Apr 3Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Just listening in to this conversation now and excited to get in to it, but for anyone interested, Dr. Mihalcea has been bringing her great work to Substack too!


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Dr. Trozzi, you worked face to face with a loved one of mine, so I know you are the real deal, thank you so much for being truthful and ethical! I am so happy that here in Canada people are starting to hear about Dr. Ana Mihalcea MD Ph.D. I learned about high dose vitamin C from her. The way I see it is this Nanotechnology causes a positive charge in our red blood cells that causes them to stick together and malfunction. And that Ascorbic Acid Powder/ Vitamin C is a Negatively charged Anitoxident/ Electron donor that can help to restore some Negative charge to our red blood cells in order to cause them to repel each other and move freely and function. Vitamin C also quiets coughs, is an antihistamine, helps with constipation and is a chelator. Dr. Ana also shows that blood coming from someone taking Vitamin C or EDTA does not build polymers (Inverse Opal Hydrogels?). 6000 to 10000 mg Ascorbic Acid per day or to bowel tolerance are doses I heard her speaking about. Her work is so important. And Kelly Bacher a Live Blood Analyist out of Campbelford is showing blood microscope work that corroberates Dr. Ana's findings. Alternative Roots on FB is her page. Those two women brought reality to light for me and I am forever grateful for them. You good man were my first eye opener. Thank you forever as we continue the fight to keep eternal life, the eternal existence of our species, our natural form.

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Nothing against naturally sourced vit. C, but when it is man-made and consumed in massive quantities, surely caution ought to be exercised? I certainly would not take the suggested doses as a matter of course, day by day, 365 days a year. Just as in herbal medicine using potent drugs, the on- and off-periods had better apply.

Last time I saw my bioresonance practitioner, she assessed the vit. C pills (1000 mg) I was taking, and advised ten days on at most, in order to spare my kidneys.

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Dr. Trozzi, with respect...When you use the term "Chemtrails", it is immediately associated with "Conspiracy Theories" and people's brains (especially those who know nothing about geoengineering) tend to shut down at the very mention of the word. I believe that you would be much more effective and reach many more people with the truth about what's been going on in our skies for the past 75 years if you referred to this phenomena as it is written in scientific papers: "Stratospheric Aerosol Injection", "Solar Radiation Management", etc.. Just something to consider.

Thank you again for all of your hard work.

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Thanks Randy. That's great advice.

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3Liked by Dr M Trozzi

You're most welcome, Dr. Trozzi. I believe that accuracy is important. Do you know much about HAARP? It is part of the geoengineering equation. They shoot powerful beans of energy into the ionosphere (not a good thing) which causes disturbances of various kinds. I have a brief technical document that doesn't really get into the negative applications of this technology and a short video by Nick Begich from years ago (an introduction to the technology). I'm including a longer video which does get into the nefarious aspects (if memory serves...). I watched these videos many years ago. I can tell you that at least back then, this man was the #1 authority on the subject. He even lived near the installation in Alaska. Apparently, there are many more today!




P.S. You can find some very interesting info here. Click on HAARP in the top headings.


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You are asking him not to use a proper expression " chemtrails", because the herd is so stupid they do not understand what "conspiracy theory" actually means ?

Seriously? I never dumb myself down for the dimwits. Every prosecutor on the planet is a conspiracy theorist. My work in law often developed conspiracy theories.

And you want us to dumb ourselves down, because you "guess" that most people will dismiss " chemtrails" , because of their ignorance of the meaning of "conspiracy theory"

Feel free to improve your understanding about what conspiracy theory actually means.


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I agree with you completely

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Yes that's great for the intellect which is 2% the rest are sheeple and would think your verbiage is science fiction. You need to keep it simple and what they can relate to. Chemtrails are the right wording

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yes what a shame isnt it? or just Geoengineered Transhumanism , this will cover even more tech areas , but at this point if their brains shut down on any such terms instaed of seriously looking at the evidence and research, and patents , move on they are a waste of time and energy.

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or - tell people to look up at the sky - and observe streaky abnormal looking clouds.

