Recently, I have been traveling to events and meeting some of you in person. During this time, I have heard many testimonies of coerced COVID injections, injuries, deaths, and concerns of deteriorating health and cancers among injection victims.
We have also spoken of children and grandchildren—our love, fears, and aspirations for them.
Along the way, I’ve been sharing advice and recognizing the need to highlight several items in our library. I hope this brief note will serve you, your family, and your friends and that it supports your health. Here are a few selected items from our nearly 2,000 publications over the past four years.
To counter the toxic effects of COVID-19 injections, here is the very brief core material and checklist: (Click Here); and here is more detailed information: (Click Here)
Here is material that will serve and protect children and adults. It’s honest, concise information about vaccines and genetic injections in the form of a 6-minute video. Please share this liberally with parents, teachers, and families: (Click Here)
Here is concise information on optimizing immune system health for everyone. These are the real foundations of health, beyond pharmaceuticals and injections: (Click Here)
Lastly, here are two great posts on the importance of vitamin D, a biochemical wonder for our health: Vitamin D Deficiencies, Benefits and Solutions and Vitamin D3: The Great Biology Reset.
I hope you have a wonderful day. Thank you for staying healthy, strong, and active in the truth and freedom movement. It would be a pleasure to see you this Saturday, November 2nd in Chatham, Ontario, or next Thursday, November 7th in Kitchener, Ontario.
Thank you Dr. Trozzi. Last night was very informative once again!!
My beloved family, (my husband and I live in Ontario and our children and Granddaughters live in Calgary, 2000 miles away)
2 years ago our precious 40 year old daughter was diagnosed with CHEK2 breast cancer, triple negative and small invasive cancer. It did, as Dr. Makis said took her 3 months before she was seeen by an oncologist. Sinful!!!!! It was a very large ductal insintu (spelling?) but had necrotic ends on her left chest wall. She has a radical double mastectomy and recondition. After a 3 month ultrasound they found that they missed some cancer, another major surgery and removed the entire left breast again. Had to wait to heal then by end of September finally had radiation x25. Far too much for her little body as she still suffers that fatigue plus probably 7 vaccines. More in a moment. Then 5 days after her diagnosis, my husband was diagnosed with Neuro endocrine cancer and a very large carcinoid tumor in his liver.
The only reason our family got vaccinated was because our daughter little one has severe CHD and rhythm problems & valve right side soon replaced and Tetrology of Fallot. Being so fragile back then and being in the situation with Covid, she would only allow us to visit them if we had the 3 vaccines and flu and respiratory. So, what do you do??? Awful situation plus my daughter, son and husband all CHEK2 positive. Then I have just been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder Scleroderma.
My best friend is a neurologist and her and I have been following all of you because right away she said Jan, we can treat this! So I’ve done my homework with her and my family just think still I’m a conspiracy theorist and just look at me like I’m from outer space.🤦🏻♀️
So … to protect myself and I tried with my husband, I increased my Vitamin D to 5000iu daily in 2019, but my husband would only take 1000iu. I mentioned again to him what you all agreed we need it and now more.
I’m wondering how I can possibly get in on this Vitamin D internet talk on November 1&2nd??? I will pay if I need to. I’m wanting to find out how to do this and the testing. I know my doctor will give me grief and the cost as we are only on a government pension d/t traveling back and forth to Alberta 2x year, more when I was needed with my Granddaughter/daughter and our son lost his job in Covid out there, so we had to carry his mortgage, bills groceries etc. as well as our own home to keep up and now try and maintain ourselves now very humbly. I’m trying to buy my vitamins on iHerb which I do normally as a higher end I’m told, but already Canada is not allowing them to sell us the higher doses of liquid Vitamin D and a few other products I noticed. If I buy capsules is that as effective as drops? Also there strength Omega 3-6-9. Presently him and I take 1000 doses. Is that enough or should it be stronger and again I have to be $$$ careful. Omgoodness what they’ve done to us all! I’m still I think 🤔 in shock.
Also, how ignorant of me as I’ve never heard of this fasting 3-5 or 7 days. I know people do intermittent fasting but nothing like this. How do I find out how to do it properly and how much to drink, plus coffee and tea as stimulants. Could you just give me a sight to check out? I want to do it and I’m going to try and get my husband and daughter on. Would she be ok with her situation maybe a 3-5? Day fast?
I have been able to get ivermectin discreetly from a friend who gets it from Kitchener-Waterloo area and it’s the paste. When my husband went to get some at a place here, they wanted his drivers license and phone number.
So they’re watching us and can easily track. Should I order from you or in the US? I want to be sure what I buy is pure and not Chinese made, although I’m being innocent thinking they probably are making a lot of ours already.
I’m trying to stock up on this to get us through this next ??? What do you suggest?
Truly, God Bless You All for helping us get through this absolute disastrous nightmare we’re trying to navigate and stay alive if that’s even possible.
I’m struggling with the emotional aspect of such a sick family, costs, and fear is almost debilitating thinking 🤔 about it. Plus my family not believing is a tough pill to swallow as I was a Registered Massage Therapist, with only physician referral patients.
I’m so done lol!!!
Thank you all and you’re in my prayers. I pray we don’t loose this ability to communicate.
God Bless as you are the true heroes of this and the real Doctor’s who are honestly fighting for your Oath of The Physician’s. Far and few. That’s so frightening to hear as well.
I’m sorry so long. I’m open to whatever you may think or suggest.
As always, Dr. Trozzi I thank you and appreciate you! Hugs.