Help a Hero: Dr Paul Alexander
Dr Paul Alexander has done a lot for us during the battle for health freedom over the past few years. Now he needs our help.
An Introduction to Dr Paul Alexander
Dr Paul Alexander is a world class Epidemiologist, and he has sacrificed a great deal, and dedicated countless hours of his unyielding labour, to restoring scientific truth and integrity since the Criminal COVID Enterprise launched their campaign against humanity in late 2019. By both co-authoring with Dr Trozzi, and providing his independent articles to us for distribution, along with his many unseen efforts, he has contributed massively to our collective struggle for justice and the restoration of our free societies. He has helped us all, and it’s time that we help him.
Touching on but a fraction of his dedicated efforts, here are the articles in our archive which he has authored or co-authored with Dr Trozzi:
Because of Dr Alexander’s fact-based scientific perspective about COVID, and his willingness to tell his truth no matter the cost, his career has been attacked, and he has been working restlessly without an income for a year. If we can raise some funds for him, it will help him continue his work for the benefit our us all. (Click here)
Fundraiser Description
“Dear Supporter of GiveSendGo,
I am very humbled to be reaching out and with the potential of some support. I am an academic scientist and researcher and have been involved in COVID from the onset of the pandemic. My background, expertise and experience is in evidence based medicine and research methodology and it has been accrued in the last 20 years.
I was also a former Assistant Professor at a Canadian university but they rescinded my appointment because of my advocacy, namely that I am one of the pioneers of early outpatient drug treatment for COVID and I am against the COVID vaccine for children as it provides no opportunity for benefit and only opportunity for harm. The risk benefit calculation skews a decision against the vaccine. Given my stance on the COVID, I have had job offers rescinded. The best way to demonstrate my position on COVID and my advocacy and who I am is to read the following op-ed’s that I have written (I have written more but this is an example, including this pioneering paper with Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Risch, etc. on early treatment for COVID):
4 sample op-eds
2 published papers on treatment
Treatment of early ambulatory high-risk SARS-CoV-2 infection
Early multidrug treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19)
Given my viewpoints as demonstrated in the links above, while all are backed by scientific evidence, because they are against the mainstream narrative, my livelihood has suffered devastatingly. I will not let that deter me from fighting for human lives, safety, and the right for people to have informed choices so that they can make their final decision. I am particularly against any vaccine mandate and I am giving support to several police, military, and nurse group who want to challenge mandates legally. I offer my help free of charge. I will continue to write, research and appear on global media platforms to spread the truth about COVID so individuals can make informed choices.
I am very grateful for any help. Thank you.”
~ Dr. Paul Alexander