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I've tried that, too many times! All they see are "clouds" or "contrails"; even when it stretches from horizon to horizon and is spreading outward. They see what the media has programmed them to see. Passenger jets don't even leave much of a trail anymore, due to the new "High bypass turbo jet engines". Here's some info on the engines and the second link with a few short videos from Dane Wigington's site, containing irrefutable proof of what's really going on in our skies! Anyone who says to you "prove it"...here it is.



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Tennessee and another east coast state OUTLAWED chem trails..... so it is not a conspiracy theory..... it is a fact

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Yes, it's a move in the right direction; although that won't do anything to stop the spraying that's already ongoing. I know how the system works and we are living in the age of deception...Nothing is as it seems! Tomorrow is the eclipse. Expect the unexpected.

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Apr 3Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Thank you, Dr. Trozzi and Dr. Anna Mihalcea for a most fascinating video. It is no coincidence that I have been referring to the ConVid bioweapon as a "Nanobot Shot" since the very beginning of this global insanity (past posts on Dr. Mercola, Disqus, etc., would confirm this). I already knew that the military had been working on nanotechnology and self-assembling nanobots for decades! I'm happy to see the reference to Klaus Schwab and Noah Yuval Harari, who are definitely aggressively pushing their "transhumanism" agenda. It should be of no surprise to anyone that when I try to explain this agenda to people - they don't believe it and they don't want to hear it! Millions of people are going to be blindsided by what's coming. Look at the number of people who still believe that restricting their oxygen intake is "for their health and safety". Get ready for a new episode of "The Twilight Zone".

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Randy, "nanobot shot" is a great renaming of the faux vax. May I use it with a slight addition-- "nanobot clot shot"?

Apparently, they intend to cull us until they can call us robots.

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Apr 3Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Nanobot clot shot robots…

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Apr 3Liked by Dr M Trozzi

...sounds good to me! Did you see the Pfizer document with 9 pages of "adverse events"? I don't have that document handy, but here's something...do you have some time on your hands? It's not exactly a short list!


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Nine pages of adverse events that can occur from the Pfizer shot? The shots and their shedding are shooting us down through organ and immune system attacks, through disease, dementia, and through generational infertility.

Still, they cannot shoot down the truth completely about what they're doing, why they'd profane life on earth, and what they are.

We can see that they prefer the synthetic life for those of us who survive their culling. We can see how they, themselves, already behave like synthetics, without conscience, empathy or remorse. We see how they're perfecting their own synthesis of brute sociopathy and cold computerization with soulessness and a smile.

They may be trying to mow us down, but they're shooting themselves far worse. The inhumanity they seek will become intolerable, especially to them, for there'll be no un-engineered and human temporal souls left to make them feel like immortal little-g gods. Even worse, losing that God-human consciousness connection in themselves and with the rest of us will become a nightmare void of life for them. Their lives will be all digits and dust.

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Apr 3Liked by Dr M Trozzi

It's not just 9 pages....it's one adverse event, after another, after another, after another, *including death*, one after the other...in sentence form, FOR 9 PAGES.

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Apr 3Liked by Dr M Trozzi

This is the one I was looking for...Start at page 30.


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Thanks Randy!

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5

You're very welcome, Dr. Trozzi. I make it my mission to seek out as much truth/evidence as possible in this deceptive world we live in. I know that you are doing your very best! None of us can know "everything" that's going on in the world. That doesn't mean that we can't make the effort.

BTW: Dr. Trozzi; I'm honored that a person such as yourself, with such a background and accomplishments, takes the time to respond to my posts. It means a lot to me and tells me that I'm on the right track. I will never stop traveling down that "rabbit hole". It seems endless!

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Apr 3Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Thanks, Randy, for helping people read it with their own eyes. Bless you!

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3Liked by Dr M Trozzi

You're welcome, Sandy. I thought I'd just have a look through my library of truth while I'm eating my chili. ;) I have scores of documents from Pfizer, Moderna, DARPA, DoD, WHO, WEF, UN. I have all their secrets and many others in my library.

Oh yeah; plus hundreds and hundreds of videos, documentaries and docu-series...no shortage of evidence/proof of the evils of this world.

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Apr 3Liked by Dr M Trozzi

I am beyond grateful that other science types are acknowledging Dr. Ana's powerful discoveries in this convid theatre we find ourselves playing in.

