My father was extremely supportive of me going to university, but as a 2020 graduate my plans of studying architecture were dismantled by the government imposed lock-downs. Even in the heat of it, the so-called “vaccine” mandates for students was so predictable that I didn´t waste my time. What has surprised me is to what extent the universities themselves have been responsible for driving this agenda. Our educational institutions have rotted from the inside. Frankford Schools. The heart of darkness plaguing the minds of our youth and corrupting our nations future. We are living in a parallel plot to Ayn Rand´s Atlas Shrugged. I refuse to attend a university that abdicates for any breach of bodily autonomy of students, staff, or the public. I refuse to lend the potency of my mind, the strength of my muscles, and the sweat on my brow to a nation governed by pedophiles and mystics. I deserve to live a good life. I am not a slave. As for Fisman... What a feculent excuse of a man.

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in life, one piece of wisdom that has never left me is that 1. God is Good; and 2. that the truth will always be revealed, whether it stands alone or with the majority. Those of us who choose to still stand by our morals are being reminded of that on the daily.

On that Note, I sleep fine at night :)

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Well done you.

As my Aunt used to say to us when we were all young people, "To thine own self be TRUE."

Those educational Inst. are imploding on themselves. Maybe all of them are, on purpose.

Good that you got out when you did. I'm sure many did because you and your Father lit the path.

Truth always prevails.

God Bless.

Regards RMRoss

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Hmm, there are "mystics" who are absolutely good guys. David Wilcock? There was a time I did not believe, and then I did a few years of research and had to change my mind. Read some of the near death experiencers' stories. And then there are also the bad guys, including Satan, who is real. Check out the Law of One. Very illuminating. Of course, you may toss it into the fire, but I suggest you give it a fair hearing/reading.

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Jan 19Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Great thoughts! We need the "nuts and bolts" of the fraudulent "science " laid bare like this!

Actually correctly stated: the Nuts of this attempted deception.


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Jan 19Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Excellent book - in the 'essential reading' category for sure.

Be sure to get 'Fisman's Fraud - The Accomplices' at the same time. All the reference material is in there and makes reading the main book that much better.

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I hope you read the Real Anthony Fauci as well. It is utterly astonishing, but equally illuminating.

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Jan 19Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Nothing like a one-on-one expert interview to get the message out. It's great to know that Dr Regina Watteel is fighting for "us" with all her brilliance and ability.

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Jan 19Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Dr. T, I wholly appreciate your "van model". In fact, I chuckle, really. I am no idiot but it helps to understand the epitome of evil that we are facing here.

People may wish to hone their skills on our history - fully - to know our enemy.. KNOW THY ENEMY is key!

I purchased Watteel's books months ago. I suggest supporting Veterans for Freedom over the others.

Well done.

Thank you for all you do, Dr. T! No one stands alone when they stand in truth.

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Thank you Dr Regina Watteel PhD Statistics & Dr Mark Trozzi MD for this breakdown analysis of Dr. David Fisman's Fraud in statistical manipulation. Near the end Dr Watteel puts forward the oft used problem of inappropriately valorizing what is 'hypothetical modelling' as unproven assumptions used as the basis of one's medical & in this case life & death mandate calculations. Its interesting how Dr Watteel indentifies the problem of Behaviour Scientists being in the lead of the COVID-19 mRNA Fraud worldwide program. I studied Psychology & Social Sciences at University (1971-2004) & worked for decades in the Social Services as well as years of physical science involvement in research starting in the 1960s.

I strongly agree, this mostly 'Behaviour-Modification' aka 'against the will of others' milieu of the Social Sciences is a 'soft-science', which typically accentuates hypothetical factors, with less importance to be key determinants of psychological & social-program conclusions. Oligarchs who direct & finance the unleashing of these ill-thought-out, unnecessary Population Control measures score well with the bad logic & frozen empathy of self-indoctrination monologue.

The social-sciences unfortunately continue to draw individuals, whose first inclinations are towards monologue manipulation of others rather than dialogue collaboration. The Dumbing Down of Authoritarian Education leaves most Psychology & Social Science students without basic self-confidence for Statistical Analysis, weighing of factors & decision-making for what are complex human realities. Stanley Milgram (Yale-Univ.1961) will continue to be 'shocked' at the willingness of students & professors to deliver death quantities of such as electricity or mRNA in order to appease authoritarian impulses for control.

