May 30Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Some comments:

1. Re: distillation of tap water. Minerals can come from food. Minerals are found in trace amounts anyway in water.

2. More re: distillation of tap water. Tap water can contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which concentrate via straight distillation (comparable process to distillation of alcohol to make vodka). The simple experiment is to boil water and measure the VOCs with a commercial air quality tester. I have done this personally. So, a carbon filter is needed either before or after distillation (probably better).

3. Lastly re: distillation. Distillation is a great process to remove heavy metals and other tap water contaminants. The person at the tap can have no idea of the quality control on contaminants released from the water treatment plant or from the pipelines between it and the tap.

4. Re: plastic bottled water. Other than plastic pollution, the water can contain microplastics which can disrupt the endocrine system, messing up hormonal balance, and have other biological effects. Carbon filters take out the microplastics as well.

Conclusion: You can distill tap water with a commercial distillation appliance ($200-$300), then carbon filter the output with a commercial carbon filter (e.g. Brita). Enjoy the clean drinking water from this approach. Avoid drinking raw tap water and bottled water.

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Wow, thanks for these points! Very helpful.

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