Others are not as 'generous' and she has taken a lot of criticism by some I had more of.

Dr. Ana has written a book which is 10000% Excellent! Highly recommend!

Truth always rises up though, and you are living proof of that Dr. T!!!

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Apr 3Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Dr. Trozzi- any thoughts on why Dr. Ryan Cole dismisses research and findings like Dr. Mihalcea's? He looked at samples from 100 or so covid vaccines in conjunction with Del Bigtree and the HighWire and says he did not see any signs of nano tech under his microscope. Any structures he saw he said were typical contamination or organic. It seems this topic is creating factions within the health and freedom movement.

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It is a confusing area; perhaps by the design of our enemies: the perpetrators of all things covid. I am a friend and admirer of Dr Cole. I am hoping to get a swath of mixed feedback from my colleagues also regarding this interview, and I will share my thoughts as they evolve. Might there be a variety of experiments, hence people having some radically different observations? Also, different methods of analysis may expose different elements in the same vials. Consider for instance what we learned with the German working group from various analysis https://drtrozzi.org/2022/09/23/whats-really-in-the-covid-vaccines/ ; but when we started gene sequencing it, we found out big and different discoveries https://drtrozzi.org/2023/04/22/dr-trozzi-alert-theres-dna-in-the-rna-shots-lots/ The nanotechnology element has been a suspicion from the start, but the results have varied and conflicted. I imagine some have been genuine and others not. Dr Mihalcea seems to me to be very skilled, diligent, and not hyperbolic. She admits what are her observations and what are her theories. So I decided to get this out and let the feedback and debate come to life.

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Apr 4Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Indeed, at the time of Dr. Cole's investigation I did wonder how he could reach such an unequivocal conclusion based on such a small sample batch. It seems clear that different batches contained different components. I too admire both Dr. Cole and Del Bigtree which made it all the more puzzling. One would have to have a discussion with them. Perhaps they don't want to alarm people. For those of us aware of what's going on since 2020 it's still a lot to handle. If you are just waking up....whoa! this nanotech component and the fact that it's so ubiquitous could be too much. I have to listen to Dr. Milhalcea in small doses interspersed by strolls in Nature. That's my strategy, I watch the birds in the birdbath and feel ok to carry on. Knowledge is power.

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Apr 3Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Dr Ana addresses this directly in another of her presentations. She explains that they are NOT using the dark field microscopy. She showed a photo of a sample under both regular and dark field microscopy and under regular light, and the microbots did NOT show up at all. It's easy to offhandedly discredit something you're not familiar with. But Dr. Ana has covered all the bases in her many hours of video and documentation on sub-stack.

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100% , i have posted videos showing what you see with both brightfield and darkfield of the same technology. No comparison.

Dr Nixon in Australia has posted the best work to date on this. nixonlab

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Apr 3Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Interesting comment. This presentation with Dr. Trozzi seemed very convincing to me , but I do respect Dr. Cole’s opinion as well . This demands investigation certainly.

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Apr 3Liked by Dr M Trozzi

And remember that there were HUNDREDS of variations in the contents of vials for these injections. See howbadismybatch.com (https://howbadismybatch.com/)...track the batch number and compare states, etc....The website was set up years ago now by microbiologists, statisticians, biochemists, people I trust.

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Apr 3Liked by Dr M Trozzi

This is shocking, but so important to know. I'm an electronic engineer, but this is such a different domain of technology. Thanks, guys, for putting this out. I have seen the evidence for this mounting. Is there a way to download this video?

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Might be worth trying a Video Downloader add-on in your browser.

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handbrake is a good downloader for many things.

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So why then did they go to SUCH trouble to vaxxinate such a large portion of the [population] knowing there would be rebellion and eventually figuring out the genocide , then they will all be eliminated , why do this if its possible in other ways such as electromagnetically , human resonance, food , water , quantum level transmission, ect ect . All of this also shows the evil elite DO NOT need our consent, care about our rebellion, or really must tell us in advance. Who gives consent for all the other life forms they are eliminating as well . So we MUST eliminate A. I period .