Even though university courses are offered in such as: Cognitive Psychology & Control Theory, which are antithetical to much of Behaviour Modification, the courses are still taught in Amphitheaters with 1200 students or more, basically with curriculum memorization, beyond question, for marks received & next to no real-life exposure for laboratory assessment or testing.

While the court system has a role to play in sorting out the mess we are all in, Drs Trozzi & Watteel should be cognizant of the level of command, control & strategic seeding of captured bureaucrats, lawyers & judges within the Canadian court along with 'seed' captured & manipulated Finance, Media, Religion, Education, Military-Industrial, Legislative & Pharma-med systems.

Realists in captured systems, realize we must start at the very foundation of the pyramid, rather than only relying on the 'hit-&-mis' of appealing to the professionally compromised & captured at the top. This level of deep systems' realistic analysis for those who want to believe in our colonial system advancements is inconvenient & often unchartered mental territory so the 'protestors' & 'lobbyists' often take us only to the place where the population is not empowered & quite simply abused repeatedly.

I had the pleasure of studying & strategizing with the Canadian Statistician Epidemiologist Dr. Rosalie Bertell in the course of establishing the British Columbia Uranium Exploration & Mining Moratorium achieved by 1982. Dr Bertell helped me understand that Statistics not intimately rooted in family or familial knowledge are easily manipulated & misinterpreted. Dr. Bertell pointed to the need for re-establishing proper statistical gathering & recorded keeping, rooted in the family. In 1976 Alex Haley had published Roots, the Saga of an American family, in which he identified how the Griots of indigenous West Africa carried individual stories for whole communities going back 2000 years. This 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') epidemiology carries with it the changes, interventions & consequences, experienced by individuals & communities. It must be pointed out that Haley & the Griots were describing reduced Indigenous oral record keeping after their graphic character (Hieroglyphic') writing systems had been systematically destroyed by invading colonial forces over those 1000s of years.

While we as humanity, exist on certain Cultural levels as just individuals, we also build alliances among friends, family, extended-family & the once & still universal Multihome-Dwelling-Complexes (eg. apartment, townhouse & village) where 70% of people live today. Unfortunately, people have forgotten in our fake 'capital' (L. 'cap' = 'head' = 'collective-intelligence') & fake 'socialism' (L. 'socius' = 'friend') how to collaborate, share & care together locally where our efforts matter most. Its time for humanity to rebuild its 'indigenous' (L 'self-generating') ECONOMIC MEMORY with bodily autonomy. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/3-economic-memory

The Canadian communications professor, Marshall McLuhan identified key factors in Communications within 'Understanding Media' & his famous quote, "The medium (process) is the message" or to rephrase, 'Does the process or machinery of what is communicated match with its stated 'message'.

DO-WE-KNOW-WHO-WE-ARE-? http://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/9-do-we-know-who-we-are is a web-based Community-Circular-Economy software for helping individuals Catalogue, Map, Account & Communicate their talents, goods, services, resources & dreams together as functioning 'economy' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture'):

Eg. CATALOGUE intake form. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/7-membership

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Jan 19Liked by Dr M Trozzi

If you go into the CMAJ "article by Fisman "Impact of population mixing between vaccinated and unvaccinated subpopulations on infectious disease dynamics: implications for SARS-CoV-2 transmission" https://www.cmaj.ca/content/194/16/E573 And go down to the comments section, it warms my heart to see all the doctors and PhDs shooting his "research" down. Even as a non-scientist I could see that he based his "findings" on the vaccinated's immunity never waning. Ridiculous. The fact that CMAJ has left this piece of crap up is a testament to the corruption and capture of medical journals. For more on this I recommend reading Dr. Aseem Malhotra's papers "Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine - Part 1 & 2" Finally, watch (if you haven't) Dr. Tess Lawrie speaking with Andrew Hill. He's lying through his teeth and his greedy backpedaling supporting ivermectin (a grant from the Gates foundation helped ease his conscience) guaranteed the death of 10000s. You can see article and video on Substack: https://drtesslawrie.substack.com/p/my-letter-to-dr-andrew-hill-video Thank you Dr. Trozzi for also being a selfless voice of reason and information.

