinson that he was the first voice I heard and and when I did I breathed a sigh of relief. I thought I was going crazy. Then I read your article somewhere and you also were speaking out and again I thought to myself “I’m not crazy”. Since then I have found many like minded friends and we support each other. We truly needed each other through the craziness of lockdowns, masking and mandates. We pray for each other and for all you freedom fighters! I’ve told Dr. Hodkinson and I’ll tell you as well, that if you ever need a place to stay in Halifax, our home is always open. We want to support you in anyway we can.
To Jen: I want to acknowledge your good perception and your good heart. I believe we don't even know the level of craziness we are faced with. It is sooo far from what sanity would dictate.
I absolutely agree! Can you imagine paying tuition for an education that discourages critical thought? That's exactly what is happening in the university setting.
I respect Dr Hodkinson...he was one of the first voices..... but..... Just a reminder.... Mistakes are/were NOT made.....They have been at this for decades..... we need to educate everyone.....
That 5 minute clip from Roger talking to Edmonton City Council in November 2020 is amazing. He was right about every single thing he said!
Roger gave many of us strength to keep going and to actually treat sick patients, to prevent disease, and to treat patients early, all contrary to the edicts from the CPSA. The only thing I wish he would have added is the importance of Vitamin K2 along with high doses of Vitamin D3.
Many thanks to both of you for the incredible work and sacrifices over the past 4 years!
Sorry, Covid is not over. I have it and so does my 89 year old mother. Dr. Hodkinson is an important cog in the health freedom movement wheel, but he is NOT a clinician. Ask Drs Kory and Marik if you want first hand knowledge about the clinical aspects of severe Covid-19.
Yes, and you would benefit from looking into Dr Ardis' research and experience in treating symptoms using nicotine against venom poisoning. There are good interviews on Rumble.
Oh, my gosh! I LOVED this conversation and I love both of you doctors for your persistence in maintaining the Hippocratic oath. Dr. Hodgkinson's style is fabulous - straight forward, no holes barred! I agree with nearly everything he said except for the bioweapons not being eugenic in nature. Georgia guidestones and the Obama-HRC "16 year plan" would beg to differ. Regardless, thanks so much for the content. May I point out to you that the portion of the conversation about glucose and the heart parallels incredibly well with Dr. Thomas Weimb's work on polycystic kidney disease and the preference the cystic cells have for glucose, leading to their growth and the ultimate destruction of the kidney tissue? Perhaps this process has bigger teeth than is presently understood. Thanks again!
Roger old mate, you've still got a bit of eating to go on your humble pie quest, you're all over the shop. Just another bloke who still believes in "long Covid" & too dismissive of other people's hypotheses. Mark you should have pushed back on the "long Covid" nonsense but I think you're a bit mesmerised by old Roger's pushy way.
I have liked & listened to Roger Hodgkinson for a while, but there is a intolerant side that I don't like and I am tired of hearing people on 'our' side attacking Robert Malone. We have enough problems dealing with the real enemy without shooting ourselves in the foot.
Credit where credit is due and rebuke where rebuke is due. Dr. Hodkinson is of course right on about almost all he said. Where he goes off the rails is in his very self-righteous derision for other important contributors to exposing the evils behind the CONvid veil. I see shades of this prideful disdain among those who are not Christian but are bound to Darwin as their biological guru/foundation. It is little wonder the spirit in Hodkinson cannot abide the spirit in Dr Ardis, for example, whose nicotine/venom hypothesis has been proven true by many lowly lay people far below Hodkinson's station. They include yours truly, and very dramatically so, exactly as Ardis prescribed against shedding and infection symptoms.
Alec is joined by Dr. Mark Bailey and Steve Falconer to discuss Mark’s paper, “A Farewell to Virology” as well as Steve’s film adaptation of the paper.
This episode includes a deep dive on:
– viral genomics and genetics
– the timeline of events that led up to the events in 2020
– the foundational “scientific” papers that paved the way for the charade of 2020
Dr. Mark Bailey is a microbiology, medical industry and health researcher who worked in medical practice, including clinical trials, for two decades. In 2016 he left clinical practice due to dissatisfaction with the allopathic medical system.
Mark is the author of “A Farewell To Virology (Expert Edition)” and co-author of “The COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity”.
Here is the published paper, "Farewell to Virology - Expert Edition"
The problem with the whole early detection of cancer thing, I dont trust that the doctor isnt misdiagnosing me, whether by error or to get me to pay for treatments I dont need. After Covid, I dont trust any of it. Like I would NEVER get chemo if I wasnt sick. Im not even sure I would if I WAS sick. But definitely not if I wasnt.
I'm sorry Dr Trozzi, I only discovered your story recently and haven't had time to get a page together for you...I hope to do so in time and add to the long list of true pandemic experts and warriors
I have told Dr. Hodkinson that he was the first voice I heard and and when I did I breathed a sigh of relief. I thought I was going crazy. Then I read your article somewhere and you also were speaking out and again I thought to myself “I’m not crazy”. Since then I have found many like minded friends and we support each other. We truly needed each other through the craziness of lockdowns, masking and mandates. We pray for each other and for all you freedom fighters! I’ve told Dr. Hodkinson and I’ll tell you as well, that if you ever need a place to stay in Halifax, our home is always open. We want to support you in anyway we can.
To Jen: I want to acknowledge your good perception and your good heart. I believe we don't even know the level of craziness we are faced with. It is sooo far from what sanity would dictate.
Dr Hodkinson is SPOT ON about the universities. The actual meaning of education has vanished...all that is left is brainwashing and indoctrination.