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4Liked by Dr M Trozzi

they always tell you in one way or another. its a sort of a cosmic agreement between dark and light forces. they even had you sign an informed consent for this killshot!! i agree they could get the same result with geoengeneering, water, food EMF posoning, but INJECTING DEATH & SUFFERING to someone with his written consent , is a delightful RITUAL CONTRACT for them, a "selling of the soul" of sort.

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Also, the profits they have raked in.

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Apr 3Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Incredible work , this woman is a providential gift . Thanks so much Dr. Trozzi , I was familiar with Dr. Mihalcea but this was my first in depth view of her work. I truly appreciate it.

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Apr 3Liked by Dr M Trozzi

This is one hard workin doc. She relentlessly deep-dives into microscopic research. She has a great grasp all the way from science to politics.

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Apr 3Liked by Dr M Trozzi

Thank you for this informational research video I’ve been sharing your videos as I admire your honesty and truth

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Thanks, Dr. Trozzi, this information is important for my research. Could you provide a link to download this video?

Have a great day!

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We currently only have the downloadable version on rumble of a short clip of this (with w Rumble Mp4 free converter) .

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If 100% of everyone is infected with this crap.... we are all F*cked .... most people do not have access to chelation and all of the things we can do .... and then what is the point if we continuously get Shedded on

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The body is an amazing thing with resilient pathways which we are learning more and more about how to support. I guess I will always have the critical resuscitation aspect to my approach: if you have a pulse, there's hope. (-;

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I keep saying this. Even if somehow you cleaned out your blood we’re constantly getting bombarded with all kinds of toxins, emfs, chemicals in the air, food, and water, etc. It’s one step forward and two steps back. We’ll never get our “clean” bodies back. I don’t want to dash all hopes to the ground but we need to do more praying and less worrying.

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The global parasites sure are keeping us busy working to survive their poisons. Lets keep detoxing, problem solving, praying, and pushing for justice and an end to the bad actors. The latter is the key to stopping the relentless assault on life.

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Just joined and subscribed.

What do you suggest is the best way presently to detox from this and get it out of our blood?

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Check out Dr Monzo's work at https://www.drmonzo.com/ and his Naturopathic

clinic at https://www.well-beingbydesign.com/. His opinion is that disabling and detoxing the nanotech with supplements doesn't work since the nanotech has cloaking abilities and can evade anything we throw at it. Dr Monzo is attacking the alien tech energetically with destructive interference, light, sound and magnetism, with good results. One supplement he does recommend in conjunction with the energetic treatments is Fulvic/Humic acid.

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There are other answers that are accessible to all. Look up karlc on stack and the sodium citrate as an example.

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Question: What advice would you give to your expectant daughter regarding vaccines for the newborn child? (I will show my daughter your answer!) Ty!

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Apr 3Liked by Dr M Trozzi

I used VCC (and the book written by Ted Knutz) to advise my granddaughter to not vaccinate my great grandson born Dec 2021. I also sent her the book by Dr. Paul Thomas "The Vaccine-Friendly Plan: Dr. Paul's Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health- from Pregnancy Through Your Child's Teen Years"

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Exemptions of Conscience forms can be printed off. Then parents go to an information session and take both sets of forms to a Public Notery. Stick to the definition of Conscience do not stray into medical reasoning. This is what I have recently learned. My priest in Confession mentioned this kind of Exemption.

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Apr 3Liked by Dr M Trozzi

You know he can't do that right? I would recommend she go to Vaccine Choice Canada for information on that.

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Vaccine Choice Canada is excellent https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/

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STAY AWAY from them! See Children's Health Defense for starters: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/.

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The seventh booster dose of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine has been completed in Japan, and the genetically engineered human trials of a self-replicating replicon vaccine have finally begun. Methylene blue infusion, oral administration, and Augmented NAC have been found to be effective in prion disease, turbo cancer, and renal failure after mRNA vaccination, and I am recommending these novel therapies to our fellow outpatient physicians in Japan as pioneers of LongーVax treatment.

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Everyone should also check out all Sabrina Wallace info excellent

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Have you a link to get us started?

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she has many , brilliant , bold , no BS watch everything from her SK

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She is the real deal and worth learning the truth from.

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