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I don't understand which way you mean. (I guess I'm stupid?) You mean a grant by Gates allowed him to push false info putting ivermectin in the garbage rather than using it to help people? (You could certainly clarify your writing.) I mean, "his greedy backpedaling supporting ivermectin (a grant from the Gates foundation helped ease his conscience) guaranteed the death of 10,000s. That could so easily be made clear, just move it. Golly. Do you bother to read what you write?

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Jan 31·edited Jan 31

Dr. Trozzi liked the comment so I guess I was clear. Most people have, by now, seen the infamous video with Dr. Lawrie and Dr. Hill. In my comment I say "...watch (if you haven't")... In other words my comment won't make sense if you've never seen the video so go watch. Then I included the link to Dr. Lawrie's Substack so you can watch. If you, as you mentioned, didn't understand, you only had to go to the source. Golly, next time perhaps ask for clarification politely or actually dig a bit digger and watch the video. You do realize that if you're reading Dr. T we're on the same side?

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Jan 19Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Thank you for keeping us informed. God bless you.

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①Simulation without deterministic laws and reliable theorems derived from them is just a game. If it's not just for fun, it's a way to deceive people. This can be easily understood if we consider the case of physics.

②In Japan, it is said that public health or epidemiology doctors and medical scientists are basically dropouts from medical schools. Most of them are admitted to universities with low standard scores. Occasionally, he later takes up a position at a famous university by chance. This is because even if they do not have the ability to think, research, or develop, they are necessary for administration and can bring them closer to power.

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Jan 19Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Great conversation, thank you both.

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Great conversation! I used to marvel too at the unwillingness or inability of humans who do horrendous things to realize that the chickens will come home to roost in their own backyards in time. I had to give up marvelling at it, because it never ends! There are two things about human beings I think it doesn't pay to underestimate. One is the sheer hubris of, well, our species, really. But also of many "bigshot" individuals who think the rules don't apply to them. The other is the naivete & gullibility of many of us - even or especially those who are smart enough to know better. We're suckers for the evil-doers! Far too trusting, far too obedient. Finally, I'll share a neat quotation I harvested quite a few years ago now, while engaged in anti-nuclear activism: “What Dr. Gerstein shows is that reasonable people, who are not malicious, and whose intent is not to kill or injure other people, will nonetheless risk killing vast numbers of people. And they will do it predictably, with awareness … They knew the risks from the beginning, at every stage … the leaders chose, in the face of serious warnings, to consciously take chances that risked disaster … Men in power are willing to risk any number of human lives to avoid an otherwise certain loss to themselves, a sure reversal of their own prospects in the short run.” – Daniel Ellsberg, quoted in the Marc Gerstein book 'Flirting with Disaster – Why Accidents Are Rarely Accidental.'

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Canadian Conservative MP Leslyn Lewis raises the WHO Treaty issue in the House of Commons. Prime Minister Trudeau responds - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBgBYg85XJQ

MP Lewis is also voicing the need for a Public Govt. Inquiry into the Govt Covid Response.

The Deadline to sign the Canadian Petition on Exit the WHO is Feb. 7, 2024. We need 100 00 signature to compel a Debate. Please pass the Petition on.


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GOD bless you Dr. Trozzi for being a courageous TRUTH Warrior - you are deeply appreciated. You have most definitely earned your wings this lifetime ...

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In a way I'm thankful that it is finally obvious that our governments at the top are completely corrupt, and doing the bidding of the WEF. I did lots of research 20 years ago or so that led me into the whole nasty globalist, illuminati business, and there were insider whistleblowers who predicted this back then. It's been planned at least since the 1980s. There are truly evil people in charge of the planet, and people like Biden and Trudeau are very happy to cooperate with them. Schwab brags about Trudeau, and having infiltrated all the cabinets with WEFers. I am deeply grateful that I am retired, and nobody could force me to take this. Of course, either I've never had covid, or I had it a month ago and it was mostly a sore throat.

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Let the President of University of Toronto, Prof. Meric Gertler, know what you think of the psychopathic Fisman:


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Great interview! Good to know that this fraud won’t be just swept under the rug.

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