I absolutely agree! Can you imagine paying tuition for an education that discourages critical thought? That's exactly what is happening in the university setting.
I respect Dr Hodkinson...he was one of the first voices..... but..... Just a reminder.... Mistakes are/were NOT made.....They have been at this for decades..... we need to educate everyone.....
Back in 1969, Dr Richard Day made some astonishing predictions about where the world would be today https://henrithibodeau.wordpress.com/2015/06/08/back-in-1969-dr-richard-day-made-some-astonishing-predictions-about-where-the-world-would-be-today/
How to Fake Pandemics in 4 Easy Steps A masterclass by the DOD showman, James Giordano. https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/how-to-fake-pandemics-in-4-easy-steps
...it's evil and hard to watch and listen to this but our lives depend on it.......
Thanks for this interesting and informative audio.
That 5 minute clip from Roger talking to Edmonton City Council in November 2020 is amazing. He was right about every single thing he said!
Roger gave many of us strength to keep going and to actually treat sick patients, to prevent disease, and to treat patients early, all contrary to the edicts from the CPSA. The only thing I wish he would have added is the importance of Vitamin K2 along with high doses of Vitamin D3.
Many thanks to both of you for the incredible work and sacrifices over the past 4 years!
Dr Bob
I had to shut it off. When Dr. Hodkinson denounced all the work of Dr. Ardis and others on venoms it shows he is just a closed-minded as anyone.
Sorry, Covid is not over. I have it and so does my 89 year old mother. Dr. Hodkinson is an important cog in the health freedom movement wheel, but he is NOT a clinician. Ask Drs Kory and Marik if you want first hand knowledge about the clinical aspects of severe Covid-19.
Yes, and you would benefit from looking into Dr Ardis' research and experience in treating symptoms using nicotine against venom poisoning. There are good interviews on Rumble.
Oh, my gosh! I LOVED this conversation and I love both of you doctors for your persistence in maintaining the Hippocratic oath. Dr. Hodgkinson's style is fabulous - straight forward, no holes barred! I agree with nearly everything he said except for the bioweapons not being eugenic in nature. Georgia guidestones and the Obama-HRC "16 year plan" would beg to differ. Regardless, thanks so much for the content. May I point out to you that the portion of the conversation about glucose and the heart parallels incredibly well with Dr. Thomas Weimb's work on polycystic kidney disease and the preference the cystic cells have for glucose, leading to their growth and the ultimate destruction of the kidney tissue? Perhaps this process has bigger teeth than is presently understood. Thanks again!
The truth in this lengthy podcast is heart topping and probably the way to go.
Totally brilliant. Thank you so much!!
Roger old mate, you've still got a bit of eating to go on your humble pie quest, you're all over the shop. Just another bloke who still believes in "long Covid" & too dismissive of other people's hypotheses. Mark you should have pushed back on the "long Covid" nonsense but I think you're a bit mesmerised by old Roger's pushy way.
I have liked & listened to Roger Hodgkinson for a while, but there is a intolerant side that I don't like and I am tired of hearing people on 'our' side attacking Robert Malone. We have enough problems dealing with the real enemy without shooting ourselves in the foot.
Credit where credit is due and rebuke where rebuke is due. Dr. Hodkinson is of course right on about almost all he said. Where he goes off the rails is in his very self-righteous derision for other important contributors to exposing the evils behind the CONvid veil. I see shades of this prideful disdain among those who are not Christian but are bound to Darwin as their biological guru/foundation. It is little wonder the spirit in Hodkinson cannot abide the spirit in Dr Ardis, for example, whose nicotine/venom hypothesis has been proven true by many lowly lay people far below Hodkinson's station. They include yours truly, and very dramatically so, exactly as Ardis prescribed against shedding and infection symptoms.
The evidence to prevent all future pandemics (plandemics) is now common knowledge to millions!
🎯 There is no new disease!
Alec is joined by Dr. Mark Bailey and Steve Falconer to discuss Mark’s paper, “A Farewell to Virology” as well as Steve’s film adaptation of the paper.
This episode includes a deep dive on:
– viral genomics and genetics
– the timeline of events that led up to the events in 2020
– the foundational “scientific” papers that paved the way for the charade of 2020
Dr. Mark Bailey is a microbiology, medical industry and health researcher who worked in medical practice, including clinical trials, for two decades. In 2016 he left clinical practice due to dissatisfaction with the allopathic medical system.
Mark is the author of “A Farewell To Virology (Expert Edition)” and co-author of “The COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity”.
Here is the published paper, "Farewell to Virology - Expert Edition"
2024 is the year the entire Virology pseudoscience is defeated!
🎯We do not transmit disease!
🙏♥Truth, Love and Freedom!
ps. Hundreds of peer reviewed published papers expose the crimes and the criminals.
Dr. Trozzi, do not fall for the Gatekeepers!
🎯The Gatekeepers Club!
I have hundreds of references proving the scam!
🎯How about the "Damning Evidence to conclude this note?
Virology - Damning Evidence!
The problem with the whole early detection of cancer thing, I dont trust that the doctor isnt misdiagnosing me, whether by error or to get me to pay for treatments I dont need. After Covid, I dont trust any of it. Like I would NEVER get chemo if I wasnt sick. Im not even sure I would if I WAS sick. But definitely not if I wasnt.
I look forward to listening to this chat when I get a moment, I'll added it to Dr Hodkinson's timeline
I'm sorry Dr Trozzi, I only discovered your story recently and haven't had time to get a page together for you...I hope to do so in time and add to the long list of true pandemic experts and warriors