Absolutely wonderful video and information. What I do wonder about re the recommended supplements , is how do you know they work ? I am being a devil's advocate and I've become someone who now questions everything that is suggested . Having said that , my husband and I - mid seventies- have been intermittent fasting for these past few years , have been taking 6 minute ice cold showers , and I have been doing the Wim Hof breathing technique . We had all the early supplements available to us - even what felt like an black market for Ivermectin that we got from the CCCA and didn't need to use them - except the odd Quercetin when we had someone in with the virus and would use the hydrogen peroxide nasal and mouth washes . I wonder how many Canadians did NOT get the planned virus ? I haven't had any cough or a cold for years nor has my husband . I am thinking we are the test subjects that this government wants to get rid of because we aren't a farmed commodity for the WEF and it's alignment with the WHO

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That´s a great question! I´ll see if we can make some more in-debth videos about that.

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Thank you Lluvias . Not sure which question you are responding to but regardless , I am in awe of Dr Trozzi and all he has done and is doing for those of us who know and knew something wasn't right right from the beginning . Even with my own AI explorations , it does in fact say there is the potential for collusion between the WEF and the WHO . When I see videos of Theresa Tam and Tedros saying they look forward to working together , I wondered what could go wrong there !

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Thanks Linelle. IN the COvid Vaccines Detox series https://drtrozzi.org/2023/07/21/covid-vaccines-detox-series/ I discuss mechanisms. IN the first post within that series, under the video, there is a link for a scientific paper titled

Strategies for the Management of Spike Protein-Related Pathology That goes deeply into the various mechanisms of action both proven and theoretical for a very wide array of supplements, plants, techniques and repurposed drugs used to counter the toxic effects of the injections. I think we are doing well with countering the spike protein which is key to many of the mechanisms of hard. We have many challenges in what to do about DNA integration, ribosome frame-shifting triggering more autoimmune diseases, and some other mechanisms of harm.

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Just bookmarked your link here Dr Trozzi and thank you . Read today where a candidate in BC said ,if elected , he would get all the people back into the hospital system who were fired due to being un injected . Funny how common sense scares so many people these days and what a fabulous job you are doing examining what is happening regarding these novel substances . As a former nurse of 20 years , I see how medicine is looking more and more like a medical mafia , especially since so called health canada wants to take over the natural health industry that has caused so many excess deaths. Thank you so much again.

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Thankyou Dr Trozzi

All your info has been great

BUT. This PLEA to the people is so needed.

I talk to people that still think the virus was from bats and still think the vaccine mitigates the symptoms of Covid.

I am sending this explanation of Covid

To everyone I know….

Please push this talk on any major media where more people will hear the truth.

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Thanks Rebecca. Indeed, people need to know that they have been abused psychologically as well as physically. They have been fed a pack of dangerous lies. Thanks for helping save lies by countering propaganda with truth.

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Dear Dr Mark Trozzi,

In the beginning of this travesty you put out a great message for Canadians on "What they can do to prepare for upcoming hardships and how to prepare to be self sufficient." It was really good but I can't find it. It was VERY early maybe 2021 or even earlier. One of the messages was for families to "Double Up." That's one of the phrases, I remember and I wish that I had Copied and pasted it and emailed it to myself which I regularly do. Please help me find it and I'll keep looking.

Thank-you for all of it. Pure Gems.

God Bless you and yours and keep you well.

xo Rolonne Marie Ross

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Hey Rolonne, is this the post you are thinking of? https://drtrozzi.org/2021/09/07/do-not-submit-unite/

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Dr Dr Mark Trozzi,

My friend sent me a link on the Criminal Code of Canada, namely on Domestic Terror. If we all share this link, they will have no choice but to surrender to the people. I am hoping more Military, police/ RCMP will see it and actually DO something. . He claims that quite a few people did not file their taxes this past year but one should if you are getting a refunds. I know 3 people who are deferring their taxes.Property taxes too. Here's the Link >>> God be with Us <3 <3 <3 RMRoss >>>https://www.criminal-code.ca/criminal-code-of-canada-section-83-01-1-definition-of-terrorist-activity/index.html?fbclid=IwY2xjawEQCXFleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHTCH8X3-LD4DPo58Fxzs3k-HgBel4DFl7m-IKDVUKM6UvGbQ7RwTpncdXQ_aem_kSzGJs2GqzBwL_Le9RL1Aw

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